
The reader in the famous painting

author:A complete knowledge of art history

Flaubert said that "to read is to live".

Those famous painters liked to paint women and men who read books, and in their minds, reading was a daily thing, like eating and drinking tea.

One tomorrow jumps into yesterday, day after day, only the world of books is very different.

The reader in the famous painting

Vasily Ivanovich Surikov

Russian realist painter

Throughout his life

He loves it all

Read by candlelight

He often used his hands

Skimming the candle flame,

So he was convinced

He's alive

He's alive.

Since his death,

He was by his side

Leave a candle that burns,

But he hid his hand.


Candle Flame

(Translated by Rollo)

The reader in the famous painting


Russian painter

Any book in the world,

None of them will bring you happiness.

But books will quietly educate you,

Let you be yourself.

--Hermann Hesse

The Book of Arias

The reader in the famous painting

George Groz

German painter

You have been reading for many months as an adult,

Accumulated knowledge that could not be used in nine lifetimes.

You really don't need much.

In your heart

Always knew this.

In Egypt, the god of knowledge

With a baboon head.

--Olaf S. H. Hauge

"The End"

The reader in the famous painting

Giovanni Giacometti

Swiss painter

You have to feel the moment of flight

It must be like opening a book of heresy

Open yourself: Face everything there...

What I'm saying is a must, there's nothing to be vague about

Must make some moment of life

Endure and remember

A few things experienced in the dark

The flesh must have a downward look

There must be enough spare time

Keep some kind of distance from life:

Like the wings of a goshawk

It can be felt even in the TV picture

It's rising strongly

It puts a kind of hunger

Brought to heights close to heaven

And precisely because

The existence of heaven became a question

So I said yes

- Zang Di

The Other Side of Freedom

The reader in the famous painting

Vanessa Bell

British Female Painter

In such an era, the wise are not silent,

Just suffocated by the endless cacophony.

So I retreated to books that no one read.

The words of the two strategists were heard by the public.

One shouted day and night: "Buy! ”

The other is more insightful,

He said, "Sell, sell your tranquility." ”

—R.S. Thomas


(Translated by Wang Zuoliang)

The reader in the famous painting

Ferdinand Hodler

How can I forget these books,

One day, as not so long ago, it appeared in my hazy consciousness.

We were still children who didn't know the sky was high.

Everything is bright in our eyes...

And now there is both tranquility and shadow in my heart.

The era of tooth and tooth language is over.

The five years that flew by were like five centuries.

- Bryusov

"For the Poetry Collection "Russian Iconography Poets"

(Translated by Zhang Bing)

The reader in the famous painting

Emile Frient

French painter

Why did I fly with the book for so long?

We found it cool and quiet,

No one is seen.

There are books under your feet,

Flying is never alone!

--Reinhardt Letau

Flying in the Book

The reader in the famous painting

Norman Rockwell

American painter

There is one way to wake up this morning

Strong impulses,

Want to lie in bed all day


Struggled with it for a little while.

Then look out the window at the rain.

Throw away the idea.

Will be complete

Immerse yourself in this rainy morning.

Will you repeat your past life?

Make those same unforgivable mistakes?

Yes, just a little chance.


—Raymond Carver


(Translated by Shu Dandan)

Note: The picture and text are from the network, only for communication and sharing, invasion and deletion.

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The reader in the famous painting