
These "exam questions" on the new journey need to be answered

author:China Youth Network

Editor's Note

2022 is a crucial year for the people of all ethnic groups across the country to march toward the second centenary goal under the leadership of the party. Looking at the overall layout of the "five-in-one" socialist cause with Chinese characteristics, what are the key points that need to be paid attention to in the fields of economic construction, political construction, cultural construction, social construction, and ecological civilization construction this year, which difficult problems need to be solved urgently, and which strategic opportunities must be grasped? What kind of planning, deployment and preparations have the party and the state made for this? How should all walks of life and all sectors of society work together to promote development and paint a beautiful new picture? We invited a number of national high-end think tank experts to sort out and look forward to these five areas, and give in-depth analysis and countermeasure suggestions.

These "exam questions" on the new journey need to be answered

Farmers in the sheep farm community in Wantanhe Town, Longli County, Guizhou Province, scramble to harvest rice. Xinhua News Agency

Political Construction -- Strong Political Force Leads China's giant ship to break the waves and sail away

Author: ZHANG Shuhua (Executive Vice President of the Chinese Political Science Society, Director of the Institute of Political Science of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and Dean of the School of Government and Management, University of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences)

2021 is a landmark year in the history of the party and the country. To sum up, the main important events in political construction this year are:

In carrying out the study and education of party history in the whole party and society, the vast number of party members and cadres have received comprehensive and profound political education, ideological tempering, and spiritual baptism, and the historical consciousness and self-confidence of the whole party have been greatly enhanced. The Sixth Plenary Session of the Nineteenth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China deliberated and adopted the "Resolution of the CPC Central Committee on the Major Achievements and Historical Experiences of the Party's Century-Long Struggle," which comprehensively summed up the major achievements and historical experiences of the CPC's century-long struggle and profoundly revealed the fundamental reasons why the Party has always grasped the historical initiative and is full of historical self-confidence.

The "two establishments" have further enhanced the political centripetal force of the whole party and society. The party's establishment of Comrade Xi Jinping's position as the core of the Party Central Committee and the core of the whole Party, and the establishment of the guiding position of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, reflect the common aspirations of the whole Party, the whole army, and the people of all ethnic groups in the country, and are of decisive significance to the development of the cause of the Party and the country in the new era and to the promotion of the historical process of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Resolutely safeguarding General Secretary Xi Jinping's position as the core of the Party Central Committee and the core of the whole Party, and studying and implementing Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, is the key to the whole Party's consensus and decisive choice in the historical intersection period of the "Two Hundred Years" struggle goal and the important strategic opportunity period of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and is an important guarantee for the unity and unity of the Party and the victorious progress.

In the whole process of developing people's democracy, the democratic self-confidence of the Chinese people has become firmer, and China's road to democracy has become broader and broader. The whole process of people's democracy is the theoretical source and practical path of condensing the wisdom and strength of all aspects, promoting the modernization of the national governance system and governance capacity, and comprehensively building a modern socialist country, and has shown strong vitality on the land of China.

In the intertwined impact of the unprecedented changes in the world in a century and the global pandemic of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, the leadership of the party and the country and the great responsibility of the world are further demonstrated. In 2021, the party and the government will make overall plans to promote epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development, coordinate development and security, maintain a global leading position in the mainland's economic development and epidemic prevention and control, make new and major achievements in various undertakings of the party and the state, and achieve a good start in the "14th Five-Year Plan". At the same time, we will actively promote international anti-epidemic cooperation, adhere to and carry forward the common values of all mankind, and contribute to solving global problems and creating a better future for mankind.

In 2022, in order to greet the 20th National Congress of the Party, it is necessary to give play to our party's strong political leadership, ideological leadership, mass organization and social appeal, unite and lead the vast number of cadres and the masses to open a new situation, respond to changes, take the lead, and maintain and improve a stable and healthy economic environment, a clean and healthy political environment, and a social environment of national peace and security. In the field of political construction, we should focus on doing a good job in the following work.

Adhere to the party's overall leadership, especially the centralized and unified leadership of the party Central Committee, strengthen and improve the party's leadership system, promote the whole party to further enhance the "four consciousnesses", strengthen the "four self-confidences", and achieve the "two safeguards", and ensure that the party better assumes the role of taking charge of the overall situation and coordinating all parties in coping with more complicated domestic and foreign challenges.

Always have in mind the "great power of the country" to make the people's lives happy, practice the people-centered development thinking, develop people's democracy in the whole process, safeguard social fairness and justice, and promote the all-round development of the people and the common prosperity of all the people to achieve more obvious substantive progress.

