
Nazarbayev's "lifelong" post was abolished

author:Kazakhstan New Observation

On the 19th local time, The lower house of the Kazakh parliament member Nurov said through social media that the lower house of the parliament has approved the bill on the cancellation of the first president Nazarbayev's lifelong presidency of the Kazakh People's Assembly and the chairman of the Security Council.

Nazarbayev's "lifelong" post was abolished

Nurov said that the first president, Nazarbayev, had previously announced his resignation as chairman of the People's Congress and chairman of the Security Council, a fact confirmed by parliament through legal procedures.

He stressed that, in accordance with the law, the office of President of the People's Assembly and the Security Council belonged to the President of the State.

Nazarbayev's "lifelong" post was abolished

Nurov pointed out that in Kazakhstan, it is necessary to break the political monopoly in the economy, deal with the financial and foreign exchange flows related to mineral exports, and make them transparent, "We need to streamline the economy and politics." If someone steals something, let the court settle it. ”

Nurov also said: "We should fight poverty, not wealth. ”

On April 28, 2021, Nazarbayev announced his resignation as President of the People's Congress to the current President Tokayev. During the recent unrest, Nazarbayev decided to hand over the post of Chairman of the Security Committee to Tokayev.


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