
Raising flowers in the winter, using watering cans and fans, the flowers actually grow particularly vigorously

author:Raising flowers

This article to see: the winter air is very dry, the northern region, especially the heating house, many plant leaves scorched edge withering, the color is dull and dull, it is because the air humidity is not enough, in order to improve the air humidity, flower friends "picking chrysanthemums under the east fence leisurely see the South Mountain" actually use the method of watering can + fan, it is very bizarre, the effect is really good, let's see how she operates!

Raising flowers in the winter, using watering cans and fans, the flowers actually grow particularly vigorously

Since turning on the heating, the air humidity in her living room is only about 18%-25%, and later the large and small 20 or 30 pots of plants have been moved to the living room, and the humidity has only increased to about 30%-35%. This humidity is far from enough for both people and flowers.

The radiator in her living room was closest to the water, and the temperature on the radiator was about 70 degrees. She heard that putting basin water can increase humidity, she put half a basin of water under the radiator (normal washbasin size), this half basin of water takes about half a month to evaporate, and it has no effect on increasing humidity.

Raising flowers in the winter, using watering cans and fans, the flowers actually grow particularly vigorously

Tried the cotton rope again, wipe the car cloth hanging something, there is no too good effect, spray water every day is too tired, and finally decided to use a fan and a watering can, that is, to blow a small fan against the heating, take the watering can to spray on the heating, sit on the sofa during the day when there is nothing to do, watch a few eyes of TV and spray back a few times, the result is just 1 hour Humidity reached 70%.

Raising flowers in the winter, using watering cans and fans, the flowers actually grow particularly vigorously

This method is completely zero cost, is the trouble point, but the effect is really nothing to say, sprayed several times during the day, the orchid leaves are no longer dry and dried, and the leaves are always emerald green and moist. People are also much more comfortable, to bed before the humidity will decay to 50%-55%, the next morning can be about 45%-50%, in the morning people get up throat is not dry and not uncomfortable.

Raising flowers in the winter, using watering cans and fans, the flowers actually grow particularly vigorously

If you have a rainforest tank spray system at home, you can put the sprinkler head in the middle of the radiator, spray from top to bottom, spray every 2 minutes for 3 seconds, about 2 hours humidity to 50%, and then the humidity will slowly increase.

Raising flowers in the winter, using watering cans and fans, the flowers actually grow particularly vigorously

There is also a flower friend with a cup and water heater to improve the air humidity, first fill the cup with cold water, leave a hole in the cup, cover the lid, put the cup on the water heater to heat, so that the water in the cup can quickly evaporate, forming a water mist sprayed out of the hole, the principle of this method is very similar to the air humidifier. If you are bothered, buy a humidifier and put it directly around the plant!

Raising flowers in the winter, using watering cans and fans, the flowers actually grow particularly vigorously

In the winter, open the heating or air conditioning room, the plant has relatively high requirements for air humidity, while spraying water to increase the humidity, we must remember to open the door and window ventilation, otherwise the leaves will not only not be water spirit, but will be stuffy and attract insects.

Raising flowers in the winter, using watering cans and fans, the flowers actually grow particularly vigorously

If you are in the south, the humidity itself is high enough, there is no need to do this, or the temperature at home is very low, and the spray water mist will make the leaves frostbite. No matter what the environment, to maintain good ventilation, indoor long-term no ventilation, and then spray water spray on the plant, like camellia, Junzi orchid, etc., the leaves are easy to grow rust spots, attract insects, more than worth the loss.

Raising flowers in the winter, using watering cans and fans, the flowers actually grow particularly vigorously

Well, today I will introduce you so much, flower friends, what other tips do you know to improve air humidity? Leave a message to share with you!