
Prairie Brother 60 Seconds: What is Giraffe Communication?

What if the child refuses to eat?

You are intimidating him: don't eat, and the bad guys take you away. Or threaten him: you can't watch cartoons without eating. Or irritate him: the neighbor's children will eat by themselves. Finally tempt him: eat well and reward him with a lollipop!

These methods may have some effect, but the harm is also obvious, it is a violent communication, which will destroy the child's sense of security and trust.

At this point, we may wish to communicate in giraffe-style language. It is a nonviolent form of communication, also known as the language of love. Specifically, it can be divided into four steps:

One is observation – describing the facts. When your baby doesn't come to dinner, he's still playing games, right?

The second is feelings – telling feelings. Dad knows you still need time to keep playing.

The third is demand - expressing demand. It's time for dinner, and we need you to come and eat together or it's going to be lonely.

The fourth is the request – the request is expected to be fulfilled. You play for two more minutes and come over and eat together, okay?

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