
One of China's Top Ten Forbidden Lands - Ghost Village "Closed Gate Village"

The world is big, there are no wonders. In this world, there are many magical events that are difficult for people to understand, but due to the lack of scientific knowledge to explain, people can only call it "cow ghost snake god".

I believe that everyone has heard the older generation tell stories, and the ghost village has always been the public's after-tea talk. If you want to talk about ghost villages in China, you have to mention the closed door village. ---- yes, it is the closed gate village, one of the ten forbidden places in China. Legend has it that this place has a long history, the ancient battlefield, the ancient sheep intestines, jiao Zan, Meng Liang two fierce generals once tun troops here, Fengmen Village is famous for the continuous transmission of supernatural events.

Hello everyone!

I'm MoY.

I present a different history for everyone.

Below, I will take you into The Gate Village, the first ghost village in China, to understand the truth behind this.

A brief introduction to the village of Closed Gate

Fengmen Village, located on the outskirts of Qinyang City, Jiaozuo, Henan Province, has been uninhabited since 1981 due to natural conditions, the residents of the village have been relocated from the ghost village "Fengmen Village", ---- one of the top ten forbidden places in China.

One of China's Top Ten Forbidden Lands - Ghost Village "Closed Gate Village"

"Sealing the door", that is, the wind door is extinct, the man is not allowed to marry, and the woman is not allowed to have children.

In fact, the real name of the village is "Fengmen Village".

In ancient times, people tried to call places with dangerous geographical locations, easy to defend and difficult to attack "wind gates" or "entrance passes". If according to yin and yang feng shui, the southeast 90 degrees of orientation is the most auspicious "wind gate".

However, due to the fact that many people have written it by mistake before, and there are many rumors, people are more accustomed to calling this place "Closed Gate Village".

There are many reasons why people associate the village with ghosts, first of all, from the name of the village, it gives people a creepy feeling.

2. The Supernatural Incident in The Village of Closed Doors

1 The houses in Fengmen Village are built against feng shui.

In traditional Chinese feng shui, houses generally face north and south, especially in the north and the central plains, but the houses in Fengmen Village are either east-west or diagonally oriented, regardless of the feng shui pattern, doors and windows are opposite, and it is not taboo to wear the hall.

There is only one house in the whole village that is facing north and south (this house has a Taishi chair placed in the middle of the first floor, which is the first evil thing in the village, and those who have sat on the Taishi chair have died in accidents).

One of China's Top Ten Forbidden Lands - Ghost Village "Closed Gate Village"

2 Funeral Customs - People are buried with masks after death. "People and ghosts live together, people die and do not leave the village"

Although Fengmen Village is located in the Central Plains, it has its own set of "burial customs" that are completely different from the traditional customs of the Han people - the corpses of Fengmen Village are buried with masks, which is common in the tombs of Egyptian pharaohs, but rare in China.

The valley where Fengmen Village is located is called Ghost Valley for no reason, but because "there are bones in the ditch and there are ghosts in the bends".

Because people and ghosts live in the same village, in order to suppress the ghosts, there is a way to wear masks for dead bodies.

One of China's Top Ten Forbidden Lands - Ghost Village "Closed Gate Village"

3 Do not worship gods but worship ghosts, and worship official dolls

People have a reverence for the gods, and the reverence often makes them worship both gods and ghosts, but in Fengmen Village, such a temple is enshrined, not Buddha or god, but two strange dolls, a pair of male and female statues dressed in Ming Dynasty official clothes.

One of China's Top Ten Forbidden Lands - Ghost Village "Closed Gate Village"

However, many rumors, the most supernatural is the "pillow ghost face" incident in 1963, which was rated as one of the "top ten supernatural events in the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China".

4 "Pillow Grimace" incident

1963 Pillow Side Grimace Incident

In 1963, three young people from Zhengzhou admired the peculiar cottages and scenery of Fengmen Village, and brought easels to Fengmen Village to sketch.

On the day I entered the village, just in time for the funeral in the village a few days ago, the family of three had a high fever and died violently.

