
Working together to fight the epidemic with me- a record of the fight against the epidemic in Xianyang and Shangluo, Shaanxi

author:China Lottery Network

At the end of 2021, the sudden spillover of the epidemic in Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, affected many cities in Shaanxi Province. The sudden outbreak of the epidemic broke the tranquility of Xianyang, Shangluo and other cities. At the critical moment, Xianyang and Shangluo Fucai Centers actively responded to the call of higher-level departments, organized party member volunteer service teams, went deep into the community, threw themselves into the front line of epidemic prevention and control, and assisted the community to carry out epidemic prevention and control work with responsibility and responsibility, and made due contributions to helping the city win the epidemic prevention and control battle.

Xianyang Fucai fights the "epidemic" with one heart

On December 24, 2021, Qindu District of Xianyang City organized the third nucleic acid testing for all employees, and five employees of Xianyang Fucai Center, Zhang Chaochan, Zhou Peng, Wu Dingkun, Li Hang, and Guo Bin, went to the nucleic acid testing points in the community early to help medical staff make preparations before nucleic acid testing, patiently helped the elderly who would not use smart phones to operate and register, took the initiative to undertake the task of maintaining the order of the testing team, organized the masses to queue in an orderly manner, and measured and scanned the code one by one. The testing work of each nucleic acid testing point will be carried out in an orderly and smooth manner.

After the end of the nucleic acid test, they turned into a sentry post, braved the cold, stuck to the door of each community, assisted the community staff to check and register the health code, itinerary code, body temperature, etc. of the vehicles and personnel entering and leaving the community, did a good job in the daily environmental disinfection of the community and the various consultation work of the residents, did a solid job in the prevention and control of the epidemic in the community, and went all out to cooperate with the community to guard the first line of defense against the epidemic.

On days when there was no nucleic acid testing, they shuttled through each unit of the community, going door to door to deliver government-caring vegetables and daily necessities to every resident, recording the needs of residents and doing their best to meet them. Day by day, they don't know how many floors they have climbed, how many times they have knocked on the door, and despite the pain in their waists and legs, they still insist. And this is just a silhouette of the cadres and workers of the Xianyang Fucai Center sinking into the community. More Xianyang Fucai people are also fighting in the frontline of the fight against the epidemic like them.

As an active member of the party, Xianyang Fucai staff Gao Chao took the initiative to apply to the community to join the volunteer service team to assist community workers in checking residents' epidemic prevention and control information and nucleic acid testing. Gao Chao said: "Epidemic prevention and control is a big guy's business, and community residents staying at home is to fight the epidemic, which also needs our party members and cadres, activists and volunteers to provide services and help to them." Being able to build a 'protective net' and 'security wall' for everyone is my greatest wish. ”

As the youngest party member in this group of Xianyang Fucai volunteers, Luan Wei is stationed in the community prevention and control team of the xianyang epidemic prevention and control headquarters office, responsible for various data statistics, notices, plan drafting, contacting the epidemic prevention and control headquarters of various urban areas and counties, and working overtime until late at night every day.

Shangluo Fucai joins forces to fight the "epidemic"

In late December 2021, after receiving the epidemic notification from Xi'an City, the Shangluo Welfare Lottery Center issued a number of epidemic prevention and control notices in succession, reminding the owners of betting stations to strictly follow the requirements of the "Guidelines for epidemic prevention and control of China Welfare Lottery Sales Sites", do a good job in epidemic prevention and control, and report discomfort to the community and the center in time, and at the same time cooperate with the local epidemic control requirements, and if the counties and districts are not allowed to operate, they will immediately stop business. In addition, the Shangluo Fucai Center convened the station owners in Shangzhou City to concentrate on nucleic acid testing, and mobilized the station owners of various counties to take the initiative to do nucleic acid testing, and all the costs were borne by the center.

In the epidemic prevention and control work, Ma Qianlong, a worker in Shangluo City Center, completed the one-month "two stations and one one" closed-loop epidemic prevention and control work in Xi'an (referring to the fact that in the past two years, various cities in Shaanxi Province have temporarily dispatched a number of cadres and workers to "two stations and one station" in Xi'an Railway Station, High-speed Rail Station and Airport to carry out the work of transferring key groups) and home isolation for 21 days, and then threw himself into the frontline work of household inspection in Shangzhou District in early January 2022. As a veteran, Ma Qianlong once again showed his true character as a soldier and the original mission of Fucai. At the same time, Three employees of Shangluo Fucai Center, Sun Wenrong, Zhang Yu and Li Liwei, also threw themselves into the epidemic prevention and control office of the Shangluo Civil Affairs Bureau to cooperate with the epidemic prevention supervision and epidemic prevention related work in various counties and districts of Shangluo City. Shangluo City Center also selected 4 employees as Welfare Lottery volunteers to do a good job in epidemic prevention and control inspection at the epidemic prevention and control point.

At the beginning of January, Zhang Yanfeng, director of the Shangluo Civil Affairs Bureau, and other leaders led the staff of the Municipal Welfare Lottery Center to visit and comfort some community prevention and control points, social welfare homes, children's welfare homes and other front-line epidemic prevention workers in Shangzhou District. The party branch of Shangluo Fucai Center also carried out the "Party Flag Flying High on the Frontline at the Grassroots Frontline" condolence activity at the epidemic prevention and control point of Liushuwan Village in Guofenglou Town, Shangnan County, to comfort the epidemic prevention workers of Beijie Village in Waishi Town, Shangzhou District, and Xiguan Community in Shangzhou District, and to send epidemic prevention materials and daily life condolences to the frontline.

The staff of Xianyang and Shangluo are silently sticking to their respective posts and contributing their strength to winning the battle against the epidemic. (Source: Shaanxi Fucai)

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