Continue to strengthen and innovate mass work, interpret the people's feelings, plan for the people, express the will of the people, pool the wisdom of the people, cherish the people's strength, and promote the people's livelihood, focus on solving the problems of unbalanced and insufficient development and the problems of the people's urgent difficulties and expectations, and constantly consolidate the mass foundation for the party's ruling power.

We should persistently promote the summing up, study, education, and propaganda of party history, and educate the broad masses of party members, cadres, and the entire people, especially the broad masses of young people, to strengthen their historical self-confidence, build up their historical memories, and move forward with full confidence.

In the face of the complicated domestic and international environment, adhere to the bottom-line thinking, enhance the sense of distress, carry forward the spirit of struggle, master the tactics of struggle, train the ability to struggle, and promote the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics to cleave the waves and forge ahead.

These "exam questions" on the new journey need to be answered

Employees of Xinjiang Tianyun Organic Agriculture Co., Ltd. feed the fry in the cage. Xinhua News Agency

Economic construction - focus on stabilizing growth, maintaining employment, and preventing risks

Author: Wang Changlin (President, China Academy of Macroeconomics)

The 2021 Central Economic Work Conference has made arrangements for economic work in 2022. Looking forward to 2022, to implement the spirit of the central government, it is necessary to formulate more precise measures, focus on stabilizing growth, maintaining employment, preventing risks, and maintaining the stability of the overall economic and social situation.

Put steady growth in a more prominent position. At present, the mainland's economy has continued to recover steadily and achieved a good start to the "14th Five-Year Plan", but the economic operation is still facing the triple pressure of demand contraction, supply shock and expected weakening. In 2022, with the continuous recovery of domestic demand, the growth rate of infrastructure investment has risen, and stable growth is facing many favorable conditions, but affected by factors such as the increase in the base, the slowdown in export growth, and the expected weakening of the real estate market, it is necessary to maintain the stable operation of the economy under greater pressure, and we must adhere to the economic construction as the center, strengthen the organic combination of cross-cyclical adjustment and counter-cyclical adjustment, iron out economic fluctuations, focus on solving structural problems, and strive to maintain economic growth in a reasonable range. In the near term, in order to stabilize the overall economic market, whether or not we can speed up the recovery of domestic demand is the key, not only to take some measures that will achieve rapid results in the short term, but also to speed up the establishment of an effective system for expanding domestic demand, and to solve the problems of huge demand potential and insufficient effective demand. In terms of expanding consumer demand, it is necessary to study how to steadily restore contact consumption under the condition of normalized epidemic prevention and control, how to adapt to the trend of consumption upgrading and accelerate the cultivation of new consumption growth points; how to promote common prosperity in high-quality development, deepen the reform of the income distribution system, expand the middle-income group, improve the income level of the middle and low income groups, and promote the sustained growth of consumption.

Priority should be given to maintaining employment. In 2021, the employment situation in the country will remain stable overall. In 2022, employment pressure is still large, and structural problems are prominent. Under the influence of the repeated outbreak of new crown pneumonia and the development of new technologies and new formats, the employment pressure in education and training, Internet platforms, real estate, construction and other industries has increased, and it is difficult to recruit workers and lack of talents in industries such as scientific and technological innovation, manufacturing, and old-age care. In this regard, it is necessary to study how to adapt to changes in the structure of employment supply and demand, promote the reform of the education system and talent training system, and increase the training of technicians and innovative talents. It is necessary to focus on stabilizing the proportion of manufacturing industry, promote the development of education, medical care, childcare, pension, housekeeping and other service industries, study policies and measures to promote the transfer of labor to these industries, and combine solving employment problems with cultivating new growth points and promoting industrial transformation and upgrading. In view of the characteristics of flexible employment personnel, it is necessary to study and formulate corresponding social security measures and new labor relations system arrangements.

Keep the bottom line from systemic risk. In 2022, the pressure on the capital chain of some real estate enterprises, small and medium-sized banks and small and medium-sized enterprises may increase, and the hidden risks in some fields may be exposed on a large scale. At the same time, profound changes have taken place in the ideological concepts and interest patterns of the economic transition period, coupled with the increasing popularity of information networks, and various social contradictions and problems that have existed and emerged are easy to spread, spread and spread rapidly, resulting in an increase in social risk uncertainties. In this regard, it is necessary to rely on think tanks, industry associations and other institutions, the use of big data and other modern technical means, strengthen the study of the characteristics and behavior of capital, the supply guarantee of primary products, the prevention and resolution of major risks and other theoretical and practical issues, establish and improve the monitoring and early warning mechanism, scientifically assess the risks and hazards in important areas such as energy, food, finance, and industrial chain supply chain security, and study and formulate more targeted prevention and resolution measures.

