
Hou Xiaobin served as vice mayor and acting mayor of Linyi City

author:Poster News

Standing Committee of Linyi Municipal People's Congress


(No. 111)

The 45th Meeting of the Standing Committee of the 19th People's Congress of Linyi City decided on January 19, 2022:

Accept Li Dengquan's request to resign as vice mayor of Linyi Municipal People's Government.

In accordance with the provisions of the law, report to the Linyi Municipal People's Congress for the record.

It is hereby announced.

January 19, 2022

(No. 112)

At the 45th meeting of the Standing Committee of the 19th People's Congress of Linyi City, at the request of Ren Gang, Mayor of Linyi Municipal People's Government, on January 19, 2022, it was decided to appoint:

Hou Xiaobin and Rong Hongzhi are vice mayors of Linyi Municipal People's Government.

(No. 113)

Ren Zelong is the director of the Linyi Municipal Public Security Bureau;

Li Jianmei is the director of The Finance Bureau of Linyi City;

Zhao Ming is the director of Linyi Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau;

Tang Yinbo is the director of Linyi Municipal Water Conservancy Bureau;

Liu Chunchen is the director of Linyi Municipal Bureau of Commerce;

Zhang Mingli is the director of Linyi Forestry Bureau.

Decided to dispense with:

Li Dengquan's position as director of the Linyi Municipal Public Security Bureau;

Zhang Weiqiang's position as director of the Linyi Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau;

Zhang Tao's position as director of the Linyi Municipal Water Conservancy Bureau;

Zhang Hongyong's position as director of the Linyi Municipal Bureau of Commerce;

Tang Yinbo was the director of the Linyi Forestry Bureau.

(No. 114)

At the 45th meeting of the Standing Committee of the 19th People's Congress of Linyi City, at the request of Qi Jun, Director of the Linyi Municipal Supervision Commission, on January 19, 2022, the following appointments were appointed:

Shang Hongyan is the deputy director of the Linyi Municipal Supervision Commission.


Tang Dongyuan held the post of deputy director of the Linyi Municipal Supervision Commission.

(No. 115)

At the 45th meeting of the Standing Committee of the 19th People's Congress of Linyi City, at the request of Yu Xiaodong, President of the Intermediate People's Court of Linyi City, on January 19, 2022, the following appointments were appointed:

Zhu Haijian is the vice president, member of the adjudication committee and adjudicator of the Linyi Intermediate People's Court.

(No. 116)

At the 45th meeting of the Standing Committee of the 19th People's Congress of Linyi City, at the request of Wang Qinjie, chief procurator of the Linyi Municipal People's Procuratorate, on January 19, 2022, it was dismissed:

Jia Weiguo held the post of deputy chief procurator of the Linyi Municipal People's Procuratorate.

(No. 117)

Accept Ren Gang's request to resign as mayor of Linyi Municipal People's Government.

(No. 118)

Accept Yu Xiaodong's request to resign as president of the Linyi Intermediate People's Court.

(No. 119)

The 45th Meeting of the Standing Committee of the 19th People's Congress of Linyi City, in accordance with the proposal of the Standing Committee of the Linyi Municipal People's Congress, decided on January 19, 2022:

Hou Xiaobin is the acting mayor of Linyi Municipal People's Government.

(No. 120)

Zhu Haijian is the acting president of the Linyi Intermediate People's Court.