
Perceive the "resilience" of China's economy

author:China Jilin Net

In 2021, China's economy is actually facing many risks and challenges.

The century-old changes superimposed on the century epidemic, demand contraction, supply shock, and expectations weakened. Under triple pressure, China's total economic volume reached 1143670 billion yuan, an increase of 8.1% year-on-year, handing over a brilliant report card for the opening year of the "14th Five-Year Plan".

What underpins this report card? In 2021, China's economy has shown strong resilience with large aggregates, stable growth rate and strong development potential, and among the world's major economies, economic growth rate ranks in the forefront, becoming a stabilizer and a major development engine in an uncertain world.

In the past few decades, it is also this resilience and potential that has supported China's economy all the way up the hill and faced the stormy waves.

This time, we try to open up the macroeconomy and go to those microeconomic units to see what these microscopic and concrete droplets look like in the ocean of China's economy.

In the past month, we have gone to some big cities, but also to different rural towns, from the pillar industries of the national economy to the "specialized new small enterprises", from the assembly line of the factory, to the restaurants and supermarkets, to perceive the changes, explore the reasons, hope that from this drop of water, see the grandeur of China's economic sea, feel the resilience of China's economy.

It's still brightly lit in the early hours of the morning, and there are many stories in these small towns

The county town is connected to the city at one end and the countryside at the other, and in many ways has the characteristics of both urban and rural. In the large economic circulation system, the county economy has assumed an important role in carrying forward the upper and lower levels, and is also the cornerstone of China's economic vitality and resilience.

How important are county seats to China? Data show that at present, more than 1800 counties and county-level cities in the country, the total economic volume accounts for 38% of the country, and the number of county-level household registration population accounts for 63.9% of the total national household registration population.

Therefore, sensing China's economic resilience, the county is an unavoidable topic. Our observation of the county town begins at night in a small county town. The story of the small town starts here, and it also brings out the vitality of China's county economy.

Hidden Dragon Crouching Tiger's "Market Jungle" hides more than 4,000 "little giants"

Who is the "Little Giant"? They are a special group in the main body of the Chinese market. It may not be large, it may not be known, but it is full of skills. In the "jungle" of the highly competitive market, what do they rely on to gain a foothold? Behind the obscurity, what internal skills are they practicing?

There are now 4762 "Little Giants" in the country. Zhejiang, Guangdong, Beijing and Shandong are the "top four" in the number of small giant enterprises, which together account for nearly one-third of the country. The Small Giant enterprises are mainly concentrated in manufacturing and scientific research and technical services. More than 60% of the "little giants" belong to the field of industrial base, more than 70% of them have been deeply cultivating the industry for more than 10 years, and more than 80% of them rank first in the provincial market segment, and a number of "short board" and "fill in the blanks" enterprises have emerged, becoming an important supporting force for the construction of a manufacturing power.

The "problem" of the industrial chain of wig enterprises was unexpectedly solved in a small county town in the west

In 2021, China's import and export scale exceeded $6 trillion, a record high. When world trade was blocked by the epidemic, China became a stabilizer of world trade with a strong and complete supply chain industry chain.

Behind this, of course, it is inseparable from Chinese enterprises. Of course, the epidemic will also affect Chinese companies. However, in the face of various change bureaus, these enterprises do not choose to lie flat, in order to survive, in order to develop, they take the initiative to attack, in the face of unknown changes, enterprises in peace and danger, began to work the practice of internal skills, in order to occupy the initiative of the market in the positive response. The resilience of China's economy is felt by the data, from the efforts of these companies.

Manufacturing → "intellectual" manufacturing, thanks to it

Steel, cement, textile industry, these traditional industries, account for more than half of the total GDP. Many industries are closely related to the national economy and people's livelihood, and are veritable pillar industries in the national economy.

But on the other hand, when it comes to these industries, people often think of "stupid", "big", "black" and "coarse".

Times are changing, are traditional industries changing?

When the workshop is no longer splashed with molten iron, when the factory building is no longer chaotic and noisy, when the robot appears in the production line, when the factory area becomes a 3A scenic spot, will you sincerely sigh: traditional industries are not "traditional". In the traditional industries that are more than half of the GDP and are related to the national economy and people's livelihood, after meeting the digital economy, they have changed the manufacturing industry into "intelligent" manufacturing, which has brought us different surprises.

According to statistics, there are currently more than 76 million sets of equipment in China connected to the online cloud, and a huge industrial Internet is connecting many industrial chains and upstream and downstream coverage of the primary, secondary and tertiary industries.

The digital economy is giving wings to traditional industries.

How many vegetables are brought to the table every day in China? The answer is a bit surprising

With a population of more than 1.4 billion, it is the world's second largest consumer market; the scale of domestic demand exceeds 10 trillion yuan. More than 400 million middle-income groups, per capita GDP of more than 10,000 US dollars, contains strong consumption potential; more than 90 million market entities, accounting for nearly 70% of the national market entities, through the whole process of commerce, trade, circulation and consumption.

This is the huge Chinese market.

Ambassadors with goods "seconds of space", CheLizi "into the countryside into the village", Shanghai Bund experiential shopping, Tibet Lhasa same day goods, huge consumer demand, is showing the Chinese people, to the world the space, resilience and vitality of the ultra-large-scale consumer market.

Consumer demand is strong, modern lifestyles are sinking rapidly, and those logistics capillaries that penetrate deep into the countryside are awakening a huge market in the county and below.

In 2021, more than 80% of the country's villages will be connected to express delivery, and Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shanghai and other places will basically achieve village-to-village communication; the total number of express parcels received and delivered in rural areas will reach 37 billion, driving agricultural products out of the villages and into the cities and industrial products to the countryside into the villages more than 1.85 trillion yuan.

Community e-commerce service points have covered most communities and villages in more than 2,600 districts and counties across the country, and more than 60% of townships and towns have established a three-level warehouse distribution logistics network system. Most can be delivered next-day, and some can even be reached the same day.

In 2022, although the pressure and challenges faced will not be less at all, it can be seen from the report card of China's economy in 2021 that the trend of sustained economic recovery and development of the mainland economy has not changed, the conditions of production factors supporting high-quality development have not changed, the fundamentals of long-term improvement have not changed, and China's economy is full of confidence and has a sonorous pace.

(CCTV reporter Zhang Qin Yuequn Ding Yani Zhu Jihua Li Xin Wu Hao Chen Yujie Zhang Yijin Li Bin Yudi Zhang Bo Zhang Hao Wang Xiushuai Zhang Zhi Chen Wen Wu Qiong Zhou Hong Sun Huisheng Luo Anmin Li Chao Gao Rui Cheng Yilin Yang Guangdong Guangdong Tai Jiangsu Tai Shanghai Tai Sichuan Tai Hubei Tai Hunan Tai Jiangxi Tai Guizhou Tai Shandong Tai Zhejiang Tai Shaanxi Tai Hainan TAI Anhui Tai Shanxi Tai Yiwu Tai Yiwu Tai Yiwu Tai Qingdao Tai Zunyi Tai Ezhou Tai Zhuji Tai Shou Guang Tai Donghai Tai)

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