
Wang Yanhui: Greedy for fireworks 丨 characters

author:Beijing News

Wang Yanhui, who was sitting in front of the reporter, suddenly said, "I don't want to act," which startled the people around him.

Just a few seconds before saying this, the reporter just read him a comment on social media, "Actors like Wang Yanhui, there are still too few plays." "Giving such a reaction does not seem to be without warning, because he has a deeper understanding of the matter of performance." I don't mean to say that I don't want to act, I don't like acting, but now I need to find a kind of precipitation, to show good works to the audience, to have good works, to be fine! ”

Wang Yanhui: Greedy for fireworks 丨 characters

Character photography / Beijing News reporter Guo Yanbing photo

Frankly speaking, even Wang Yanhui himself does not know how to describe the current state.

Xiao Daming, the father in the movie "The Great Father", seems to be the first time he has played the main role in the movie. In fact, he is more worried than anyone that he will not be able to play a certain role: "Recently, I have wanted to play a bit of a pyrotechnic role. He shrugged, "Anyway, I'll just go, not being swayed by anything else, and no longer in the state where I can be wrapped up in something." ”

A Chinese father, sometimes more delicate than the mother

Once he was the villain benchmark of the "love and hate" of movie fans, now, in the movie "The Great Dad", he is unusual, playing a father who selflessly dedicates himself to his children.

Wang Yanhui: Greedy for fireworks 丨 characters

In the movie "The Great Father", Wang Yanhui and Zhang Youhao played a father and son.

All the changes about Wang Yanhui must start from his father. After having children, he said he became soft. This change of mentality, whether it is his daily life or the interpretation of the role, has a subtle impact.

In recent years, he has almost played a variety of fathers in the show business circle: in the movie "The Unknown Generation", he left a deep impression on the audience with the role of his father who was in a huge debt but refused to run; in 2020, he staged the fate entanglement between father and son with Zhang Yu in the movie "Calm Wind and Waves"; in the same year, in the literary and art drama "I Am the Guardian", he also interpreted the father image of a wandering girl in a foreign country, as well as Zhang Zifeng's father in the movie "My Motherland and Me", and the TV series "Little Joy" The mayor's father, Ji Shengli, and the upcoming TV series "Dear Parents"... These roles make him a typical "Chinese father". "I really like it, and at this stage I especially want to play that kind of pyrotechnic, partial people, life flow role." As for how to make the performance explode and run to the god level, I don't think about it anymore. ”

Xiao Daming in "The Great Father" is such a being, who has the selfless dedication of traditional Chinese fathers and the "clumsiness" of not being able to express emotions for children. "Xiao Daming, that is what I think my father should look like, with thick lines on the surface, but in fact, his heart is more delicate than his mother." Wang Yanhui said that when performing, he will make adjustments according to the script and integrate his feeling of being a father into it: "I will also think of my father, who once treated me little by little." After becoming a father, I realized how much my father loved me. I was so impressed that I was in college, and sometimes I went out shopping with my father and groceries, and he would hold my hand, and I didn't feel anything at that time. Now that my son is 14 years old and tall, I want to pull him every time I go, which is probably an indescribable love and concern. ”

Wang Yanhui: Greedy for fireworks 丨 characters
Wang Yanhui: Greedy for fireworks 丨 characters
Wang Yanhui: Greedy for fireworks 丨 characters

In the movie "The Unknown Generation", the TV series "Little Joy", and the movie "Calm Wind and Waves" (from top to bottom), Wang Yanhui starred in a number of different types of father figures.

The "old good guy" of the B troupe has become a bad guy professional

Wang Yanhui has a "calm" face, a pair of round eyes, with kindness. But once the villain is played, it becomes evil and sharp. In the words of the audience, this face is matched with his acting skills "so good that people are blinded".

Just like the public gave him a "bad guy professional household" label, Wang Yanhui always felt inexplicable. In the movie "Burning Heart of the Sun", a character with no name and only appears for three minutes has become one of the biggest highlights of the whole movie. This time by chance, only because the director Cao Baoping found an actor to play the murderer temporarily absent, Wang Yanhui was pulled to the crew to prepare for an afternoon, and the cameo of several frames of the picture made a classic.

Wang Yanhui: Greedy for fireworks 丨 characters

In the movie "Burning Heart of the Sun", although there are only a few minutes of scenes, Wang Yanhui's performance is regarded as a classic by fans.

