
USA – Rob Brezny, January 19–January 25

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USA – Rob Brezny, January 19–January 25
USA – Rob Brezny, January 19–January 25
USA – Rob Brezny, January 19–January 25
USA – Rob Brezny, January 19–January 25


March 21 - April 20

In October 2021, the Vancouver Plus' ice hockey team played against the Seattle Seahaws at a stadium in Seattle. A fan named Nadia Popovici noticed an irregular mole on the back of the Chard's equipment manager, Brian Hamilton, on the back of his neck — possibly cancer. She found a way to convey her observations to him, urging him to see a doctor. In the days that followed, Hamilton sought medical attention and discovered that the mole was indeed in the early stages of melanoma. He cut it off. In the spirit of this inspiring story, Aries, I invite you to tell you about people in your life what they should know but don't yet know – not just things that can be challenging, but also things that are uplifting and interesting. Become their compassionate advisers, become agents of their divine intervention.

USA – Rob Brezny, January 19–January 25


April 21 - May 20

Canadian-Jamaican composer and recording engineer Kreesha Turner wasn't a big star like Beyoncé or Rihanna, but her musical career was a success. What is the secret of her constant creation? Here's what she had to say. "I love being with the best people in their work. My idea is that I want to be a sponge, absorb everything they teach, experience their energy, watch their elements, and have the opportunity to ask them questions." The year ahead will be one of the best times for you to emulate her strategy, Taurus. And now is the perfect time to make a plan to achieve this goal.

USA – Rob Brezny, January 19–January 25


May 21 - June 20

Gemini writer Lisa Cron says that when we're telling a story, we should give each continuous scene "new information, rather than repeating something we already know." Never tell us the same fact twice. Because it's boring and will stop the flow of the story. Never tell us the same fact twice. Because it's boring and will prevent the flow of the story. According to the horoscope, Gemini, I suggest that you apply this advice to all your words and deeds in the next three weeks. Don't repeat yourself. Keep going. Invite novelty. Cultivate surprise and unpredictability.

USA – Rob Brezny, January 19–January 25


June 21 - July 20

A few years ago, I reluctantly gave up my music career. It is sad and difficult to do so. But it allowed me to devote more time and energy to improving my writing skills. I published books and developed a large number of readers. I'm glad I did. It was another redemptive sacrifice I made early in my life: I gave up the chaotic pleasure of seeking endless new romantic adventures so that I could commit to a relationship with a particular woman. In doing so, I learned more about how to be a soulful person. I'm glad I did. My Cancer friend, is there a similar turning point in your life? If so, the coming weeks and months will be a good time to act.

USA – Rob Brezny, January 19–January 25


July 21 - August 20

Leo actress Claudia Christian has appeared in more than 50 films, including many sci-fi genres. She has played various roles in films with more traditional themes. But as for the sci-fi stuff? She said: "Obviously, I've been typed. I am a Russian bisexual telepathic Jew." If Christian were to seek my astrological advice now, I would suggest that the coming months would be the perfect time for her and all of you Leos to get out of any pigeon cage you've been trapped in. Escape the mold! Create a niche for yourself that will enable you to express your entire repertoire.

USA – Rob Brezny, January 19–January 25


August 21 - September 20

The coming weeks will be a good time to meditate on your work and your calling, and the differences that may exist between your work and your calling. In fact, I think it's a phase where you can have a transformative epiphany about how you make a living and the useful services you provide to your fellow citizens. For inspiration, read this passage from photographer Margaret Bourke-White. "Even if you're very serious about your work, you have to treat it with a sense of freedom and joy; you have to be loose, like a relaxed athlete.

USA – Rob Brezny, January 19–January 25


September 21 - October 20

Writer Marguerite Yourcenar writes: "All happiness is a work of art. The smallest mistake will forge it, the slightest hesitation will change it, the slightest heaviness will destroy it, the slightest stupidity will make it cruel. If what she said was true, that's bad news, isn't it? She makes people feel that cultivating joy and happiness is a superhuman skill that few of us can hope to master. Personally, my thinking about what is needed to produce happiness is not as strict as Euthena's. But like her, I believe you have to work hard to do it. It doesn't necessarily appear easily and naturally. Most of us have never been taught how to cultivate happiness, so we have to train ourselves to do it and practice diligently. The good news is, Libra, that the coming weeks are a great time for you to improve your happiness skills.

USA – Rob Brezny, January 19–January 25


October 21 - November 20

In 1891, a cultural organization commissioned the Scorpio sculptor Auguste Rodin to create a statue for the beloved French writer Honoré de Balzac. The work was supposed to be completed within 18 months, but this was not the case. Over the course of seven years, Rodin worked hard to produce more than 50 research reports before finalizing the work. We should not be surprised, then, that one of his mottos is "Patience is also an action". In the coming weeks, I recommend rodin-esque patience to you, Scorpio. Your patience will be rewarded seven years ago.

USA – Rob Brezny, January 19–January 25


November 21 - December 20

"I'm ashamed to confess, and I have nothing to confess," writer Fanny Burney wrote. Actress Jennifer Lawrence said: "I started writing apology letters, but I have nothing to say sorry for". I nominate these two souls to be your role models for the coming weeks. In my astrological view, you are currently the most immune to karma. Your guilt level is unusually low. In my judgment, you are relatively not responsible for the past or defend your actions. How do you plan to maximize this grace period?

USA – Rob Brezny, January 19–January 25


December 21 - January 21

Nobel laureate medical physicist Rosalyn Sussman Yalow (1921-2011) said: "When new tools appear, new truths become apparent." She was referring to the development of science and technology, but I think her ideas also apply to our personal lives. And it just so happens that in my astrological view, the coming weeks will be a good time for you to acquire new tools that will ultimately lead you to discover new truths.

USA – Rob Brezny, January 19–January 25


January 21 - February 20

Self-help teachers and new age masters like to use metaphors about opening doors. They offered lots of advice and encouraged us to knock on the door, look around for a door that only opened a slit, find the key to unlock it, or even kick the door. In this zodiac sign, I will not follow their leadership. In my opinion, the coming days are the perfect time for you to follow the opposite advice from writer Paulo Coelho: "Close some doors today." Not because of pride, incompetence or arrogance, but simply because they leave you with nowhere to run." Once you've performed this task, Aquarius, I'm sure you'll start to discover interesting new doors that can be opened.

USA – Rob Brezny, January 19–January 25


February 21 - March 20

In 2017, Pisces film director Jordan Peel released his debut film, Escape from Heaven. The film was a success in both critics and audiences. A year later, Peel became the first black screenwriter to win the Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay. When he accepted the Oscar, he said: "I stopped writing about 20 times because I thought it was impossible". Personally, I'm glad Peel didn't give up on his dreams. Here's a reason. He will serve as your excellent role model throughout 2022. Pisces, as you reinvent yourself, don't give up pushing forward with persistence, courage, and the pursuit of the most interesting things.

USA – Rob Brezny, January 19–January 25
USA – Rob Brezny, January 19–January 25
USA – Rob Brezny, January 19–January 25

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