
Ideological pilot gathers consensus

author:China Industry Network

Source: People's Political Consultative Conference Daily

Original title: Ideological Pilot Gathers Consensus

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that "the CPPCC should strive to become an important position for upholding and strengthening the party's leadership over all work through effective work, an important platform for using the party's innovative theories to unite and educate and guide representatives of all ethnic groups and all walks of life, and an important channel for resolving contradictions and consolidating consensus on the basis of common ideology and politics." The "three importants" incisively expound the mission, tasks, fundamental requirements, and focal points of the CPPCC's work in the new era, and are realistic propositions that must be answered and strategic tasks that must be completed by the CPPCC in the new era.

The grass-roots CPPCC committees should earnestly implement the "three important" requirements, further clarify the direction and work priorities for performing their duties, give full play to the role of special consultative bodies, strive to coordinate relations between all parties, resolve all kinds of contradictions, and transform the party's propositions into consensus and actions of all sectors of society.

Unswervingly adhere to the party's leadership, closely follow the overall situation to gather new consensus. CPPCC organs are political organs, and they must take a clear-cut stand in putting the party's political building in the first place, give prominence to the construction of tangible, concrete, and institutionalized construction, and firmly grasp the leadership, initiative, and discourse power of the CPPCC's ideological work.

To settle in Mianyang, Sichuan, it is necessary to always put the in-depth study and implementation of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era in the most prominent position, always take General Secretary Xi Jinping's important thinking on strengthening and improving the work of the CPPCC as an important guideline for carrying out work, and do a good job in the construction of the Mianyang Municipal CPPCC Sub-Base, the important ideological research base of General Secretary Xi Jinping on strengthening and improving the work of the CPPCC. In connection with the study and education of party history, it is necessary to adopt online and offline study guidance, special lectures, discussions and exchanges, and other forms to promote the construction of an all-round and multi-angle learning system covering "CPPCC lecture halls", two-level party group meetings, branch meetings, and youth theoretical study groups. Meticulously plan, tell the party's story well, and unite and guide the personalities of the democratic parties to consciously safeguard the authority of the party Central Committee and centralized and unified leadership throughout the entire field, dimension, and whole process of CPPCC work.

Adhere to the goal of the work bullseye, around the main responsibility of the main business to practice the new mission. The main work of the CPPCC is consultation, the main way is to "set up a platform," and the main purpose of the work is to exert two-way force. Only by finding the bullseye of the work around the main business of the main responsibility, organizing professional people to do professional things, and providing accurate and feasible decision-making references for the party committee and government, can we better grasp the right to speak and enhance the leading force.

As the Mianyang CPPCC committee in the tide of high-level construction of China's (Mianyang) science and technology city, it is all the more necessary to closely focus on "scientific and technological innovation," which is the core value of the construction of Mianyang Science and Technology City, focus on the main business, turn the "microphone" that receives party and government decisions into a "megaphone" that makes a good voice of the CPPCC, turn the "radio" that gathers public opinion into a "walkie-talkie" that makes suggestions and suggestions, turn the "flashlight" that discovers problems into a "laser lamp" for democratic supervision, and build more wisdom and wisdom for The high-level high-quality development of Mianyang, and provide more pragmatic countermeasures. More development practices.

Unremittingly highlight the main role of committee members, and strive for new deeds in light of practical reality. Give full play to the main role of CPPCC members, strengthen the responsibility of CPPCC members, cultivate the feeling of performing duties for the country and fulfilling responsibilities for the people, improve the work pattern of CPPCC members and cppcc members guiding the masses, and practice the skills of "looking after the family".

It is necessary to make full use of the Mianyang CPPCC website, WeChat public account, "Mianyang CPPCC Pass" App and other publicity platforms to transmit the voices of cppcc members in multiple forms, multiple perspectives, and at multiple levels, display the style of cppcc members, and tell the story of the CPPCC well. Improve and optimize consultation forums, inspections and investigations, visits and condolences, and other means, make good use of consultation brands such as "there is something to negotiate", "consultation face-to-face", "where has the proposal gone", etc., the CPPCC sets up a stage, the members sing the protagonist, organize and guide stakeholders to participate together, seek the greatest common denominator, and promote consensus among all parties. In accordance with the requirements of "understanding the CPPCC, holding consultations, discussing state affairs well, observing discipline, stressing rules, and attaching importance to conduct," we should strengthen the study and training of CPPCC members, train, and manage services, comprehensively strengthen the building of the contingent of CPPCC members, so that they can effectively give play to their leading role in their own work, their main role in CPPCC work, and their role as deputies among the masses in various sectors, so as to form a good pattern of "the crowd collecting firewood and the flame is high" in which the first geese fly first and the flocks of geese chase after each other.

(Li Yalian, Chairman of the Mianyang Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference of Sichuan Province)

Editor-in-Charge: Queen