
When participating in the deliberations of the Suzhou delegation, Cheng Lihua stressed the need to persist in raising the bar and striving to be the first to strive to walk in the forefront of the revitalization of northern Anhui

author:Zhongan Online

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  On the morning of January 19, Cheng Lihua, deputy secretary of the provincial party committee, participated in the deliberations of the Suzhou delegation. She stressed that it is necessary to seize major strategic opportunities such as the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta and the high-quality development of the central region, further raise the benchmark, strive for the leading position, strive to walk in the forefront of the revitalization of northern Anhui, and make new contributions to the construction of a modern and beautiful Anhui.

  After fully affirming the achievements of Suzhou's economic and social development, Cheng Lihua stressed that it is necessary to accelerate the construction of industrial transfer agglomeration areas in northern Anhui, accurately plan to carry out paired cooperation with Hangzhou, further optimize the business environment, and deeply integrate into the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta. It is necessary to resolutely shoulder the political responsibility for farmland protection and food security, thoroughly implement the "two strong and one increase" action plan, consolidate and expand the results of poverty alleviation, vigorously develop the deep processing of agricultural products, and accelerate the comprehensive revitalization of rural areas. It is necessary to solidly guarantee the improvement of people's livelihood, conscientiously do a good job in the "double reduction" and the construction of the project for the masses in northern Anhui to drink and divert water, and solve well the major affairs of people's livelihood and the key small things that the masses feel every day. It is necessary to deepen the study and education of party history, temper the fine work style, normalize the visits of leading cadres, and ensure high-quality development with high-quality party building. (Correspondent Zheng Yan)