
How do I find the real problem?

author:AcmeCore single-burst camp

How do I find the real problem?

ID: AcmeCore Single Burst Camp

What is the problem?

"Problem" means the conscious search for an appropriate action in order to achieve a clearly aware but not immediately achievable end. Some scholars have given the definition of the problem as "the gap between the actual state and the desired state".

Finding problems we can understand as a problem = a gap between goals and status quo

Finding a problem is simply finding a gap, then

Let's take an example to explain how to do it!

Case: A friend of yours feels that there is no future in his current job and wants to change jobs?

If it were you, how would you solve this problem?

Question: You only know that there is no future in your work, but you don't know what reasons for not having a future, so you have to define what the reasons for not having a future are?

So how do we do that?

The first step is to clarify what his goal is? And what is the reason for this goal?

There is a principle that is the SMART rule, and the goal should be specific and measurable.

Through communication, you know that his goal is around 12,000 per month. Every car loan and mortgage is too stressful and wants to increase income to alleviate the pressure.

The second step is to determine the status quo and what are the reasons for the status quo?

Now about 8,000 a month, the company's overall performance is not good, the project benefits are not good, the leadership management is loose and so on

It is also necessary to analyze the objective reasons, including the company system, the current situation of the industry, etc., which are unchangeable.

Subjective reasons include, company leaders, bosses, their own reasons, and so on, that can be changed

Step 3: The real gap and why?

There is a gap of about 4,000

The reason for this gap is similar to the reason for the second step, and at this time, the reasons can be changed and cannot be changed. Immutable causes make constraints, and the unchangeable ones are changed as objects of change to redefine the real problem.

The fourth step is to redefine the problem

Specific problem-specific analysis

The fifth step is to come up with a solution