
Study Abroad Newsletter International Edition

author:Study Abroad Magazine
Study Abroad Newsletter International Edition

Issue 70


Executive Summary

1. WHO calls for vigilance against simultaneous outbreaks of COVID-19 and other respiratory diseases

2. Denmark became the first country in Europe to receive the fourth dose of the COVID-19 vaccine

3. IOC: Ready for the Winter Olympics Closed loop is safe

4. Quebec, Canada: Impose a "health tax" on people who refuse to get covid-19 vaccines for "non-medical reasons"

5. The number of new cases in the United States exceeded 1.4 million in a single day, setting a record high

6. The COVID-19 pandemic in the United States continues to worsen The shortage of materials has become more severe

7. France has confirmed more than 360,000 new cases in a single day Officially said that schools are still open as much as possible


See below for more highlights



WHO calls for caution against COVID-19

Simultaneous outbreaks with other respiratory diseases

The COVID-19 variant virus Olmikeron strain is rapidly replacing delta strains in almost all countries, and countries should be prepared to prevent simultaneous outbreaks of COVID-19 and other respiratory diseases in the upcoming spring.

According to WHO, countries reported more than 15 million new CASEs of COVID-19 to the organization last week, the highest number of reported cases to date, largely due to the fact that the Aumequeron strain is rapidly replacing Delta strain in almost all countries. Meanwhile, the number of weekly deaths reported by countries to WHO has remained at an average of 48 000 per week since October.

In addition to vaccinations, WHO is calling for daily measures to reduce the spread of the virus. Van Krkhof said future outbreaks are expected to continue among those who are not vaccinated and not well protected. She stressed that severe illness and death can be reduced by vaccination and improved clinical care.

Denmark became the first in Europe

Countries receiving the 4th dose of COVID-19 vaccine

Denmark is about to launch its fourth COVID-19 vaccination programme, targeting people in high-risk areas. Denmark will thus become the first country in Europe to administer the fourth dose of the COVID-19 vaccine.

According to the report, although the regulator believes that there is not enough data to prove that the 4th dose of the new crown vaccine is effective, the Danish Ministry of Health said on the 12th that it has decided to vaccinate the 4th dose of the new crown vaccine for most susceptible groups. The Ministry of Health believes that the wider the scope of infection in society( the greater the risk of susceptible groups being infected. Denmark will launch a fourth dose of COVID-19 vaccination this weekend, mainly for people who have been vaccinated in the autumn of 2021, and the Danish Ministry of Health is considering including the elderly and nursing home personnel, but a decision has not yet been made.

The total population of Denmark is about 6 million. On the 12th, the Danish Ministry of Health reported 24,343 new confirmed cases, with a cumulative new crown case of more than 1 million cases and a cumulative death of 3,433 cases. Last month, Denmark stepped up its anti-epidemic restrictions to stop the spread of the Omiljung strain. For now, the Danish government plans to reopen public facilities such as cinemas, theatres and gymnasiums. Israel and Chile are currently vaccinating the fourth dose of COVID-19 vaccine, and Hungary and Austria are considering whether to do so.

IOC: The Winter Olympics are ready The closed loop is safe

Study Abroad Newsletter International Edition

Image source: Xinhua News Agency

As one of the leaders of the advance team sent by the IOC to the Beijing Winter Olympics, Pierre Ducre, director of operations of the Olympic Department of the International Olympic Committee, has been in Beijing for a week, and he said at the online conference on the evening of the 12th that the Beijing Winter Olympics are ready for the Beijing Winter Olympics, whether in terms of the quality of the venues, the level of service, or the hospitality and helpfulness of the people, and he also feels very safe within the closed loop of the Winter Olympics.

Under the background of epidemic prevention and control, the Beijing Winter Olympics launched a trial run of closed-loop management during the games from the 4th to the 22nd of this month. Ducre said that in the week he arrived in Beijing, he had successfully carried out a lot of work with representatives of international sports organizations. "We are currently in the pre-match stages and are happy that everything looks like it's ready. We can confirm that, as in the test match, the competition area of the venue is very good and we will have an exciting event in Beijing. ”

Quebec, Canada: Towards "Non-Medical Causes"

People who refuse to get the COVID-19 vaccine impose a "health tax"

Affected by the "spike" in new infections in Omicron, the Canadian province of Quebec decided to impose a "health tax" on people who refused to be vaccinated against covid-19 for non-medical reasons, according to the Canadian News Agency on Wednesday. Quebec thus became the first region in Canada to introduce a tax related to COVID-19 vaccination.

Quebec Governor François Lego said that on Tuesday, the province had 62 new COVID-19 deaths in a single day, with a total of 12,028 deaths, becoming the province with the highest number of deaths from COVID-19 in Canada. For 90 percent of those who were vaccinated, the remaining 10 percent who refused to be vaccinated put a "huge burden" on Quebec, and there was a "matter of fairness," Lego stressed. Lego said the Quebec finance department is responsible for developing specific measures for the "no vaccine" tax. He said the finalized tax would be a "substantial amount" and would not be a symbolic charge of $50 or $100.

