
From the stupidity of Ukraine, it is important to see who controls the media

author:Night Stargazing 007

A U.S. Senate delegation visiting Ukraine today bluntly said that it would provide weapons to Ukraine, saying that the Ukrainian people would fight Russia heroically.

The battlefield is in Ukraine, fighting Russia with a nuclear bomb, Ukraine is cannon fodder, and the Ukrainian people are dead.

The Ukrainian people fought with their lives and homeland for the United States and Russia. How ignorant the Ukrainians are.


Because the Ukrainian media is controlled by american companies Facebook, Google, Twitter, etc., after more than a decade of brainwashing, Ukrainians have been brainwashed into marionettes. For the sake of the United States, the foolish war with Russia can make the homeland of the Ukrainian people into ruins and the children of Ukrainians become refugees.

This shows the importance of the media grasping in their own country, otherwise the idea is controlled, it is a sad pawn.

There are also examples in China, Alibaba is a Chinese company or a Japanese company? Alibaba, the largest Shareholder of Japanese Capital, accounts for 93% of Alibaba's combined shares. And 90% of Chinese think Alibaba is a Chinese national enterprise. Now the Japanese company Alibaba Empire monopolizes Chinese commerce.

Therefore, the behavior of the media to point out deer as horses is not coercion, but brainwashing.

The Chinese media need to be in the hands of Chinese, otherwise black and white, the Americans are talking about black and white.

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