These "exam questions" on the new journey need to be answered

In the "I am the King of Kumquat" ring in Rong'an County, Guangxi, the staff holds a kumquat (left) and an egg than the size. Xinhua News Agency

Cultural Construction -- Ascending to the Heights and Looking Far Ahead, Singing songs for the times and the people

Author: Xiao Xiangrong (Researcher, China Academy of Education and Social Development, Beijing Normal University, Professor, School of Arts and Media)

In 2021, the cultural construction of the "14th Five-Year Plan" period made a good start, advanced in an orderly manner, and achieved a series of eye-catching achievements, showing a new atmosphere and new trend of more clarity and positivity. In 2022, the domestic and international situation is complex and changeable, which puts forward higher requirements for cultural construction. Compared with the long-term goal of building a cultural power by 2035 and the main goal of cultural construction in the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, the current cultural construction must focus on the following work:

Adhere to the path of socialist cultural development with Chinese characteristics, continuously consolidate the guiding position of Marxism in the ideological field, lead cultural construction with the core socialist values, and improve the degree of social civilization; inherit and carry forward China's excellent traditional culture, revolutionary culture, and advanced socialist culture, so that socialist culture with Chinese characteristics can be rooted in the great practice of socialism with Chinese characteristics; flourish literary and artistic creation, activate the creative vitality of the whole nation's culture, better meet the people's cultural needs, and enhance the people's spiritual strength To improve the level of public cultural services, and constantly promote the equalization, universalization and convenience of basic public cultural services; improve the modern cultural industry system, promote the integration of culture and tourism, and promote the high-quality development of cultural industries under the new development pattern.

Culture is the spiritual lifeblood of the nation, and literature and art are the clarion call of the times. Last year, the grand convening of the Eleventh National Congress of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles and the Tenth National Congress of the China Writers Association was a major event in the field of culture, and General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech proposed "to promote the industry with literature, to cultivate the yuan with literature, to establish the heart with literature, and to cast the soul with literature", which pointed out the fundamental compliance of literary and artistic creation for literary and art workers. In the cultural construction in 2022, we must deeply understand and practice.

Deeply understand the interactivity of "Promoting Industry with Literature". Compared with the people's yearning for a better life, there is still a lot of room for improvement in the level of cultural construction at this stage. If good literary and artistic works want to "stand up" on the stage and "spread out" among the masses of the people, they must master the use of science and technology and new media on the basis of being rooted in China's excellent traditional culture, enhance communication and interaction with the public, and continuously enhance cultural self-confidence with innovative thinking.

Deeply understand the educational nature of "cultivating the yuan with culture". The appreciation and guidance of literary and artistic works and the education of the public are important parts of cultural undertakings. In a series of actions such as rectifying the chaos of the "rice circle" in 2021, we have felt the adverse consequences of a very small number of literary and artistic works and cultural and entertainment activities deviating from the core values of socialism. In 2022, while continuing to increase the comprehensive management of the field of culture and entertainment, we should clarify the ideological and educational nature that must be contained in the forms of literature and art, entertainment, and comprehensive culture, and guide the people to cultivate themselves.

Deeply understand the aesthetics of "building the heart with literature". Beauty education, especially the aesthetic education of young people is related to the future of the country, in the education reform and discipline adjustment, we should clearly recognize the importance of aesthetic education, the imaginative, creative aesthetic education curriculum better integrated into the primary and secondary schools, to improve the quality of the people to lay a solid foundation.

Deeply understand the spirit of "casting the soul with literature". Looking at the cultural construction in 2021, the red literary and artistic works celebrating the centenary of the founding of the Party shine like stars, showing the gratifying situation of the mainland literary and art garden in the new era. All literary and art workers must clearly understand that outstanding works come from history, from the people, and from the times, and they must do their best to tell Chinese stories, publicize Chinese culture, and carry forward the Chinese spirit in their posts, so as to provide a strong value guidance, cultural cohesion, and spiritual driving force for realizing the second centenary goal and realizing the Chinese nation's great rejuvenation of the Chinese dream.

Social construction - maintaining long-term harmony and stability that is both orderly and dynamic

Author: Chu Songyan (Director and Professor, Department of Social and Ecological Civilization, Party School of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China [National School of Administration])

In 2021, remarkable progress has been made in all aspects of social construction on the mainland, showing three distinct characteristics.