The number of new cases in the United States exceeded 1.4 million in a single day

Record high

According to data from Johns Hopkins University on the 11th, the number of new confirmed cases of new coronavirus in the United States exceeded 1.4 million on the 10th, once again refreshing the record for the highest number of new cases in a single day since the outbreak of the epidemic in the United States.

According to statistics, the number of new covid-19 cases in the United States reached 1.483 million in the 10th, and the average number of new cases in the past 7 days reached 754,000; the average daily death toll in the past 7 days was about 1650, an increase of 33% over last week. In addition, as of 17:00 on the 11th, the cumulative number of confirmed covid-19 infections in the United States exceeded 62.038 million, and the number of deaths exceeded 841,000.

With the rapid spread of the Olmikron strain in the United States, in addition to the surge in the number of cases, the number of hospitalizations has also increased significantly. According to statistics from the U.S. Department of Health, the number of hospitalizations due to covid-19 infections has reached 147,000 on the 11th, the highest record since the outbreak of the epidemic in the United States. Hospitalizations have doubled in the past two weeks.

The COVID-19 pandemic in the United States continues to worsen

The shortage of materials is even worse

Study Abroad Newsletter International Edition

Image source: CCTV News

The supply chain and labor shortages that have plagued the U.S. retail industry since the pandemic have been exacerbated by the ongoing worsening of the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States and the harsh winter weather. In recent weeks, shortages of supplies have become worse in many stores in the United States, and shelves are empty.

U.S. media reports pointed out that this shortage of stores has been widespread in many parts of the United States, involving agricultural products, meat and grains. Jeff Freeman, president of the Consumer Brand Association of America, said that usually there may be a shortage of 5% to 10% of goods in supermarkets, grocery stores, etc. in the United States, but the current figure is as high as 15%.

Freeman pointed out that the main reason for the intensification of the shortage of materials is the recent worsening of the epidemic in the United States. Many people tested positive for COVID-19 and were unable to arrive at their posts, and companies were forced to shut down production lines, resulting in insufficient supplies. At the same time, the number of truck drivers is seriously insufficient, and the transportation of goods is also seriously hindered.

France has confirmed more than 360,000 new cases in a single day

Officials say they still keep schools open as much as possible

France has more than 360,000 new confirmed cases of COVID-19 in a single day. French officials said on the same day that they would still keep the school as open as possible. French official data show that there were 368419 new confirmed cases in France on the 11th, and the cumulative number of confirmed cases 12573533. The cumulative number of deaths in France is now 126059, with 270 new deaths. The number of hospitalized COVID-19 patients in France is now 23,371; the number of severely ill patients is approaching 4,000, and the number of patients is now 3,969.

French officials said on the same day that they would still keep the school as open as possible. French President Macron met with European Council President Michel in Paris on the same day, and the two attended the press conference together. When talking about the issue of school epidemic prevention, Macron pointed out that the relevant measures taken to keep schools open are the right choice. He said the measures taken by schools may make teachers and students feel tired, but they must be pragmatic to deal with the current situation.

Macron said Prime Minister Castel had announced simplified measures to prevent the epidemic in schools and simplified testing procedures for students exposed to infected patients. He called for some patience in adjusting the relevant policies.

Expo Dubai held the China National Pavilion Day event

The China National Pavilion Day event of Expo 2020 Dubai was held in Dubai, United Arab Emirates on the 10th. Ni Jian, Chinese Ambassador to the UAE, Lim Hashemi, UAE Minister of State for International Cooperation and Chairman of the Dubai Expo Bureau, and Sultan Shamshi, Assistant Minister for International Development Affairs of the UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, attended the meeting.

In his speech, Shamsi spoke highly of the exhibition display at the China Pavilion. He said that in recent years, the "Belt and Road" initiative has enabled Afghanistan and China to carry out fruitful cooperation in the political, economic, cultural, scientific and technological fields. The holding of this World Expo will further strengthen exchanges and cooperation between the two sides, and the relations between Argentina and China will open a new chapter.

The Chinese National Pavilion of this World Expo is named "Light of China", the theme is "Building a Community of Shared Future for Mankind - Innovation and Opportunities", focusing on China's achievements in space exploration, information technology, modern transportation, artificial intelligence, smart life, etc., and is an important platform for China to share China's development concept and development achievements with other countries in the world, strengthen exchanges and cooperation with other countries in the world, and promote the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind. As of the 10th, the China Pavilion has received more than 800,000 guests and tourists from all over the world, and assisted relevant provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities, enterprises and cooperative units in China to hold 28 activities.

