
Today's great cold | in the last solar term, waiting for spring

author:Waterfall Rhyme Heavenly City

Today is January 20, 2022,

The eighteenth day of the lunar month, the great cold.

The great cold is at the end of the year, and the winter goes to the spring,

As soon as the great cold passed, a new cycle began.

Today's great cold | in the last solar term, waiting for spring

Great cold, the last of the twenty-four solar terms,

At this time, the cold wind is often bone-chilling,

In many places, the temperature is low,

It is a scene of cold weather.

Today's great cold | in the last solar term, waiting for spring

Little cold big cold no wind self-cold,

There is no small cold in the great cold of the north,

The coldest in the south is in the great cold.

Spring aquatic life in the depths of the ice,

After the cold is extremely cold,

The ice is about to begin to melt.

Great Cold Folklore

>>>> the great cold to welcome the New Year

Today's great cold | in the last solar term, waiting for spring

The New Year's Festival is just around the beginning of the spring, and the taste of the cold is getting stronger and stronger. Due to recent years, this festival period is full of joy and joy, and it is a cheerful and relaxed festival.

During this festival, people began to busily remove the old and decorate the new, pickle the wax flavored New Year dishes, and prepare the New Year goods, because Chinese the most important festival, the Spring Festival, is coming.

Today's great cold | in the last solar term, waiting for spring

As the last cold festival at the end of the year, although it is the agricultural leisure season, every family is "busy" - busy new year, which is the custom of "big cold to welcome the new year".

The so-called "Great Cold New Year" means that during the period from the Great Cold to the Lunar New Year, there will be a series of activities in the folk, which can be summarized as at least ten major customs, namely: "glutinous", "indulgent drinking", "making teeth", "sweeping dust", "pasting windows", "waxing", "rushing marriage", "taking advantage of the ruins", "bathing", "pasting the new year red" and so on.

Today's great cold | in the last solar term, waiting for spring

>>>> steamed sticky rice

Lingnan folk proverb has clouds: "Small cold, big cold, no wind and cold." "On an extremely cold day in the traditional solar terms, Guangdong folk have formed the custom of eating sticky rice.

Today's great cold | in the last solar term, waiting for spring

Nowadays, in Guangdong, it is common to have such a scene: before the arrival of the cold, every household cooks a pot of fragrant sticky rice, mixed with wax flavor, shrimp, dried squid, winter mushrooms, etc., to welcome the coldest day of the traditional festival. Glutinous rice has a sweet taste, warm nature, and has a cold and nourishing effect. Anhui Anqing has the custom of blowing up spring rolls in the cold.

Today's great cold | in the last solar term, waiting for spring

>>>> eat Laba porridge

Lapa Festival is an important festival popular in the northern region of the mainland, and this festival custom is to eat Laba porridge. Laba porridge, also known as "Seven Treasures Five Flavor Porridge", "Buddha Porridge", "Everyone Rice", etc., is a kind of porridge made from a variety of ingredients.

Song Wu Zimu wrote the "Record of Mengliang" volume VI: "Eight days, the monastery called it 'Lapa Eight'. The Temple of the Great Temple has five-flavor porridge, known as 'Laba Porridge'.

Today's great cold | in the last solar term, waiting for spring

The origin of the custom of drinking Lapa Porridge on the day of Lapa Ba is related to the Buddha's enlightenment, and li Fushiyun, a scholar of Suzhou in the Qing Dynasty: "The porridge on the eighth day of the Waxing Moon was passed down from the Brahma Kingdom, and the Seven Treasures were harmonious and harmonious, and the five flavors were incense." In the north of the mainland, there is a saying that "children and children, don't be hungry, after the lap eight is the year", passing the lap eight means opening the prelude to the New Year.

Today's great cold | in the last solar term, waiting for spring

Three days of great cold

Today's great cold | in the last solar term, waiting for spring

First: Chicken milk. The chicken perceives the yang of spring in advance and begins to incubate the chicks;

Today's great cold | in the last solar term, waiting for spring

Second season: The bird is fierce. Birds such as falcons are in a state of extremely predatory ability, hovering in the air looking for food to replenish the body's energy against the cold;

Today's great cold | in the last solar term, waiting for spring

Three seasons: Mizusawa belly. The ice in the water is frozen to the center of the water, and it is the strongest and thickest, and the cold is extreme, the object must be reversed, and the spring aquatic life in the depths of the ice.

Today's great cold | in the last solar term, waiting for spring

Great cold health recipes

Eat more bitter taste to help the heart yang

Winter is the time when the kidneys are vigorous, and the kidneys are salty and the heart is bitter. From the theory of the five elements of medicine, salt is better than bitterness, and kidney water is hot.

Today's great cold | in the last solar term, waiting for spring

If you eat too much salty, it will make the kidney water that is already hyperactive more hyperactive, so that the power of the heart and yang is weakened, so you should eat more bitter food to help the heart yang. Therefore, the principle of winter diet is to reduce saltiness and increase bitterness, resist kidney water, nourish the heart, and ensure the intersection of the heart and kidneys, and the balance of yin and yang.

Today's great cold | in the last solar term, waiting for spring

Drink chicken soup

In the cold winter season, the daily diet of Nanjing people is more stewed soup and soup. The great cold is the lunar calendar around the fourth and ninth, the traditional one nine a chicken food custom is still respected by many citizen families, Nanjing people choose mostly for the old hen, or single stew, or add ginseng whiskers, goji berries, black fungus and other stew, drinking chicken soup in the cold winter is really a kind of enjoyment. A pressure cooker should not be used in stews, as nutrients can only be slowly released during a slow simmer over low heat.

Today's great cold | in the last solar term, waiting for spring

Although the use of a pressure cooker can shorten the time to cook meat, it does not achieve the effect of making soup. Therefore, when boiling chicken soup, you should use a casserole dish, first boil on high heat for 10 minutes, and then reduce the heat to simmer slowly. In addition, when boiling soup, try not to open the lid of the pot, otherwise it is easy to "run gas" to affect the taste of chicken soup.

Today's great cold | in the last solar term, waiting for spring

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