
The dog is too skinny? There are so many reasons to read the knowledge

author:Mysterious Little Fish 7S

When raising dogs, some owners want to know why their dogs eat so much or so thin, in fact, there are many reasons, after reading the knowledge, let's take a look together.

The dog is too skinny? There are so many reasons to read the knowledge

1, in the embarrassing period, some dogs will be in an awkward period, so it will be very thin, such as chai dog, its embarrassing period the owner needs to supplement the appropriate amount of nutrition, the general embarrassing period will occur in the growth period of the chai dog, the owner does not have to worry too much, will recover well.

The dog is too skinny? There are so many reasons to read the knowledge

2, infected with parasites If the dog has parasites, the owner must pay attention, because the dog will be in contact with the grass and plants outside every day, easy to carry bacteria and infect parasites, even if your dog eats too much, the owner does not give the dog to deworm, it will become thin, nutrition will be absorbed by the parasite, so regularly give the dog repellent.

The dog is too skinny? There are so many reasons to read the knowledge

3, picky eating bad habits If your dog is too picky, it will also form its thin reason, it is easy to malnutrition, the owner must correct the bad habits of the dog in time, can not get used to the dog, so the nutrition will be absorbed by parasites, so regularly give the dog insect repellent. If your dog is too picky to eat, it will also form the cause of its thinness, it is easy to malnutrition, the owner must correct the dog in time, bad habits, can not promote the dog, so your gastrointestinal indigestion problems, you can also take a variety of measures to promote gastrointestinal dyspepsia, can also promote the dog's gastrointestinal dyspepsia, can also promote a regular indigestion, can also promote the dog's gastrointestinal digestion. ! !

The dog is too skinny? There are so many reasons to read the knowledge

4, lack of nutrition If your dog body needs insufficient nutrition, it will lead to dog thinness, not long body, so the dog diet must be nutritionally balanced, you can choose nutrition and high-quality dog food, here is recommended greedy non-greasy grain dog food, choose more natural, meat 65, high protein and low fat, good palatability, to ensure fresh nutrition, do not add preservatives, dogs eat healthier and safer. Raw materials are open and transparent, and the quality is guaranteed. In addition, it can be fed with some fresh fruits and vegetables to ensure the health of the dog. Conclusion: How much does your dog weigh?.