German Health Minister: Further tightening of anti-epidemic measures is needed to deal with the spread of Omi kerong

On the 9th, German Federal Health Minister Lauterbach said that Germany "needs to take further epidemic prevention measures" to prevent the rapid spread of the Omikeron strain.

The German federal government and state governments made the latest resolution at the epidemic prevention summit on the 8th, which further restricted the catering industry. However, Lauterbach believes that this is still not enough to stop the spread of the Olmikron strain, "so further measures need to be taken at the appropriate time". Lauterbach also points out that there is reason to believe that unvaccinated people may experience more severe symptoms.

Lauterbach declined to give a specific timeline for the mandatory vaccination plan for the whole population, which was being discussed. He said the Ministry of Health should not put any pressure on the legislative affairs of the Bundestag. However, the Ministry of Health is preparing to provide professional advice to the Bundestag. Previously, German Chancellor Schoelz had said that due to the complex legislative process, the legislative plan for compulsory vaccination of the whole people may not be realized until the beginning of March.

Dissatisfaction with epidemic prevention measures The Chicago Teachers' Union in the United States

27,000 teachers "strike"

With the peak of the new wave of the epidemic brought about by the two major new coronavirus variants of Delta and Omicron, school districts across the United States are once again caught in the debate of "not closing the campus" and "whether offline classes are converted to online teaching". In Chicago, the local teachers' union took a "strike" because it could not reach an agreement with the school and the school district on the issue of "offline classes to online classes.". As of the 7th local time, Chicago Public Schools have been closed for three consecutive days.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Chicago Teachers' Union wanted to teach through online classes, but it was never able to reach an agreement with the school and district management. Beginning on the 5th of this month, the Chicago Teachers' Union launched a "strike" campaign, urging its 27,000 teachers not to enter the classroom and insist on working remotely unless the epidemic is alleviated or the union and the school district agree on new rules for face-to-face teaching.

South Korea expands the scope of application of vaccine passes

Unvaccinated people may be blocked from shopping

The South Korean Central Disaster Security Countermeasures Headquarters said on the 9th that from the 10th, the scope of implementation of the Korean vaccine pass will include more than 3,000 square meters of shopping malls, large supermarkets, department stores, agricultural and aquatic products circulation centers and other "large-scale stores" in the circulation industry development law, a total of more than 2,300.

After that, when people enter the above places, they must verify the vaccination status through a QR code, and those who have not been vaccinated need to submit a negative nucleic acid test certificate within 48 hours. The South Korean government said it would set the 10th to 16th as a transition period. After the expiry of the transition period, violations of the relevant regulations will be subject to fines and administrative sanctions.

Since January 17, customers who violate the epidemic prevention pass system will be required to pay a fine of 100,000 won at a time. Depending on the number of times, the facility operator will be fined 1.5 million won for the first violation and 3 million won for the second violation; other administrative sanctions include the first violation to stop operations for 10 days, and the fourth violation will be issued an administrative order to close the store. According to Yonhap News Agency, as of 0:00 on the 10th, South Korea had 3,007 new confirmed cases of infection with the new coronavirus (COVID-19) compared with 0:00 the previous day, with a total of 667,390 confirmed cases.



Latest notice of registration for the teacher qualification examination

Study Abroad Newsletter International Edition

Image source: National Education Examination Network

Notice on Adjusting the Registration Date of the Primary and Secondary School Teacher Qualification Examination (Written Examination) in the First Half of 2022

In view of the recent outbreak of new crown pneumonia in some provinces, in order to effectively protect the life safety and physical health of the majority of candidates, with the consent of the Ministry of Education, it is hereby decided that the registration start time of the primary and secondary school teacher qualification examination (written test) in the first half of 2022 will be postponed from January 14 to January 24, 2022, and the registration review and payment time of each province (autonomous region and municipality directly under the central government) is detailed in the supplementary registration announcement of the local examination body.

"Study Abroad Service Platform"

The online press conference was held in Beijing

Study Abroad Newsletter International Edition

Image source: China Net

On January 11, 2022, the press conference on the launch of the "Study Abroad Service Platform" created by the Study Abroad Service Branch of the China Education Association for International Exchange was held at the Beijing Yifu Convention Center. Present at the meeting were Wang Yongli, vice president and secretary general of the China Education Association for International Exchange, Yan Bingchen, deputy director of the Department of International Cooperation and Exchange of the Ministry of Education, Li Yan, deputy director of the Consumer Supervision Department of the China Consumers Association, Chen Dali, director of the Department of People-to-People Exchanges and Study Abroad of the Department of International Cooperation and Exchange, E Xuewen, consultant of the Study Abroad Service Branch of the China Education Association for International Exchange, and representatives of news media units in Beijing. The press conference was presided over by Yin Kai, Secretary General of the Study Abroad Service Branch of the China Education Association for International Exchange.

