
"Stable", "progressive" and "excellent" handed over beautiful answers in the opening year

author:Shangguan News

Core view: Yang Fei, columnist of China Economic Network, believes that the starting decision determines the future, the opening is related to the overall situation, and it is very crucial to take the first step. Judging from various data, the word "stable" is the bottom, the word "advance" is ticked, and the word "excellent" is used, and China's economy has handed over a beautiful answer sheet and achieved a good start to the "Fourteenth Five-Year Plan".

The ups and downs of the century epidemic and the acceleration of the century of changes, how will China's economy do in 2021? On January 17, data released by the National Bureau of Statistics showed that preliminary calculations showed that the gross domestic product (GDP) in 2021 was 1143670 billion yuan, an increase of 8.1% over the previous year at constant prices, and an average growth of 5.1% in two years.

The starting decision is the future, the opening is related to the overall situation, and it is very important to take the first step. In the past year, we have adhered to the general tone of seeking progress in stability, scientifically coordinated epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development, taken new steps in building a new development pattern, and achieved new results in high-quality development. Judging from various data, the word "stable" is the bottom, the word "advance" is ticked, and the word "excellent" is used, and China's economy has handed over a beautiful answer sheet and achieved a good start to the "Fourteenth Five-Year Plan".

The word "steady" is typed at the bottom. Stability is the main tone. From the perspective of growth rate, the first quarter increased by 18.3% year-on-year, the second quarter by 7.9%, the third quarter by 4.9%, and the fourth quarter by 4.0%. According to the two-year average, from the first quarter to the fourth quarter, it increased by 4.9%, 5.5%, 4.9% and 5.2% respectively. Over the past year, from the outbreak of the epidemic in many places to severe floods, from the rise in commodity prices to the shortage of electricity and coal, China's economy has encountered many foreseeable and unforeseeable challenges. Under such circumstances, China's economic operation is generally stable, and the expected development goals are well completed, which is very valuable, which shows the huge potential and strong resilience of China's economy.

The word "in" is ticked. In the past year, the trend of China's economic "advancement" has become more obvious. The added value of high-tech manufacturing and equipment manufacturing increased by 18.2% and 12.9% respectively, an increase of 8.6 and 3.3 percentage points faster than that of industries above designated size, respectively, and the industrial structure continued to be optimized. The expenditure on research and experimental development (R&D) in the whole society increased by 14.2% over the previous year, and the growth rate was 4 percentage points faster than that of 2020, and the momentum of innovation was effectively enhanced. Energy consumption per unit of GDP decreased by 2.7% over the previous year, and green and low-carbon development achieved new results. The continuous optimization and upgrading of the structure and the new momentum taking advantage of the momentum mean that the foundation for the development of the mainland is firmer, the conditions are better, and the momentum is more sufficient, and it also lays a solid foundation for this year's economic work.

The word "excellent" is used in color. What the people want, what the government wants. In 2021, the scale of employment continued to expand, and 12.69 million new jobs were created in cities and towns throughout the year, an increase of 830,000 over the previous year, exceeding the expected target of more than 11 million people for the whole year. Consumer prices rose 0.9 percent from the previous year, below the expected target of around 3 percent. The per capita disposable income of residents nationwide was 35,128 yuan, and the actual growth rate after deducting price factors was 8.1%, which was basically synchronized with economic growth. In the past year, in the face of multiple tests such as the complex and severe international environment and the spread of the domestic epidemic, steady growth and the benefit of people's livelihood have promoted each other, the employment situation has been generally stable, and the people's living standards have been further improved, reflecting the strength of China's sustained and stable recovery.

"The world is diverse, and the drumming urges the steady boat." In 2021, China's economy has made "steady progress" and strengthened its confidence in development. The results are gratifying, but we must also stay sober. At present, the mainland economy is facing the triple pressure of demand contraction, supply shock and expected weakening, and there is still a long way to go to achieve high-quality development. Therefore, we must firmly adhere to the principle of being steady and seeking progress in stability, organically combine steady growth, structural adjustment, and reform, and unswervingly do our own things well, so as to promote high-quality development to a new level. (China Economic Network columnist Yang Fei)

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(Editor-in-Charge: Wu Xiaojuan)

Column Editor-in-Chief: Gu Wanquan Zhang Wu Text Editor: Zhao Xuyang

Source: Author: China Economic Network