First, great historic achievements have been made in poverty alleviation. In 2021, we have achieved the first centenary goal, the problem of absolute poverty that has plagued the Chinese nation for thousands of years has been historically solved, a moderately prosperous society has been built in an all-round way, and the material life of the people has begun to shift from the traditional state of lack of food and clothing to a relatively abundant state of guarantee.

Second, with the comprehensive construction of a moderately prosperous society, the strategic planning in the field of social construction has begun to shift from focusing on "whether there is any" to paying attention to "whether it is good or not.". For example, the No. 1 document of the Central Committee in 2021 regards the comprehensive promotion of rural revitalization as a major task to achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation; remarkable progress has been made in solidly promoting the theory and practice of common prosperity, and the basic connotations, promotion principles and institutional innovation directions of common prosperity have become increasingly clear.

Third, the needs of people's livelihood have been responded to efficiently. In 2021, the mainland has effectively met the most basic and urgent people's livelihood needs of the broad masses of the people. In terms of bottom-line demand, in the face of the continuous spread of the global covid-19 epidemic, the party has led the people of all ethnic groups across the country to continue to carry forward the great anti-epidemic spirit, and while protecting people's life safety and physical health to the greatest extent, the economy has recovered rapidly and comprehensively, highlighting the significant advantages of the Chinese system. In terms of basic needs, the relevant achievements are even more numerous: the education reform represented by the "double reduction" in the field of compulsory education has continued to advance and achieved remarkable results. The reform of the social security system has continued to deepen, and the national overall planning of endowment insurance has been solidly promoted. The policy that a couple can have three children has been officially implemented, and relevant supporting measures have been continuously introduced.

Based on this, in 2022, the issues that need to be paid attention to in the field of social construction mainly include:

Continue to exert efforts in social governance innovation, continuously improve the social governance system, improve the social governance system of co-construction, co-governance and sharing, and create a safe and stable social environment for the victory of the 20th National Congress of the Party. In the new year, we must strengthen the modernization of the social governance system and governance capabilities, continue to exert efforts to improve the socialization, rule of law, intelligence and professionalization of social governance, especially focus on the innovation of grass-roots social governance, stimulate collaborative vitality with refined services, and continue to write a miracle of long-term social stability at a higher level.

Grasp the development trend of the global new crown pneumonia epidemic, continuously improve the mainland's epidemic prevention and control system, strengthen policy design and encourage multiple explorations in terms of better overall planning and promotion of epidemic prevention and control, economic and social development and ensuring people's normal lives, so as to better safeguard people's lives and health and promote high-quality development.

Comprehensively promote economic development and people's livelihood security, continue to introduce and implement various policies to benefit the people in education, employment, pension, social security and other basic people's livelihood, and give play to the role of social policies as the foundation. For example, multiple measures should be taken to solve the employment problems of young people such as college graduates; improve the labor contracts of flexible employment personnel such as network couriers and social security policies such as work injury insurance; promote the national overall planning of basic old-age insurance; promote the implementation of new birth policies, continuously optimize the population structure, and so on.

It is foreseeable that with the institutional innovation and practical innovation in the field of social construction on the mainland, the sense of happiness and security of the broad masses of the people will continue to increase, and the mainland society will maintain a harmonious and stable state of both order and vitality for a long time.

Construction of ecological civilization - accelerate the promotion of comprehensive green transformation of economic and social development

Author: Gao Shikai (Director, Institute of Resources and Environmental Policy, Development Research Center of the State Council)

Li Weiming (Director, Resource Policy Research Office, Institute of Resources and Environmental Policy, Development Research Center of the State Council)

In 2021, the construction of ecological civilization on the mainland has opened a new stage of focusing on carbon reduction as the key strategic direction, promoting pollution reduction and carbon reduction synergy, promoting the comprehensive green transformation of economic and social development, and realizing the improvement of ecological environment quality from quantitative to qualitative change. Under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, all regions and departments have deeply studied and implemented Xi Jinping Thought on Ecological Civilization, maintained the strategic determination of ecological civilization construction, and coordinated resource conservation, pollution control, ecological protection, and climate change response, achieving a good start in the "14th Five-Year Plan".

