
Menghua | warm home on winter nights, and the lights are amiable

Menghua | warm home on winter nights, and the lights are amiable

| Meng Hua Editor | Shu for the image | network

After leaving work in the evening, I walked out of the office building and suddenly felt that the sky was dark, and the cold wind in the sleet was blowing pain in my face. I cowered, like most people on the street, unashamed, running in the direction of home, waiting to meet with warmth, and home was especially kind and attractive at this time.

When I got home, I turned on the lights at home first. I think that the wife who hurried back from the market and saw the lights at home on the seventh floor must be calm and warm, and the steps upstairs were light and cheerful.

The pots and pans in the kitchen sound rhythmically, all of which are familiar and warm melodies. Although I am a supporting role for walking around, I also create the warmth in the house together, as if I was the one who listened to the call of my busy mother in the kitchen when I was a child, and I was happy to make a small contribution to the hot dinner.

In the hot dish of rice, we ate quietly, the world of the old husband and wife, less polite, more of the sound of food smashing the mouth, as if it was the peeling sound of the years crackling, I vaguely saw the youth meal and middle-aged meal we had eaten all the way under the familiar light...

I remember the lively scene when we were young, five of our brothers and sisters and our parents ate around the table. On the vegetarian-based table, there is occasionally a bowl of small fish and shrimp, or a plate of water tofu, a plate of soybeans and pork foot pot, which are our expectations, of course, this is the love that parents try to give us. As usual, we all wolfed down and swept through the clouds. At that time, I felt that my parents ate very slowly and rarely, and they did not say much. Now that I think about it, my parents are already very happy to see us eat at sea. The light bulbs at home are not very bright, but the warm scene is very clear. As Mr. Wang Zengqi described, "the family sits idly, and the lights are amiable."

Suddenly, I remembered the "wind and snow night return to people" in Tang poetry. I understand that this is a poem that praises the small and fortunate life. Those who return at night and those who are looking forward to returning are happy, because there are lights in the house, relatives have returned, and the house is very warm.

It gets dark early, and the evenings seem long. I remember when I was a child in the winter, my mother, who was busy with housework after dinner, would use a large tile basin to hold a charcoal fire, and then cover it with a bamboo woven cover with holes, and the family would warm up around the stove and communicate and chat. Mom's funny and inspirational folk tales were told to us at this time. From time to time, there are also uncles and aunts next door who come to nag about the family, mostly to talk about people's feelings or country anecdotes. Listening to the adults talked to us a lot about things outside of home. This stove not only warms us through the winter, but also allows us to grow insight and hope in the long winter night.

The winter night is long, and there is another thing that pleases us, that is, eating cassava. The cassava in my hometown is harvested in the winter, and my mother would peel and wash the cassava for supper, and then cut the cassava into several pieces and put it in a pot to cook. Soon, my mother served the fragrant cassava to the original cassava feast, which became an unforgettable and warm memory of our brothers and sisters. In retrospect, it was the love and warmth of our parents that allowed us to withstand the cold and long winters of our childhood.

And now, no matter how cold the winter night is, there is no fireplace for heating, air conditioning and heating I do not like much, naturally I miss the warm home on the winter night when I was a child. I imagined how warm it was to have a house with a fireplace, not very big, to sit by a red charcoal stove in winter, quietly reading a book, sitting idly, or watching a ball game, a movie! This kind of house has never been seen in a small southern town, so I bought an electric heater, and then brewed a pot of amber old tea, and read a few beautiful articles with temperature, how pleasant.

I suddenly thought about my daughter who had first entered the workplace, and I didn't know if it was winter in her place thousands of miles away, and whether there was a warm lamp in the rented room. Daughter, running and working hard is the main theme of the young years. It doesn't matter if you are tired, don't forget to light an optimistic and warm lamp in your heart, so that your soul can rest and nourish. We have been together for more than 20 years together, the warm lights are on, timeless, do you remember? If you go home in the new year, we will leave a lamp for you, and illuminate it for thousands of miles to lead you back.

Menghua | warm home on winter nights, and the lights are amiable

One Point Heart Dream Literature

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