
The large-scale divine drama is back! Show me it all

author:Cinematic pie

Friends of the drama famine have noticed, Pai Ye wants Anli a divine drama today!

How good does it look?

The male god Xiao Lizi couldn't help but exclaim in admiration.


The large-scale divine drama is back! Show me it all

Produced by HBO, huangsutai is breathtakingly large.


The large-scale divine drama is back! Show me it all


The large-scale divine drama is back! Show me it all

And, with psychedelic audio-visual to present the hallucinations after drugging.

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Now, the sequel is back!

It is not only the scale that has been upgraded again, but also the word of mouth.

In the first season, Douban scored 8.5 points; in the second season, after the first episode was broadcast, the score stabilized at 9.2.

The S2 E1 just showed me the bafflement

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Absolute episode of the year.

And, a must-see for women!

Excitement Season 2

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Pai Ye watched "Excitement" and was often shocked by the plot and pictures.

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The large-scale divine drama is back! Show me it all
The large-scale divine drama is back! Show me it all

Dig deeper to find out.

The large scale of the exploding eyeball is only the surface.

It is about the pain, depression, and throbbing and healing of true love when it comes to adolescence.

Let's start with the high-energy clip from the first episode of the second season.

Across the Chinese New Year's Eve, Knight provokes Du Trafficker Fisco.

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Fisco looked calm, first saying "Happy New Year" and other blessings, followed by a big fight.

Brute force value MAX.

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Let's look at the comments section.

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The large-scale divine drama is back! Show me it all

How did the decadent du seller beat up the handsome male god, how did it attract the cheers of the crowd?

In the first season, Fisko gave Knight a warning —

I don't know what happened to you and Xiao Yun and Julie

But you know I care a lot about her

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Because the character relationship of "Excitement" is very complex (energetic) and miscellaneous (explosive), Rong Paiye slowly introduced.

In the play, almost everyone is a problem youth.

The heroine Xiao Yun (played by Zanda) was a child with ADHD and bipolar disorder, and she ate countless pills and did not see a good state.

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Until one day, she smoked dupin, and her spirit was lifted.

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The adverse reaction ensued, she began to vomit and her skin festered.

Youth for Xiao Yun, there is no dream bubble, she is in the swamp, decadent, depraved, deeper and deeper.

And Julie, like a light, illuminated her life.

Julie is transgender and god-given.

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As a child, she always considered herself a girl, was sent to a mental hospital by her mother, and began to self-harm in order to resist the repressive environment.

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Growing up, she still longed for a feminine identity.

The way is to find a man to have a relationship on social platforms, and suffer humiliation at all costs.

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However, the most considerate person is Xiao Yun.

They met on the night of the carnival and became confidants who licked each other's wounds.

Julie has no intention, but Xiao Yun is deeply infatuated with her and is willing to try to quit drugs for her.

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Xiao Yun once couldn't help but kiss Julie, and the excessive intimacy made Julie unbearable, because it destroyed the establishment of her female psychology.

Metie, usually confident and open-minded, but she fell in love with the scumbag Knight and could not help herself.

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Knight is a school bully, handsome and charming, but flowery and violent.

Maeti is sober, and she can easily see through the lies after Knight's cheating.

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But Metie is very confused, and after being abused again and again, she still chooses to forgive Nate.

Because she loves him.

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Cathy was worse off than she was, and she had lacked paternal love since she was a child.

So she worked hard to find evidence of being loved in each boyfriend.

She is incredibly kind, but she is unladylike.

Boyfriends have forced her to make sex videos, she refuses, and she will always agree softly.

Later, the video went viral at school, and she was frequently labeled a slut.

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But when she met McKay, she once again chose to believe and fall in love.

Later, when she became pregnant, McKay couldn't take responsibility, so she decided to choose to be single.

Kate, because she was too fat, was bullied and ridiculed by her classmates.

She has a talent for writing, relying on writing online articles to catch fire, but she can't overcome her inferiority.

During a carnival, she casually found someone to break, and after a lot of sexual relations, she decided to become the sexy queen of the Internet.

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On the surface, Knight is the biggest villain in the story.

He is Metty's boyfriend.

At the same time, in order to find female identity, Julie hopes for online dating, and Knight is one of the "internet boyfriend groups".

Playboy Knight has an extraordinary art of emotional manipulation.

And he also inadvertently hurt many women, including Xiao Yun, who is in love with Julie.

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This is also why, when the du dealer Fisco angrily hammered the scumbag Knight, he would be so happy.

The end of the first season sets the tone of sadness for the story.

Julie left the town and said goodbye to Xiao Yun.

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The large-scale divine drama is back! Show me it all

Cathy did the abortion and planned to restart her life.

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Metie once again forgives the scumbag Knight and continues the relationship that sees no future in sight.

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Like the first season, the second season still uses a group portrait narrative.

The series begins with an introduction to the life of The Burst Boy Fisco.

His family were du sellers, and because his father was unreliable, his grandmother decided to take care of Fisco herself, teaching him hardcore survival skills.

