
Star Trek: Fly Again, Fierce Battles, Storm Famila

author:Anime Control 97

Star Trek this anime has been in turmoil since its inception, but also due to rumors of plagiarism of "One Piece" was banned, 6 years later finally the first big movie was released, the fierce battle of The Famila competition, as well as the man shadow art in the Madonna have touched people's hearts, and the second movie is also released in the expectations of fans, but there are still many mysteries that have not been solved.

Star Trek: Fly Again, Fierce Battles, Storm Famila

First: The life of Madonna

In the first season, Madang is just an orphan on the earth, it is well known that his father is a red devil, who is feared and disliked by people, but there is no mention of his father Mai Lin's life, a young man with great strength, even can be valued by the whole universe, presumably his identity will not be simple.

Star Trek: Fly Again, Fierce Battles, Storm Famila

And in the latest movie, Madon's mother is also mentioned for the first time, according to the red-eyed Roman said that his mother is called Cynthia, from his mouth seems to be quite jealous of his mother, and for Cynthia's bloodline ability seems to be extremely important, as if her bloodline will have a great role in the devil's footprints, I don't know if his mother is a person in the devil's footprints, so whether a pair of parents with such a strong strength are dead or alive is even more confusing.

Second: the identity of the red-eyed Roman

Red Eye is one of the five colored eyes of the Galactic Eye, and has an absolute position and right to speak within the organization, but even so, in the latest plot, Red Eye betrayed the Galactic Eye and took the initiative to invite Madon to join his team to find the Rainbow Sea, and everything he did seemed even more intriguing.

Star Trek: Fly Again, Fierce Battles, Storm Famila

In fact, the identity of red eyes has always been a mystery, in the first season he knew the panda aunt who raised Mai Dang, but it seems to be a great relationship, although he has been chasing after Mai Dang escaped from the earth, but he has never been a killer, I believe that if it is other Galactic Eye members who are chasing and killing, they must have been killed, but when they can easily kill Mai Dang, they just gave him a man shadow technique, and let him have a way to live.

In Storm Fallira 2, Red Eye once said that the Shadow Technique is only to protect Madang, and in a critical moment, it can explode a powerful force to help him escape the pursuit of the Galactic Eye, and after Madan refuses the invitation, he angrily wants to shadow it directly, and the existence of enemies and friends makes people more curious about his identity.

Star Trek: Fly Again, Fierce Battles, Storm Famila

Third: the strength of the robot Arden

Whether it is the Galactic Eye or the Interstellar Alliance, it seems to be quite jealous of The Strength of Arden, and even if the Eye of the Interstellar Alliance is resurrected and controlled by the Galactic Eye, then no one is the opponent of the Galactic Eye. So how did Arden, who was so powerful, be sealed by the Galactic Eye.

Star Trek: Fly Again, Fierce Battles, Storm Famila

Why did Queen Ava become the key to his seal, did he voluntarily seal himself? What was the reason for forcing the powerful existence of the Galactic Eye and the Interstellar Alliance to this point, and why were the Tonati people so simple to be exterminated by the Galactic Eye, and having a powerful guardian and queen seemed to exterminate it was not a simple thing, so was it the Galactic Eye that used the conspiracy, or was there any other reason?

In addition to these, the Galactic Eye Five Colored Eyes have only appeared 3, the other two have not yet appeared and even the important leaders of the Galactic Eye have not appeared, this organization is more unfathomable, but this organization seems to know more about Madang, I believe these will be answered one by one in the future, the veil of this organization will eventually be lifted, let us look forward to a more exciting later plot!

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