
Is it difficult to buy old and thin with money? Wrong: Fat points live the longest in old age

author:Bright Net

The author of this article: Jiang Bo, Physician of Rehabilitation Medicine, The First Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University

It's hard to buy old and thin with money, right? The elderly always say this, because obesity has always been the source of all diseases, and many diseases are related to obesity.

But how much weight is the most appropriate? Isn't it skinnier and healthier?

Scientists have given us new answers, too fat and too thin are not right, in fact, the healthiest body type is slightly fat.

Follow-up of 73 years found that micro-fat in old age is the longest life!

A few days ago, a research team at a university in the United States conducted an in-depth study of this problem, and since 1948, they have found 4576 respondents to investigate their health status every once in a while.

Is it difficult to buy old and thin with money? Wrong: Fat points live the longest in old age

You should know that from the beginning of 1948 to the present, the survey time has been very long, and the total research time can reach 73 years. But in these 73 years, some people have lived well, and some people have died of illness, but what does their weight have to do with death?

The study involved 4576 people, and these people died over a 73-year time span.

But after excluding other influencing factors, the relationship between weight and death slowly became apparent.

The researchers found that if at age 31, the weight is in the normal range, and then the weight gradually turns to overweight, which we understand as micro-fat, such people have the lowest risk of death and live the longest.

To put it more simply, the longest-lived people have the following two characteristics:

1. When you are young, you are not fat or thin

2. When old age, not thin and slightly fat

Healthiest body mass index for older adults: 25-29

If you measure a person's health solely by weight, it is actually biased, after all, you can't make a person of one meter eight use the same set of standards as a person of one meter six.

So scientists have used better methods to take weight and height into account and come up with new data, which we call body mass index, also called body mass index.

How is it calculated? It's actually quite simple:

Body mass index = body weight÷ height squared

This number is generally not too large, nor too small, and most people will be considered normal if they can maintain it between 18.5 and 24.9.

Is it difficult to buy old and thin with money? Wrong: Fat points live the longest in old age

And the body mass index exceeds 25 do not be afraid, as long as it does not exceed 29.9, it is slightly fat, but more than 30 should be careful, that is, obese people.

As mentioned above, as long as it does not exceed 18.5, it will be included as a low body mass index and even be regarded as a measure of malnutrition.

Here, it is recommended that you keep your body mass index at around 25. To give two examples, it makes the most sense to look at what the specific weight is: for a person who is 160 centimeters tall, if the weight can be maintained at 64 kilograms, then the BMI is just 25. For people of 170 centimeters, it can be slightly higher, and if the body mass index can reach 72 kilograms, it is also very reasonable.

Transferred from: Health Times

Source: Jinan Economic Broadcasting FM90.9