For safety, du pin is hidden in the crotch of the child's pants.

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People are good and are deceived.

Don't believe in love.

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And, the most useful way to survive, violence.

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What Fasco is most grateful to her grandmother for is that she never sees herself as a child, but as a trustworthy, cooperative individual.

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Grandmother is just a sassy thug?


She has remnants of good thoughts in her.

Some customers bought du goods, used their children as collateral, and the result was that people ran away.

She took good care of the child because the child liked to eat cigarettes, hence the name "ashtray".

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Later, ashtrays also became their "business partners".

In his blood, there is also a violent factor.

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What does this story illustrate?

The environment of the original family is the most critical reason for the formation of personality.

The grandmother's personality has created a divided Fisco —

On one side is a violent beast; on the other side is a sunny warm man.

He travels between various gangs and nests, and at the same time regards Xiao Yun as his own sister and takes care of him with all his heart.

Xiao Yun also started a du business with Fisco and ashtrays, which was tested by life and death.

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The plot of the second season also begins with a carnival party, pointing to the iconic elements of the "Excitement" series: sex, dubbing, violence.

Cathy doesn't wake up after she gets a tire, and she's tricked by Nate into getting into the car.

On the way, Knight drank desperately, driving at high speeds, and the high excitement and danger put Cathy into a state of excitement.

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At the party toilet, the two secretly have fun, but happen to run into Knight's legitimate girlfriend, Metie.

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The large-scale divine drama is back! Show me it all

Metie kept knocking on the door to get in, Nate tried everything in her power to get out, and Cathy was completely overwhelmed.

Eventually, Cathy was trapped in the bathtub.

She was separated from her good sister, Metie.

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It's not over yet.

After Mette found that there was no paper, she pulled a towel and threw it away, which landed on Cathy's face.

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In Pai Ye's impression, this is the most embarrassing sexual scene in "Hyperactive".

The dirty towel also carried a strong sense of humiliation and "sin and punishment".

On the other hand, Xiao Yun fell again because Julie left.

She lost the motivation to restrain her addiction and relapsed.

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With Fisco punching and kicking Nate, the guilt-ridden party reaches its climax.

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Compared with the first season, the tone of "Excitement" is more cold.

It magnifies the dark side of human nature.

At the same time, it also allows us to see a more hidden and dazzling light.

If you want to further understand this play, you must understand two questions -

Is the biggest villain in the story really Nate?

Is there really no cure for the people in the story?

Nate stirred up the relationships of the characters again and again, and almost all the audience hated him and tickled their teeth.

However, his life was also tragic.

When Knight was 11 years old, he peeked at his father Carl's adult disc and found that his masculine father was actually a deep cabinet.

Carl is extremely depressed, very demanding of Nate, and his method of discipline is only violence.

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From the backtracking of the second episode of the second season, this is also an ancestral vice.

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The harsh growing environment made Knight more and more deformed.

His depression can only be alleviated by venting his anger.

And Meddy endured all the abuse because she loved her deeply.

But she is also very rebellious and will randomly hook up with other men to get revenge on Knight.

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The two fell in love and killed each other, tied together, and the mud was deeply sunken.

At the root of it, the real villain of the story is actually the vicious family environment, the mud-like life, and the stereotypical social rules.

Women, apparently, are going through a more serious predicament.

Julie, struggling to find a female identity and can not.

Kate, who is discriminated against for being obese.

Cathy, because of her beauty, became the object of male exploitation.

The most noteworthy reason for "Excitement" is that with the deepening of the plot, the strength of women is constantly being revealed.

Julie understood that to prove a woman's identity, she did not have to go through a rough man.

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Kate is no longer upset about being obese, and even if she has a body of extra flesh, she can become a sexy queen.

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Cathy, because of the feeling of wanting to love and being loved, is scarred again and again.

In the second season, her kindness softens the heart of the scumbag Knight.

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The large-scale divine drama is back! Show me it all

Xiao Yun, relapsed because the soul mate Julie left.

Now, Julie is back.

Can Xiao Yun's life get back on track?

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Of course, if the story goes to light, it is not "Excitement".

In the second season, the relationship between the characters is even more chaotic.

Between Xiao Yun and Julie, there is a musical youth Elliot.

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Cathy interjects into the relationship between her close friend Metie and Nate.

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Fisco, who has enforced violent justice, will face the blame of Knight's father, Carl.

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Xiao Yun, on the other hand, began a psychedelic life again.

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The chaos, uneasiness, and longing for love in these characters are the real charm of "Excitement".

This drama tears apart the erosion and all kinds of dark sides of adolescent life.

At the same time, they are all struggling to resist the pain left by their original families, the shackles of social rules, and find their lost selves.

At the end of each episode, you'll see a subtitle like this.

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Everyone inevitably encounters various setbacks and injuries in their growth.

Everyone is waiting for the hidden light to receive love and redemption.

Pai Ye thought that this was also the biggest meaning of watching "Excitement" -

Only by facing the darkness can we walk through the darkness.

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