In the past, he could not have imagined that playing a murderer in a movie would be suspected by the audience of being a real record, asking the police to "thoroughly investigate". After that, "Wang Yanhui confessed", "Zhou Xingchi smiled bitterly" and "Hou Yong repented" were selected as performance teaching models.

In this regard, he sighed that his energy could be so large, "I never felt that I could play a bad person, since I can play so good, there must be more room for development." He muttered: "Really, my personality and image, I used to play a good person in the drama troupe, how did I become a 'bad guy professional'." At that time, I secretly decided that even if I played a good person in the future, I might have a better performance. ”

But in the years that followed, Wang Yanhui still seemed to be stuck in the stage of "being recognized". He agreed that he was still in the advanced stage of a kind of performance, completing the gorgeous turn from villain to loving father: "Now I am a professional father household, and one day I may become a professional driver household, and now I want to play those people in the vast sea of people." ”

Asked how he would adjust if he let him go back to playing the villain, "Now, I just try to dig out the multi-faceted nature of the character, no matter the good guys or bad guys, there are many sides, don't casually define the personality of others, in fact, many classic villains have motivations, so I will try to make it fuller and more multi-faceted when preparing for the role." If you shape the true thoughts of the villain's heart and his soft side, it will be more attractive, more vivid, and more empathetic. Wang Yanhui said.

C In addition to acting, I am a small actor and a common person in Kunming

Perhaps no one could have imagined that when he first took over the play, Wang Yanhui would be excited when he heard that he was going to cooperate with a certain star. He thinks of himself as a small actor in Kunming, and it is good to be able to act.

Wang Yanhui: Greedy for fireworks 丨 characters

Character photography / Beijing News reporter Guo Yanbing

When I was young, I was uneasy about a more relaxed and stable life, "In 1994, I went to school at the Beijing Film Academy, and I was particularly nervous, young and unconceived. But when my dad asked me if I was okay? I told him very firmly that you let me go out and see how many pounds I really had. If I had conceded defeat without even going to the ring to try, I would have regretted it. Go out, be eliminated, just go home and live honestly. ”

"Wanting to go out and have a look" brought Wang Yanhui an unprecedented sense of fear, and he now remembers the panic when he took the train from Kunming for three days and three nights to Beijing, "Beijing is too mysterious and too complicated, I must come to see what is going on." It's an impulse. However, staying here for a long time will be irritable, there are characters to 'drift north', no return to Yunnan, looking for my fireworks. ”

In addition to the works, the public can hardly contact him, do not go to variety shows, do not hype, do not stay in exposure. "My point is that when you are acting, you are an actor, and usually you are a common person. I will also be more realistic on the shooting scene, but this kind of comparison is really principled. Including when working with director Cao Baoping, he would also say 'how do you see how to act', and sometimes, after listening to it, he would say, 'I think Yan Hui's idea is very good, let's create one according to this'. In Wang Yanhui's view, the actor is the most basic and simple part of the performance process: "Don't think too highly of yourself, a play alone is not good, only a football player can not win the World Cup, rely on the whole team to work together." If everyone creates a little purer, they will be very happy. ”


"I'm a little bit worse than Xiao Daming."

Beijing News: Do you want to become a father like Xiao Daming in "The Great Father"?

Wang Yanhui: (He and I) have similarities. But I feel like I'm not doing enough, I'm a little bit worse than him, but I'm going to keep trying.

Beijing News: You once said that after having children, you want to play a father, and now all kinds of fathers have acted, will you be tired?

Wang Yanhui: No, and many moments of the performance, I especially miss my father, I can recall his love for me, the kind of depth between men, he and I do not know how to express to each other. Maybe the young people now don't know, and they feel that it doesn't matter, but once this feeling is lost, they know its importance, and when there is no time, you know what kind of a person the father is, he may not be as nagging as his mother, but he cares about you bit by bit, no matter how big you are, he holds your hand, just like I have a son, I think he doesn't dare to let go completely no matter how big he is.

Wang Yanhui: Greedy for fireworks 丨 characters

Wang Yanhui said that compared with Xiao Daming, the father in "The Great Father", he was still almost there, and he had to work harder.

Beijing News: How do you view the current young actors?

