
What do you do when you stay at home during the holidays?

author:China Youth Daily

The winter vacation has begun, what are you doing at home?


On the first day of winter vacation, I saw a photo of my girlfriend Xiaoyu baking a cake in the circle of friends, accompanied by a small show-off text.

The little fish began to learn to bake for a short time, that is, from last year's epidemic at home to try a variety of baking works, baking bread, making egg tarts, and mounting cakes are no longer a problem.

This year, she started her new dessert creation. However, unlike last year, this year she decided to use video to share the other side of the food.

"There are only two people in the family, my sister and I, my parents can't go home because of work, my sister wants to eat delicious food, and she doesn't let her go out, so she has to make desserts with my sister, and every afternoon tea is the happiest time."

Maybe life is like a pig that can save money, store good times and days, your every effort will not be in vain, and those baking times that belong to you will become a good day to store the light in the piggy bank.

What do you do when you stay at home during the holidays?


"Every day is boring, I don't know what to do, I really want to go to school, study and live with my good friends, I am too unmotivated to be alone." 」

It has been a week off, and her roommate Xiaotao has not yet thought about what she wants to do during her winter vacation, and she cannot go out at home, as if she has lost a lot of her hobbies. Playing ball, traveling, these ordinary holiday things, can not be done now, for her, sports is the vast majority of her life.

"I didn't know what to learn, but I made a fitness program for myself. When the next semester comes, I must be the thinnest girl in our dormitory. ”

The days of consistent exercise are hard and hard. Perhaps it is only in the day-to-day movement that we may find the meaning and value of life. Although you can't play ball at home, you can change your thinking, do yoga, do push-ups, relax your mood, let the impetuous mood calm down, enjoy the good time at home, and soothe your clearest mind with the most peaceful time.

What do you do when you stay at home during the holidays?


"There is no home, I volunteer on the first day of vacation."

"My hometown is in the hardest hit area of the epidemic, and on the first day of the holiday, I became a volunteer in the local community." Xiao Jia said.

"My parents are both frontline workers in the fight against the epidemic, and I want to do something for my hometown when it is a holiday."

"Collecting nucleic acid tests every day is my daily task, although it is very inconvenient to wear protective clothing, but I always feel very proud to think of doing something for my hometown, although I also want to stay at home and enjoy the warmth of the heating, but do something meaningful, why not?" 」

Every time I see his circle of friends, or chat with him, he's always outside and probably doesn't come home at ten o'clock at night. His vacation was special for us, but unforgettable for himself.

Although there is an epidemic, there is still warmth. Paying tribute to those who work in the frontline of prevention and control, as college students, we may also be able to contribute to society, so that the epidemic is no longer indifferent and let spring come quickly.

What do you do when you stay at home during the holidays?


"Holidays are a good time to improve yourself."

It was another holiday, Xiao Wang continued his hobby, he picked up the programming software that was not completed last holiday, he has learned a lot of basic knowledge, this holiday he decided to continue to conquer.

"This is the power of hobbies, how happy it is to spend a lot of time doing meaningful things, although I am studying, I enjoy my time alone." 」

Being alone is a person's freedom, you may be lonely on this road, but you will enjoy the joy of a person, and use this quiet heart to enjoy the joy of learning.

Maybe you've said goodbye to the busy high school life, but you don't want to say goodbye to the busy winter vacation. The time of winter vacation is the time to improve yourself, use this time to fill the inner emptiness, and improve your ability.

What do you do when you stay at home during the holidays?

The trees want to be quiet and the wind is not stopping. Winter vacation life quietly comes, in addition to the arrival of the new year, what remains is the quiet heart in the cold winter.

Calm down, put down mobile phones and useless social networking, unlike in the past, the winter vacation during the epidemic has allowed us to enjoy more things: food, knowledge, solitude, responsibility... It may be a different journey in your life.

Source: Qing Xiaoxiao