
The end of the Internet business opportunity is "selling misery" and "mu weak"?

author:Everybody is a product manager
Editor's Guide: Recently, there is a type of blogger - "weak bloggers" who seem to have seized the traffic password. The relatively weak bloggers in the camera have stimulated the sympathy of many people, and from this, business opportunities have emerged. But are the stories of "vulnerable bloggers" credible? This article has made an interpretation of the current phenomena and problems, let's take a look at it together.
The end of the Internet business opportunity is "selling misery" and "mu weak"?

"Creamy crisp, delicious, little yellow car order." Zhao Laohan, who is more than 70 years old, sits in a poorly furnished room, muttering some difficult dialects in his mouth, and every sentence he says will make the tail note long. From March 2021 to now, almost every night at 8 o'clock, Zhao Laohan will work in this form until late at night.

An elderly person of the age of Zhao Laohan should have been raised for a long time, but now there is a live broadcast room "forced to open". In fact, some people have long questioned the authenticity of this kind of live broadcast, but before the team behind the scenes surfaces, this group of elderly anchors will continue to be active in the audience's heart-wrenching and curiosity.

The emergence of this type of live broadcast is also based on the continuous intensification of the Situation of "Mu Weak" on the Internet. Many types of video content such as migrant workers' lives, migrant sister diaries, and takeaway workers' days have received good traffic on major platforms, and the "social animals" who are not reduced in life have begun to regard such videos as the healing time of the day.

Under the phenomenon, there are opportunities, but there are also many thunder points.

First, the old people in the mountains who brought goods in the early morning began to appear in batches?

On one side of the old wall that looks a little yellow, there are a few small colored lights that flash and a typical old-style wall clock, which is the background of the live broadcast room behind Zhao Laohan, and in front of it are daily necessities and small snacks that sell for less than 10 yuan.

Zhao Laohan once revealed the real information in the early days of the account operation: born before the founding of the People's Republic of China, named Zhao Dewen, in order to improve his life and give his granddaughter a better future, he is working hard to learn to live stream goods. From the launch of the broadcast in March 2021 to the present, Zhao Dewen's two accounts have jointly accumulated nearly 500,000 fans.

According to the information compiled by his account, from March to September 2021, Zhao Dewen's live streaming income exceeded 130,000 yuan, which greatly improved Zhao Dewen's family situation. Only for the whereabouts of this income, many fans constantly ask questions, but they have not been able to get a clear answer, and Zhao Dewen still insists on live broadcasting every night with sleepy eyes, there is no emotional support in the room, no deafening BGM, only Zhao Dewen repeats the dialect.

The end of the Internet business opportunity is "selling misery" and "mu weak"?

Grandpa Zhao's half-yearly income is about 130,000 yuan

The content of the bullet screen is often divided into two categories, one is that Grandpa Zhao is very hard, so he constantly places orders to help Grandpa out of the predicament; the other always wants to find out the real situation of Grandpa, is he coerced? Did you really get the payoffs?

For these doubts, the operator of the account has explained many times, the other party said that the grandfather's child suffered from cerebral infarction and could not help him operate the account, so the account is currently handed over to poverty alleviation volunteers. As for the situation where the question is banned, the other party said: "This kind of questioning is easily rhythmized by groups with ulterior motives, which will make Grandpa's live broadcast room be restricted." ”

Even so, people still can't trust Grandpa Zhao's live broadcast room with 100% trust, after all, there are too many lessons from the past of "overturning".

Also more than 70 years old Grandma Yan also often appeared in the live broadcast ranking at 3 or 4 a.m., and later some netizens found that Grandma Yan's account did have team control, and with the joint report of netizens, the account of "Grandma Yan's Happy Life" was finally verified by the platform and cancelled. There is also an elderly Internet celebrity who once swallowed live fish, light bulbs, and bundled firecrackers on his body, and was exposed to the fact that shooting such dangerous videos was caused by coercion.

Andy. Warhol once said, "Everyone can be a celebrity for 15 minutes." "The rapid rise and viral spread of short video platforms has brought this opportunity to everyone. But do these vulnerable people, who are in the spotlight, really want this opportunity?

Second, when the "social animals" began to "admire the weak", business opportunities surfaced

It is not difficult to see from Zhao Dewen's earnings of 130,000 yuan in half a year with goods that the elderly bloggers or weak bloggers whose packaging is not exquisite enough still attract huge traffic and "feed" a group of fans who need spiritual sustenance.

I don't know when to start, An An's B station homepage recommendation list is always some grounded life videos. There are a record of the day of the takeaway brother, the first time migrant workers eat self-heating hot pot, and the Xiamen part-time work record of the "post-90s" indebted couple... After work, Ann used to playing such videos to get a moment of mental rest.

