
The second paragraph of the first lesson of the sequel

author:Sachiko Angel

Consider the "Empress". She represents the mother's principle that life is in a fertile place. Notice how her pictures evoke a sense of abundance. She wore several layers of gorgeous clothes, and there was a steady stream of fruit in front of her. In the Empress, we feel the generosity and richness of nature.

The power of tarot cards stems from a combination of individuality and commonality. You can look at each card in your own way, but at the same time, you can feel what others are experiencing. A tarot card is a mirror that reflects a hidden side in your personal consciousness.

During divination, we shuffle the cards, cut the cards, pick some cards and swing them out. Although the process appears to be random, we still think we have taken out a particular card. At the end of the day, this is the key to tarot divination – choosing the cards we want. Well, it's generally thought that a randomly drawn card doesn't represent any special meaning, or is that the opposite?

To answer this question, let's first consider "random". In general, when an event is the result of a mechanical action, we say it is random. Choose one from a set of possibilities—all of which have the same probability of outcome—but without any particular factor. This definition of a random event contains two key assumptions: it is the result of mechanical action and has no special significance.

First, tarot divination is not an isolated product of mechanical action. It is the result of a long list of conscious activities. We decided to learn tarot cards, we bought the cards and started figuring out how to use them. We shuffle and cut cards in a specific way in a specific place. Finally, we use our intuition and understanding to explain the meaning of the card.

At every step, we are actively engaged. So why do we say that divination is "a random result of mechanical action"? Because we can't explain how mental consciousness is engaged. We know that we don't deliberately choose when we draw cards, so we say it's random. In fact, is there a deep force in this process, a force involving the subconscious? Do our inner states affect external things in a way that we don't yet understand? I stand by that possibility.

Another characteristic of random events is that they do not have any intrinsic meaning. I rolled the dice out of six o'clock, but it didn't have any special purpose. Can I also shake out a little bit, is the meaning the same one or not the same? Do we really know that these two outcomes are equal? Perhaps everything has its meaning and purpose, and its possibilities are large and small, but we never realized it.

Many years ago, at a party, I suddenly wanted to sit on the ground and play with the dice. I'm sure I can shake out each number one by one. When I started playing, the laughter and noise faded away. Every time I shake out a different number, I get even more excited. When I finally succeeded, I woke up and went back to my seat, amazed at the incident.

On the one hand, the six dice rolls are unrelated and random. But on the other hand, they make a lot of sense. My inner experience tells me this is the case, though other observers may not agree. What's the point? That time was a lesson about the strange connection between consciousness and things. Today, I know it serves another purpose – to use it as an example when I teach tarot cards some 25 years later!

"Meaning" is a truly mysterious character that stems from the junction of the inner and external realities. Everything contains information – trees, songs, even trash cans... But it can only be felt when we open our hearts to experience it. The drawings of tarot cards are rich in content and interconnected, so they contain a lot of information. What's more, tarot divination connects meanings as we invest our desires, stay true to our hearts, to discover the deeper truths in our lives. In this way of seeking meaning, we acknowledge the truth of our inner desire and have the opportunity to reveal its essence.

If there is some meaning in divination, where does it come from? I believe it comes from a part of ourselves, from the magical source of consciousness. This is the subconscious side, but it's not just that. It is like a wise man who knows us deeply. It understands our needs and guides us in the direction we want. Some people call it the soul, the super-consciousness, or the superego. I call it a "psychic guide" because that's exactly the role it plays in tarot divination.

Each of us has a spiritual guide, and it is the fountain of meaning. Your mind guide is always with you because it is a part of you. You can't cut that connection, but you can really ignore it. When confronted with a tarot card, you send a signal to the Psychic Guide to receive its wisdom. This simple and sincere act makes you aware of your inner existence.

We are born with the wisdom of relying on the guidance of the mind, but we often forget this. We believe in the mind, but we forget to observe the heart. Our brains are smart, but unfortunately they don't have enough awareness to make the right choices every day.

When we use our minds, we often feel that all sorts of things come randomly and stress us out. Life has no purpose, and we always endure because we don't really understand ourselves. What's the point? That time was a lesson about the strange connection between consciousness and things. Today, I know it serves another purpose – to use it as an example when I teach tarot cards some 25 years later!

When we use our minds, we often feel that all sorts of things come randomly and stress us out. Life has no goals, and we always put up with it because we don't really understand who we are and where we're going. When we know how to use spiritual guidance, our experience of life. It's completely different. After listing our conscious desires with inner goals, we gain self-confidence and peace. Our journey is more interesting and we see more clearly how to bring together scattered elements to flesh out our destiny.

I use tarot cards because it is the best tool I have ever found to bring the whispers of a mind guide into consciousness. The thoughts, images, and feelings that emerge when the cards are unpaid are the signals of the spiritual guide. How could I know that it was a signal and not my imagination? To be honest, I don't know. I can only trust my own experience and observe what happens.

You don't necessarily have to use tarot cards to reach out to mind guides. Tarot cards function the same as "Tanba's Magic Feather". In the Disney movie Dumbo, Dumbo can actually fly, but he doesn't believe it himself. He tied feathers to his body and put all his trust on the feathers. He thought that feathers would give him the ability to fly, but when he found the feathers drifting away, he was forced to resort to his own abilities.

Tarot cards may help you fly until you can use your own psychic guide. Now, don't worry about what will happen. Just use tarot cards, continue the lesson and do some exercises to see if you experience some surprises.

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