The three young men came to the village, saw a pillow in the middle of the road, and kicked it to the side of the road, which was only the beginning of the evil nature of this matter.

One of China's Top Ten Forbidden Lands - Ghost Village "Closed Gate Village"

After arriving at The Gate Village, the village party secretary handed over the house vacated by the violently killed family of three to the three young people to live in.

One of China's Top Ten Forbidden Lands - Ghost Village "Closed Gate Village"

However, the three young people have been living in a series of strange things.

First of all, I often heard children outside in the middle of the night calling mom ~ mom, but when I went out to see, there was no one around the house. In addition, the three of them had the same nightmares one after another, and a ghost climbed into bed in the middle of the night.

Then one day, one of them opened the closet during the day to look for clothes, and suddenly found that there was a grimace hidden behind the clothes in the closet, which was exactly the same as the grimace he had dreamed of. On the same day, the man developed a high fever.

And the next day, the second person also dreamed of grimaces at night, and was awakened to find a woman's back naked bathing by the well in the courtyard, the young man was wondering in amazement, and suddenly the woman turned her head back, smiled at him strangely, and jumped into the well.

One of China's Top Ten Forbidden Lands - Ghost Village "Closed Gate Village"

Since then, however, men have often dreamed of the woman who jumped into the water and have also developed a high fever.

The third young man saw that the two friends had a high fever and were very anxious, so they found the Great Immortal. Daisen took the slaughtered chicken and wine to the grave of the three young men and worshipped them separately in front of the stone statue and the grave of the family of three.

After that, the fever gradually receded and the nightmare gradually disappeared.

Later, some people analyzed the reasons for bumping into ghosts at night, in addition to raising people, feng shui good places are more raising ghosts, and like the custom of people and ghosts living together in The village, people who die out of the village, although a family of three has died violently, but the bones are buried near the house, it is possible that the ghost goes home, and even the ghost goes to bed in the middle of the night.

And due to the problem of the direction of the house road in the village, there are too many ditches and bumps and twisting alleys, and the houses are built on the terrain, and the ghosts are trapped in the labyrinth-like village, and it is difficult to go out.

Coupled with pagan worship, there was neither Buddha nor Taoism, resulting in the village wandering outside the Three Realms, without the suppression of the Positive Yang, and the two stone statues of the previous two could not suppress more and more ghosts.

The Mystery of MikuMura

The first is the difficulty of going to school

Although the village has also built three classrooms for the first and second grades of primary schools, on the one hand, the place is remote and the salary is low, and the teachers are reluctant to teach here for a long time. On the other hand, with the needs of education, children have to go outside to school, the distance is long, and consider relocating due to the cost of students' safety and housing.

The second is the issue of drinking water and food

There is a river in front of Fengmen Village, many years ago, this river flowed continuously all year round, but later, the river often ran out of water, and the drinking water of people and livestock became a problem. People have only built cisterns, although daily drinking water is guaranteed, but it is impossible to water the farmland, and people's survival is an important issue. For years and years, it has relied on state relief, and it is often difficult to solve the fundamental problems.

The third is the traffic problem

Many villages have been built deep in the mountains for historical reasons and are extremely inaccessible. Because many mountain villages are small and scattered, the state cannot invest too much money to build the passage roads one by one, so it is a very difficult thing for people in mountain villages to shop and sell. Many elderly people have not even gone out of the mountains in their lifetime, and some young people are unable to marry their daughters-in-law and live alone all their lives. Therefore, forced migration is also a helpless and inevitable thing.

One of China's Top Ten Forbidden Lands - Ghost Village "Closed Gate Village"
One of China's Top Ten Forbidden Lands - Ghost Village "Closed Gate Village"

In this harsh situation, the State arranged for the collective relocation of villages in 1981.

References: Records of Chinese Strange Archives, Anecdotes of Fengmen Village, Fengmen Village, Henan

What have you experienced

Supernatural events?

Walking around a haunted house doesn't count.

Okay, that's what's in this issue. ---- the next period will bring China's top ten forbidden places--- kunlun mountain hell gate "Death Valley".

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