Xi'an meets the conditions in batches

Transfer of international students abroad

In order to effectively solve the difficulties of Xi'an's foreign students, in accordance with the arrangements of the Foreign-related Coordination Group of the Shaanxi Provincial Response Office, Xi'an City will transfer eligible foreign students to other cities in the province without epidemic for 14 days in batches, and then leave the country at ports in other provinces after the quarantine is over.

It is understood that only foreign students who meet the following conditions can be included in the object of this transfer isolation work: students abroad and their parents in the Xi'an control area and the prevention area voluntarily register and agree to complete 14 days of centralized isolation in low-risk areas. At the same time, holding a negative nucleic acid test certificate and a one-code green code within 48 hours, it promises to do a good job in personal protection and closed-loop management measures. In addition, confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia, asymptomatic infected persons, close contacts, close contacts, and potential close contacts are not allowed to leave Xi'an. Personnel going abroad in the sealing and control area are not included in the scope of transit and isolation.

The "Chinese Bridge" theme "Cloud" winter camp attracted more than a thousand Saudi university students to perceive contemporary China

Beijing, January 7( Xinhuanet) -- On January 4, 2022, the online winter camp with the theme of "Chinese Bridge - Contemporary Silk Road Colorful China" for Saudi university students opened. 1133 Saudi university students will participate in the "Language + Culture" teaching activity "cloud" within 28 days.

According to the relevant person in charge of the Sino-foreign Language Exchange and Cooperation Center, this is the largest online exchange activity for saudi young students so far. Ma Jianfei, director of the Sino-Foreign Language Exchange and Cooperation Center, Yin Lijun, minister counsellor of the Chinese Embassy in Saudi Arabia, Song Min, vice president of the Central University for Nationalities, and Abdul Muneim Hayani, vice president of King Abdul Aziz University in Saudi Arabia, attended the opening ceremony.

China and Saudi Arabia are located at the eastern and western ends of Asia, with a long history and splendid civilization, and the people of the two countries have jointly written a friendly chapter on the Silk Road. The Center actively practices the concept of "one in the world" and works with all parties to contribute to the development of education in Saudi Arabia by building an online comprehensive teaching service platform for Arabic, supporting the development Chinese of local teaching materials and curriculum resources, carrying out professional local teacher training, and establishing a "language wisdom classroom". It is hoped that the students will gain more Chinese knowledge through the winter camp, understand China, and work with Chinese youth to help the friendship between the two countries last forever and promote the progress and development of the country.

The young elite of Chinese under 30 years old in the United States

The 2022 selection begins

LOS ANGELES, Jan. 8 – The National Chinese Youth Federation, the Chinese Association for the Promotion of Public Diplomacy in the United States, the English-language Los Angeles Post, and others have jointly announced that the 2022 Chinese-American 30 Under 30 Youth Elite List (2022 AACYF Top 30 under 30) will be open for entries and nominations on January 8 and will close on March 5. The winners' list will be announced on March 18.

Industries include enterprise technology, consumer technology, manufacturing and energy, art, sports, film, finance and investment, marketing, fashion, media, healthcare and research, education, social entrepreneurship, and retail and e-commerce.

The organizers expressed the hope that through the selection, outstanding entrepreneurs with innovative spirit and leadership in various fields will be selected, further promote and strengthen the development momentum of the youth innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem, provide more social visibility for Chinese youth and international student entrepreneurs, and find and cultivate future business leaders and Chinese community leaders.

Oxford University 2022 list

According to the official data released by the University of Oxford, the university interviewed more than 20,000 applicants in December, of which more than 3,600 were pre-admitted, 38% of the applicants who were interviewed were pre-admitted, and 70% of the PRE-admission in the UK came from public schools.

In October 2022, the Uk Higher Education Admissions Office (UCAS) released the latest admissions data: in the 2021-2022 application season, 77,810 (76,940 applicants last year) submitted applications for undergraduate admissions in the 2022 class through the UCAS system, setting a record high. China is the largest source of international students in uk universities, with 4,570 Chinese students filing applications at this stage, an increase of about 5% over the same period last year.

The UNITED KINGDOM needs to test for "double nucleic acids" in China

Study Abroad Newsletter International Edition

Image source: Chinese Embassy in the UK

In order to further do a good job in the prevention and control of the new crown epidemic and ensure the health and safety of personnel going to China from the UNITED Kingdom, according to the latest domestic prevention and control regulations, from January 6, 2022, the nucleic acid and antibody double tests of nucleic acids and antibodies when applying for health codes will be adjusted to double nucleic acid tests.

Source: Guangming Network, CCTV News Network, Global Network, etc., the pictures come from the Network, such as intrusion and deletion.

Reporter: Tian Jianghan

Producer: Li Xuan

Editor-in-charge: Yang Dongni