
It's cold today! Frost and snow stained, waiting for the return of spring!

It's cold today! Frost and snow stained, waiting for the return of spring!

Ice and snow stain the colors of all things

Outline the edge of winter

The earth quietly warmed up

The news of spring is already on the way

This is the last of the twenty-four solar terms


"Great Chill"

According to the Chinese Astronomical Calendar

10:39 on January 20

We usher in the great cold season

It's cold today! Frost and snow stained, waiting for the return of spring!

"The old snow has not yet disappeared, and the new snow has been crowded"

Snow, falling one after another

Heaven and earth are one and the same

One after another

The harsh winter is harsh, and the world is crystal clear

It's cold today! Frost and snow stained, waiting for the return of spring!

"Winter and spring alternate, stars and moons survive?

The Ming Dynasty changed the new law, and MeiLiu waited for YangChun. ”

The "great cold" precipitates at the end of the year

It condenses the deepest cold

But it is also brewing the most moving spring feeling

The chicks burst out of their shells

Eagles circle for food

Plum blossoms, orchids, and daffodils spit out a fragrant fragrance


Everything is quietly sprouting in the dormancy

Just wait for the thick and thin hair

It's cold today! Frost and snow stained, waiting for the return of spring!

"Little Cold is busy comprador, big Cold is going to be new year"

After the "Great Cold"

The taste of the year is getting stronger and stronger

People prepare New Year goods and dust removal materials

Count the numbers on your calendar

Waiting for the biggest festival of the year

The smell of wax wafting on the stove of the old home

Grandma's meat balls

Dumplings wrapped by the mother

These familiar "rustic tastes"

Haunts the tip of the tongue

The aroma is overflowing

It's cold today! Frost and snow stained, waiting for the return of spring!

Fill your bags with thoughts

Set sail with hope

Because the heart has love

So I had the courage to work day and night

Waiting on the other end of the journey

It's a new, vibrant spring

It's cold today! Frost and snow stained, waiting for the return of spring!

The cold is endless

Flowers bloom in full bloom

Time passes, year after year

May you not waste your old days

May you also keep loving

Head to the next four seasons!

Source: Xinhua Net

Producer: Liu Hong, Chen Jingchun

Editor: Dong Jingxue, Pang Xueting, Yu Lei

Design: Wang Chenxi

Proofreader: Guiting

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