
Do you listen to your hands when practicing words? These 10 tips work

author:Ink dot post

Writing often encounters times when the hand does not listen to the call, which indicates that the pen control and structure need to be strengthened.

Why don't the writers listen to the call?

Do you listen to your hands when practicing words? These 10 tips work

I can always hear the small partner who practices words say "the hand does not listen to the call", the line is not controlled by himself, and the words written are far from the original post. In fact, the problem of "the hand does not listen to the call" can also be understood as "why the words are always written inaccurately".

There are two reasons for inaccurate writing - pen control ability and structural understanding.

Pen control ability takes time

Do you listen to your hands when practicing words? These 10 tips work

Pen control ability can be judged by writing "horizontal" and "vertical", if you can quickly and accurately write a straight line, then you have a basic pen control ability.

The line can be written straight and steady, and then begin to add the training of light and heavy changes, and the strength of the starting, line, and closing pen should be changed according to the characteristics of the glyph.

Pen control ability needs to be cultivated slowly, and we can consciously train when we write in ordinary times.

Structural understanding requires skill

Do you listen to your hands when practicing words? These 10 tips work

Xiaomo lists a few knowledge points for the book friends to get started with the structure to help everyone grasp the changes in the glyphs, and the efficiency of training will be higher.

01. Horizontal and vertical

Do you listen to your hands when practicing words? These 10 tips work

(1) "Horizontal flat" means that the horizontal drawing is stable, and the horizontal painting of the letter is slightly oblique to the right and upwards, which will appear visually stable.

(2) "Vertical" means that the vertical painting should be perpendicular to the horizontal line, and it should be straight and powerful.

(3) Pay attention to the overall stability and achieve overall balance visually.

02. Left and right are proportionate

Do you listen to your hands when practicing words? These 10 tips work

(1) Refers to the correspondence between the left long stroke in a word and the long stroke on the right.

(2) Proportionality does not equal symmetry, but the overall left-right balance.

(3) The strokes and parts on the left and right may be different in length and height, but the overall balance.

03. Four-dimensional flatness

Do you listen to your hands when practicing words? These 10 tips work

(1) The fully enclosed word frame needs to be built steadily and flat overall.

(2) The three strokes are connected to each other, and there must be no disconnection or outlet.

(3) The upper and lower horizontal paintings are parallel, and the two vertical paintings are commensurate with each other, and the overall stability is stable.

04. Horizontal pen equidistant

Do you listen to your hands when practicing words? These 10 tips work

(1) When there are multiple horizontal strokes in the word and there are no other strokes between the horizontal strokes, the horizontal drawing spacing is roughly equal.

(2) The distance between the horizontal paintings depends on the glyph, and it should be properly dense.

(3) The horizontals are roughly parallel.

05. Vertical pen equidistant

Do you listen to your hands when practicing words? These 10 tips work

(1) When there are multiple vertical strokes in the word and there are no other strokes between the vertical paintings, the spacing between the vertical paintings is roughly equal.

(2) Make the cloth white even between the horizontal paintings, and do not cause excessive contrast when writing.

(3) Some multi-vertical words, which are roughly parallel between vertical and vertical.

06. Cross centering

Do you listen to your hands when practicing words? These 10 tips work

(1) There is an apostrophe in the word, and the left and right shapes are long.

(2) The length of the two sides at the intersection of the skimming may be inconsistent, but the intersection is in the center.

(3) Cross-centering will keep the center of gravity stable.

07. Skim and stop evenly

Do you listen to your hands when practicing words? These 10 tips work

(1) It mainly reflects the proportional relationship between a word skimming and painting.

(2) Skimming and painting may have different lengths and heights in the words, but they are commensurate with each other.

(3) Stopping evenly does not refer to left-right symmetry, but to the overall left-right symmetry.

08. The lower part is greeted

Do you listen to your hands when practicing words? These 10 tips work

(1) The lower part is embodied in the word of the upper and lower structure, and the interspersed relationship between the upper and lower parts.

(2) When writing, it is necessary to show a tendency of the lower stroke to the upper stroke.

(3) Pay attention to moderation, neither too tight nor separate from the top and bottom.

09. Bird's Chest

Do you listen to your hands when practicing words? These 10 tips work

(1) The hook of the horizontal hook is shaped like a bird combing the feathers on the chest.

(2) The hook should be as sharp and powerful as the beak of a bird.

(3) Be decisive when out, should not be too long, pay attention to its shape and angle.

10. Longitudinal wrist is strong

Do you listen to your hands when practicing words? These 10 tips work

(1) The longitudinal wrist strength is mainly reflected in the longitudinal oblique strokes such as writing oblique hooks.

(2) From top to bottom circular writing, there must be a certain strength.

(3) Its shape and strength should be like an open bow, round and vigorous.

To summarize:

Ways to improve hand instability and inaccurate writing

Exercise pen control skills and an understanding of font structure.

The article lists 10 tips for getting started with the structure, if you still want to know more about the content of the interstitial structure, you can see Jing Xiaopeng's calligraphy posters and courses, which will be of great help to the learning of calligraphy!

A good hand, ink dots to help you