
"Seven Laws: Winter Tour to Hundred Flowers Lake"

author:Old wedge's poems and far away

[Inscription: Long cold and sunny, the sky is bright. Invite old friends to swim in Baihua Lake. The mountains stand like a stalk, and the water paving is like practice. The winter sun is warm at the beginning, and the lake breeze is slightly cool. The village is idyllic and the people are peaceful. Forty years of friendship and old friends, enjoy the scenery of the lake and mountains, talk and laugh about people's sophistication, or joy or sorrow, such as complaints. The world is full of changes, like mountains and rivers. Taste the fun, feel at ease. 】

Happy cold sun full of light,

Invite friends to take outings to bask in the warm sun.

Mountains like biluo open picture,

Water is like a satin poem.

Butterfly dance in the middle of the chest block,

In the dream, the pride is on the waves.

Jinse Nianhua snapped his fingers,

Mo asked the frost sideburns for warmth.

"Seven Laws: Winter Tour to Hundred Flowers Lake"
"Seven Laws: Winter Tour to Hundred Flowers Lake"
"Seven Laws: Winter Tour to Hundred Flowers Lake"
"Seven Laws: Winter Tour to Hundred Flowers Lake"
"Seven Laws: Winter Tour to Hundred Flowers Lake"
"Seven Laws: Winter Tour to Hundred Flowers Lake"