
28, all banned according to law

Source: People's Daily WeChat

On the 17th, the Ministry of Civil Affairs announced the list of some illegal social organizations banned by the ninth batch of local civil affairs departments according to law. Including 5G Commercial Industry Alliance, Chinese Chamber of Commerce and other 28 illegal social organizations "on the list".

The Ministry of Civil Affairs once again reminds relevant institutions and the public that when cooperating with social organizations or participating in their activities, please verify their identities through the "China Social Organization Government Service Platform" ( and the "China Social Organization Dynamics" government affairs WeChat (WeChat: chinanpogov) to avoid being deceived.

At the same time, all sectors of society are welcome to provide clues on suspected illegal social organization activities through the "China Social Organization Government Service Platform".

28, all banned according to law
28, all banned according to law
28, all banned according to law