The first is to strengthen the strategic planning and deployment of carbon peak carbon neutrality. The Carbon Peak Carbon Neutrality Work Leading Group was established, the "1 + N" policy system was successively released, and the deployment and implementation of various tasks were accelerated. The second is to accelerate the establishment and improvement of a green and low-carbon circular development economic system. The industrial structure, energy structure, and transportation structure continue to be adjusted and optimized, the transformation and upgrading of key industries such as petrochemicals and steel has accelerated, the installed capacity and power generation of photovoltaic and wind energy have remained the first in the world, and the production and sales scale of new energy vehicles continue to rank first in the world. The third is to continue to strengthen the coordinated governance of pollution reduction and carbon reduction. Green mountains and green water, blue sky and white clouds continue to increase, and the sense of ecological environment acquisition, happiness and security continues to increase. The fourth is to continuously improve the system of ecological civilization. Promulgated the Opinions on Establishing and Improving the Mechanism for Realizing the Value of Ecological Products, actively built an institutional framework for the realization of the value of ecological products, formally implemented the Yangtze River Protection Law and the Outline of the Yellow River Basin Ecological Protection and High-quality Development Plan, and officially launched online trading in the mainland of the world's largest carbon market covering emissions. The fifth is to continue to promote the construction of global ecological civilization and participate in the construction of a more reasonable global ecological civilization governance system. Successfully held the first phase of the fifteenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity, formally adopted the "Kunming Declaration", calling on all parties to jointly build a community of life on earth, formally submitted the "New Measures for China's Implementation of Nationally Determined Contributions and New Targets" and "China's Long-term Greenhouse Gas Low Emission Development Strategy for the Middle of this Century", promoted the positive results of the 26th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, and continued to promote the construction of the green "Belt and Road".

At the same time, the current construction of ecological civilization in the mainland is still facing many challenges: the long-term mechanism for coordinating economic development and total energy control, economic transformation and energy security needs to be built urgently; the reform of the energy system and mechanism needs to be deepened, the modern energy governance system and the new power system with new energy as the main body need to be established; the efficiency of ecological environment supervision needs to be further enhanced, and the synergistic mechanism for pollution reduction and carbon reduction needs to be established and improved; the system and mechanism for green science and technology innovation have not yet been straightened out, and the green industry support system and the value realization mechanism for ecological products are not yet perfect The ability and level of deep participation in and leadership of global climate governance need to be improved, and the construction of the green "Belt and Road" needs to be accelerated.

In 2022, we must face up to difficulties, strengthen confidence, correctly understand and grasp the new situation and new tasks of the current construction of ecological civilization, effectively strengthen the overall coordination in the field of ecological civilization, and accelerate the comprehensive green transformation of economic and social development. Specifically: First, we must deeply study and implement Xi Jinping Thought on Ecological Civilization, so as to guide policy formulation, specific implementation and research in the field of ecological civilization construction. Second, it is necessary to establish and improve the "1 + N" policy system and its implementation mechanism, comprehensively and orderly promote the work of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality; strive to achieve the transformation from dual control of energy consumption to dual control of total carbon emissions and intensity as soon as possible; accelerate the construction of a clean, low-carbon, safe and efficient energy system and a new power system with new energy as the main body; improve the supporting system system for the carbon market and the voluntary greenhouse gas emission reduction trading mechanism, and establish a long-term mechanism for statistical accounting, data management and performance of greenhouse gas data. Third, we must innovate the green technology system and mechanism, increase policy support, accelerate the research and development, promotion and application of cutting-edge key technologies in key areas; study and improve the guarantee mechanism for comprehensive conservation, intensification and recycling of resources, and promote the revision of special legislation such as comprehensive utilization of resources and carbon neutrality, as well as the revision of the Energy Conservation Law and the Circular Economy Promotion Law. Fourth, we must accelerate the construction of top-level design and policy measures for pollution reduction and carbon reduction synergy, strengthen the comprehensive experimental role of the National Ecological Civilization Pilot Zone, establish and improve the value realization mechanism and ecological protection compensation mechanism for ecological products, as well as the effective operation and risk management mechanism of market-based trading of pollutant discharge rights, energy use rights, water rights and carbon emission rights. Fifth, it is necessary to improve the efficiency of ecological environment supervision, and continue to improve the supervision system of natural protected areas and ecological protection redlines. Sixth, we should study and deeply participate in global climate governance mechanisms, enhance the ability and effectiveness of implementing international conventions, accelerate the construction of the green "Belt and Road", strengthen international cooperation in the fields of climate change and biodiversity conservation, coordinate to promote biodiversity conservation and response to climate change, and promote the joint construction of a fair, reasonable, and win-win global climate governance system.

Guangming Daily ( 2022-01-20 07 edition)

Source: Guangming Network - Guangming Daily