
Cats don't meow not for illness, but for several reasons

author:Pets accompany you

Many cat friends will often ask such a question, why do some cats meow and some do not? Could it be a naturally mute cat? So why don't cats meow? Let's explore it together

Cats don't meow not for illness, but for several reasons

First, the cat barks quietly

Dogs are known to have a very sensitive sense of hearing, but what you don't know is that cats also have excellent hearing. According to scientific studies, cats have a much larger range of hearing than humans, and they can hear high-frequency tones of two octaves, which is wider than the range of sounds that humans can distinguish. Not only that, cats are also more capable of locating sounds than humans, and their hearing is more than twice that of humans. So your cat owner may have been "meowing" to you, but you can't receive information from the cat owner channel, and mistakenly think that your cat is a "dumb". If the physical state of the cat in the shoveling officer's home is quite good, even if the shoveling officer can't make a sound, don't worry too much, this is a relatively normal phenomenon.

Cats don't meow not for illness, but for several reasons

Second, the cat got stuck in its throat

If the cat can scream before, suddenly no longer make a sound, this is the shoveler to pay attention to it, this is likely to be the cat's esophagus is stuck by broken bones caused, the shoveler can recall whether there has been fish or chicken with bones recently given to the cat. Cats stuck in the throat of things will not bark for a long time, generally this situation of the cat's mental state will be very bad, and accompanied by breathing difficulties, with paws to scratch the throat, vomiting and other situations, shovelers can carefully observe their own cat owners. If it is determined that this situation causes the cat to not bark, the owner must take the cat to the hospital for treatment in time.

Cats don't meow not for illness, but for several reasons

Third, the cat has a cold

When the cat is sick and cold, there will be a situation where the mouth is open and wants to bark, but the sound cannot be made, so the cat owner will feel like the cat is dumb. When a cat catches a cold, like a human cold, there are many other symptoms, such as fever, runny nose, increased eye secretion, etc., which are easy to observe. As long as the shoveler observes more, it is easy to judge whether the cat has a cold, if your cat is because of the cold and can not scream, the shoveler does not have to worry too much, as long as the cat owner carefully serves his own cat, you can prepare more water for the cat to drink, adjust the diet for the cat, supplement nutrition, generally in a few days the cat can return to normal. If the cat's cold is more serious and lasts for several days and does not get better, the owner should also take the cat to the pet hospital to seek medical treatment in time.

Cats don't meow not for illness, but for several reasons

Fourth, the cat is too young

Many kittens that are just a few months old don't like to bark very much. If the barking is also very small, we can't hear it, so the illusion that the cat only opens its mouth and does not make a sound. It's just that their bodies aren't fully developed and don't have the strength to make loud noises. When the cat grows up, the cat will bark, so this is also a relatively normal phenomenon, and the shoveler does not need to worry too much.

Cats don't meow not for illness, but for several reasons

5. Related to cat breeds

Some cats are naturally disliked, such as English shorthair cats, English short blue cats, Oriental shorthair cats, American shorthair cats, Garfield cats, muppet cats and so on. For example, the Muppet cat is notoriously good tempered, docile and quiet, friendly to people, and generally stays quiet and does not make a sound. If your family has a docile cat, its dislike of barking is related to personality, so the owners do not have to be too nervous. However, if you find that the cat does not like to bark and has symptoms such as drowsiness, bad spirits, and strain, it may be that the cat's physical condition is out of the way, or you should pay attention to it and go to the hospital in time for examination.

Cats don't meow not for illness, but for several reasons

Under normal circumstances, cats living in a comfortable and quiet environment rarely meow, which will make some shovelers mistakenly think that it will not bark. Many times, the cat owner will only call for a shoveler when he has a need, such as: when he is hungry, when he wants to get out of the cage, when he is looking for a shoveler, etc. So if the cat is not in an abnormal physical state, but does not meow, it may be because you take care of the cat too well! The cat has nothing else to ask for!