Wang Yanhui: For example, Zhang Youhao (played Byo Erdong in the movie "The Great Father"), he is very potential, in time, not only in acting, including life experience, but also in terms of tempering and accumulation, there will be some achievements. But now there are some young actors, and I can't understand them. For the performance, you can say that you don't know, there is no eight-sided exquisite person, you can stand on your feet, stumble, but don't have a little achievement to think that you know how to do it, you are invincible in the world. This era really has to be grateful for the movie, with a humble attitude to sincerely make a play, because now you have the opportunity, hard work, is able to create a classic role.

"I'm a very insecure person"

Beijing News: Do you read your own works?

Wang Yanhui: I will (look), and I won't. Because watching [my own work] is still nervous. But now slowly I am more confident than the original one, after the performance of the heart has a bottom, the cultivation is definitely the result, everyone's feedback will not be too bad.

Beijing News: Aren't you a very confident person?

Wang Yanhui: It can be said that I am a very unconfident person. Even now, there are times when I'm timid. As I said to Zhou Xun before, when a role is placed in front of me, it is really like walking on thin ice, afraid that I will not play well. It's not stressful, it's just that you're nervous about your performance. But I think that not being confident is a good thing for an actor, because you always feel that you are still not good enough, you will work harder in all aspects, and you will be able to spur yourself on.

Beijing News: Is this road smooth sailing?

Wang Yanhui: Sort of, it's already very smooth. There are also many good actors in China, some people are very capable but can't shoot the scene, and some people run the dragon suit and have a chance. So I am already very lucky and blessed, and I must always keep a grateful heart.

Beijing News: Will killing make you feel scared?

Wang Yanhui: After I listened to it, I had a feeling - "what am I"? You may be intoxicated with yourself for a minute, or think for a minute, and then put it aside, it is time to buy vegetables, it is time to repair the car. That's just someone else's reputation, and one can't live in these false names.

"The creative process is a search"

Beijing News: What are the basic rules of your performance?

Wang Yanhui: Believe in this character, every action and every action of mine, I must believe that this character must do it. The creative process is a search, like the seed of a tree, you have to find the seed, and then slowly let it take root, sprout, and flourish. Now I just need to rest, relax, and take more nourishment from life.

Beijing News: Is there any moment when acting will make you feel tired?

Wang Yanhui: Still tired, just like Xiao Daming, he is a role that requires high tension and concentration of physical and mental strength, until now, many people have asked me if I want to play a role, and I said no. Sometimes when you encounter it, you have it, and if you don't have it, you can grasp life well and precipitate yourself.

Beijing News: So do you think that actors must immerse themselves in life to perform the play well, to accumulate and find materials?

Wang Yanhui: Of course, all walks of life and all fields should pay attention to and contact. Most of the characters are derived from ordinary people, to have fireworks, is to really smell, you know that the dish is not fragrant, and then think about how to do it.

Wang Yanhui: Greedy for fireworks 丨 characters

"Why do you want so much wealth?"

Beijing News: Why don't you participate in variety shows?

Wang Yanhui: Not very good. I have analyzed that going to the variety show is really to amuse the audience and adjust the atmosphere well, that is a skill. Every industry has the strengths of each industry, you let me do those, what should I do if I can't do it? For example, let me go to an interview, pick up the microphone and I don't know what to ask others.

Beijing News: Can you accept the performance of propositional essays in the program?

Wang Yanhui: Actors should respect the performance, if for the sake of hype, how can I cry out on the show when I go on the show? How sacred the performance is, when the master is acting, there can be no sound on the scene, because it is afraid of affecting the emotions of the actors. Actors like Daniel Day Lewis, many scenes to do enough psychological construction, need to protect the actor's inner purity, really into the state of the role. Actors need to be in awe of their careers, not to prove anything with it.

Beijing News: But it is easy to be on the hot search on the variety show, and it is easy to be exposed when doing live broadcasts.

Wang Yanhui: An actor, do you always care about hot search? Maybe people need to plan something for themselves, such as more exposure, into traffic, there are big directors to come to me to shoot? If the director only comes to the actor by exposing these imaginary things, then the level of the director is not very high. Actors should return to the performance itself, always thinking about endorsements, live broadcasting, and why should the wealth be so much? Is it enough?

Beijing News senior reporter Zhou Huixiaowan chief photographer Guo Yanbing

Chief Editor Wu Dongni Proofreader Zhao Lin

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