"Once inadvertently opened the life VLOG of a 'post-90s' debt couple, when I saw that their family situation fell from well-off to high debt because of a failed investment, but the two people did not complain to each other, but took their two children to Xiamen to work together, the man in order to earn more money every day on the construction site, but returned home and always smiled at the family for the first time, this atmosphere made me feel very warm." Ann told Zinc Scale why she liked these videos.

Seeing that the couple is about to return to their hometown of Sichuan this year, An An is also happy for them. Sometimes when there are problems at work or problems in life, when An An sees them so difficult but still smiles, he will always be cured in an instant, and there is a kind of "I should not give up easily" momentum.

Also in love with this kind of "weak video" is Scarlett. Scarlett's favorite UP owner is a single mother and her son, and they will use a video of about 8 minutes a day, mostly sharing the dinner of the day and the interesting things and troubles in life. After nearly two years of attention, this video makes Scarlett feel like she has become a distant friend of their mother and son.

Every night before going to bed, open the video, follow the camera to feel the day of their mother and son, but also get some encouragement and comfort from it, which has long become Scarlett's bedtime habit. Scarlett recalled that the video that made her click the "follow" button was the third month of up the owner's visit to the B station, in which she carefully described her experience, debts and the cost of raising children, and confessed that she had successfully earned the cost of her son learning to draw in the past 3 months since opening the account.

The words are sincere and have become the label of the UP master, so the bullet screen area and comment area of her videos are always very warm, and fans often return the greatest kindness and blessings, and sincerely hope that the lives of the two of them will flourish.

"Every time she 'just got to dinner,' the fans would be happy for her because it meant their lives would be a little bit better again." Scarlett mentioned that sometimes the video captures the son of the UP owner who is just on his birthday, and everyone will raise gifts through the form of "one key and three consecutive times", which is also a special way of interaction.

The end of the Internet business opportunity is "selling misery" and "mu weak"?

Vulnerable groups are beginning to become traffic passwords

Under the influence of the Internet as a medium, a wonderful bond has formed between "social animals" and "weak bloggers". In the "video of the weak", the "social animal" looks for a rare spiritual healing after the stress of the workplace, and generates a sense of accomplishment by helping the disadvantaged bloggers live a better life, and this investment of less paying high return is indeed worth it. And the "weak bloggers" have opened up a new market on the Internet by taking a different approach, and the weak and the weak quickly feel sorry for each other.

Third, the true and false vulnerable groups are difficult to distinguish

The Internet may indeed be fair, as long as there is a smartphone, record life and upload life, there is a chance to become famous. But the network is not completely fair, the increasingly mature packaging team continues to create similar accounts in a similar way, and a personal design is consuming the trust of fans.

If the mutual achievement of weak bloggers and fans is the most ideal state, then once the "overturned", it will only encounter unprecedented resistance. After all, after violating the tenet of "hitting workers and not cheating workers", the traffic password will be invalid immediately.

B station UP master "bar chi bunny" is such an example, initially she as a single single working girl daily update dinner video, soon attracted nearly 200,000 fans. However, some fans soon discovered that the working girl who lived a poor life in front of the camera was actually the owner of a media company who already owned it.

Later, he was dug up to work in a regional education bureau in Guangzhou, attended a variety of important occasions, and the image of a cowering migrant girl was very different. For a time, "Bar Chi Bunny" in the B station, Zhihu, Weibo and other platforms were pulled out of the black history, including the collapse of human settings, the sale of three no diet pills, powder and other behaviors, the video barrage and comments almost all turned into insults, even if later "Bar Chi Bunny" tried to change the account, change the style, but still can not go back.

The situation of the poor elderly anchors mentioned above is also very similar, and some self-media people have broken the news in their own short videos, "95% of the elderly anchors with rural backgrounds and poor backgrounds are actors packaged by MCN institutions, and they have their own set of live broadcast operation methods." At the beginning of the broadcast, it cost 1,000 yuan to buy traffic recommendations for 5,000 people, and the fan conversion rate was not bad. ”

The end of the Internet business opportunity is "selling misery" and "mu weak"?

The video traffic and topics of the migrant worker group are quite high

In addition, some data show that the female fan group in the live broadcast room of poor elderly anchors accounts for more than 70%, and the age distribution is 80% under the age of 35, and their empathy ability is stronger, so it is easy to bring benefits.

But in fact, the crazy gushing "weak bloggers" on major platforms are essentially inseparable from the traffic password of "selling misery", from a variety of low-level working people to the elderly in the mountains who know nothing about the Internet, this track plays more and more tricks.

It's just that with the frequent occurrence of bottomless events, we should also think about whether the elderly and vulnerable groups have become puppets of capital. And the extreme pursuit of traffic by self-media, should it be regulated and rectified?

Author: Xingwan, Editor: Chen Dengxin

This article was originally published by @Zinc Scales on Everyone is a Product Manager and is not allowed to be reproduced without permission

The title image is from Unsplash, based on the CC0 protocol

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