
Zeng Zhongliang, deputy secretary of the Linwu County CPC Committee and secretary of the Political and Legal Committee of the County CPC Committee, went to Nanqiang Town to inspect the work of safe production

author:Chenchen Prefecture

On January 18, Zeng Zhongliang, deputy secretary of the county party committee and secretary of the political and legal committee of the county party committee, stressed when inspecting the safety production work in Nanqiang Town that it is necessary to tighten the string of safe production at all times, do a solid job in epidemic prevention and control, and ensure the orderly development of various work.

Zeng Zhongliang, deputy secretary of the Linwu County CPC Committee and secretary of the Political and Legal Committee of the County CPC Committee, went to Nanqiang Town to inspect the work of safe production

In the Nanqiang Town Elderly Home, Zeng Zhongliang inspected in detail the fire fighting facilities, fire equipment and management accounts of the Home for the Elderly, and carefully inspected the epidemic prevention and control and food safety of the Home for the Elderly. Zeng Zhongliang pointed out that the nursing home is a key epidemic prevention area, and it is necessary to effectively strengthen the epidemic prevention and control work in the hospital, guide the elderly to warm safely, and correctly use heating equipment; pay close attention to the physical health of the elderly, do a good job in food safety work, and ensure the safety of the elderly's diet; we must effectively solve the difficulties and problems encountered in the nursing home to ensure that the elderly are warm and safe in winter.

Zeng Zhongliang, deputy secretary of the Linwu County CPC Committee and secretary of the Political and Legal Committee of the County CPC Committee, went to Nanqiang Town to inspect the work of safe production

At the Guguping gas station in Nanqiang Town, Zeng Zhongliang carefully inspected the gas station's work account, monitoring records and oil discharge port. Zeng Zhongliang stressed that the traffic problem has always been the focus of township safety management, and gas stations should continue to strengthen the control of the source and keep a close eye on the "two certificates and one helmet" inspection of motorcycles; we must further enhance fire awareness, standardize the operation process, do a good job in anti-electricity and fire prevention work, and ensure the safety of gas stations.

Zeng Zhongliang, deputy secretary of the Linwu County CPC Committee and secretary of the Political and Legal Committee of the County CPC Committee, went to Nanqiang Town to inspect the work of safe production

At the Nanqiang Town Health Center, Zeng Zhongliang inquired in detail about the returnees and vaccinations. Zeng Zhongliang said that as the Spring Festival approaches, the number of returnees is gradually increasing, and the health center should strictly do a good job in the "double code" inspection of personnel entering and leaving, and effectively cooperate with townships to do a good job in vaccination work; townships and towns should effectively do a good job in the investigation and registration of mobile personnel and guard the epidemic prevention line.

During the period, Zeng Zhongliang also went to the fireworks and firecrackers business store to inspect the safety production work.

Deputy County Governor Li Yi participated in the inspection.

【Source: Linwu News Network】

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