
Have you seen all the Marvel movies? Did you know that Marvel actually has 5 major foreign short films?

author:Marvel Cinematic Intelligence

For many fans who like Marvel, the first three stages of Marvel's movies should basically be familiar, and even for some iron fans, these Marvel movies can achieve the same degree, but similarly, for some fans who are familiar with Marvel, Marvel has a lot of movie plots that will produce some derivative short films!

Have you seen all the Marvel movies? Did you know that Marvel actually has 5 major foreign short films?

Many of these short films involve the follow-up stories of some Marvel characters, as well as some derivative plots based on the background of the movie's major events, and at present, there are 5 typical ones.

So, which of these little short films have you seen?

Haven't seen it? No hurry, let's talk about the plot of these 6 Marvel short films.

[1] "S.H.I.E.L.D. Consultant", highlights: the ending of abomination;

For the origin of the Hulk, in addition to the "Hulk Hulk" directed by Ang Lee of Universal Pictures that year, the sequence that belongs to the Marvel Cinematic Universe is Edward Norton's version of "The Invincible Hulk", and in this movie, it is also the work of the role of "Hate".

Have you seen all the Marvel movies? Did you know that Marvel actually has 5 major foreign short films?

Basically, those who have seen the movie should know the origin, but for many fans, they have only seen the end of hate being trampled under the feet of the Hulk at the end of the movie, and in fact, in the movie, the Hulk did not directly kill the hate.

Have you seen all the Marvel movies? Did you know that Marvel actually has 5 major foreign short films?

So, what is the ultimate arrangement of abomination?

To this end, Marvel specially launched the short film "S.H.I.E.L.D. Consultant" that year, using the conversation of 2 S.H.I.E.L.D. agents including Coulson in the restaurant, pointing out that after "Invincible Hulk", Abomination was not executed, but was imprisoned in the base of General Ross's jurisdiction.

Have you seen all the Marvel movies? Did you know that Marvel actually has 5 major foreign short films?

Moreover, in this short film, it is also mentioned that the old American military once wanted to let Hate join the Avengers and blame the Culprit who caused the disaster in the entire "Invincible Hulk" to the Hulk, but in the end, it did not get its wish.

Have you seen all the Marvel movies? Did you know that Marvel actually has 5 major foreign short films?

[2] "An Interesting Thing Happened on the Way to Thor's Hammer", Highlights: Coulson's Fighting Skills;

Fans who have watched the "Thor" series should know that in the movie "Thor 1", Thor was once deprived of his divine power by Odin because of the conspiracy of his brother Loki, and threw the Hammer of Thor to the earth through the Rainbow Bridge, and also triggered the eagerness of many melon-eating people in "Thor 1" to try to lift the operation of Thor's Hammer.

Have you seen all the Marvel movies? Did you know that Marvel actually has 5 major foreign short films?

In the process, Marvel also filmed a short film "A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Thor's Hammer", which tells the story of S.H.I.E.L.D.' agent Coulson, who drove to the location where Thor's Hammer fell after receiving the news of the discovery of Thor's Hammer, went to the convenience store to buy something, but was robbed.

Have you seen all the Marvel movies? Did you know that Marvel actually has 5 major foreign short films?

The whole plot is actually relatively simple, and the point of view is naturally the process of How Coulson is in the convenience store, how to turn over the gangsters with guns with his bare hands.

Have you seen all the Marvel movies? Did you know that Marvel actually has 5 major foreign short films?

[3] "Obsolete Man", highlights: US team plot articulation + US team World War II footage;

As one of the core characters in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the importance of the US team in Marvel is self-evident, and the origin of the US team is also very clear to many fans, but after the US team was "resurrected" from the ice, in the face of 2 completely different era differences caused by the 75-year time span.

Have you seen all the Marvel movies? Did you know that Marvel actually has 5 major foreign short films?

How did the U.S. team face it during this period?

Marvel also filmed the "Obsolete Man" US team perspective short film (in fact, it is a deleted clip of "Avengers 1", which was originally in the beginning Nick. Before Fury went to find Captain America), in this short film, there are a lot of shots of the US team recalling the World War II period, and it also lays the easter eggs of many subsequent Marvel movies, such as the information about Iron Man that the US team saw in the room.

Have you seen all the Marvel movies? Did you know that Marvel actually has 5 major foreign short films?

At the same time, the coffee shop waiter who thanked the US team for saving himself in "Reunion 1" actually has a foreshadowing plot in this short film.

Have you seen all the Marvel movies? Did you know that Marvel actually has 5 major foreign short films?

It is worth mentioning that this short film also has stan Lee Laozi joining!

Have you seen all the Marvel movies? Did you know that Marvel actually has 5 major foreign short films?

[4] "Item No. 47", Highlights: Zitauri Technology;

I believe that fans who have seen "Reunion 1" should be familiar with the great war of the Chitauri invasion of New York in the movie.

Have you seen all the Marvel movies? Did you know that Marvel actually has 5 major foreign short films?

It was also this great war that led to the appearance of alien technology weapons left behind by the N-Dozitauri after the Great War, and the short film "Item 47" is based on the story of one of the Chitari weapons accidentally obtained by a couple.

Have you seen all the Marvel movies? Did you know that Marvel actually has 5 major foreign short films?

The short film begins with couples robbing a bank with a Chitauri weapon.

In this regard, in order to recover the "Item 47" taken by the couple robbers, the Hydra skinhead agent who was exposed in "Us Team 2" lurking in S.H.I.E.L.D. became the agent candidate for recovering alien technology in this short film.

Have you seen all the Marvel movies? Did you know that Marvel actually has 5 major foreign short films?

[5] "Long Live the King", highlights: the prison life of the fake "Mandarin";

In "Iron Man 3", we all see the fake "Mandarin" created by the villain with the desperate virus, which is essentially a character played by the comic actor Slaterry, and in "Iron Man 3" it was not killed in the end, but was caught.

Have you seen all the Marvel movies? Did you know that Marvel actually has 5 major foreign short films?

And the plot of the entire "Long Live the King" short film is also around the life of Slotri in prison after being arrested, it is worth mentioning:

At the end of the short film, the lawyer disguised as a member of the "Ten Commandments Gang" finally finds Slotri in prison and says that he will not kill him, but will take him out.

Have you seen all the Marvel movies? Did you know that Marvel actually has 5 major foreign short films?

However, the man he was pretending to be on the outside might be more interested in killing Slaterry!

Have you seen all the Marvel movies? Did you know that Marvel actually has 5 major foreign short films?

These 5 short films are basically side stories based on some movie backgrounds of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, which may be the foreshadowing of the main film, or it may be a continuation, or even a fan, but overall it is still very interesting and can be seen.

Have you seen all the Marvel movies? Did you know that Marvel actually has 5 major foreign short films?

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