
Six key words to see the new atmosphere of Hong Kong in 2022

author:Bright Net
Six key words to see the new atmosphere of Hong Kong in 2022

On 1 October 2021, Hong Kong citizens celebrated the 72nd anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China by displaying a giant five-star red flag on the waterfront of Tsim Sha Tsui. On 1 July 2022, Hong Kong will celebrate the 25th anniversary of its return to the motherland. The love of the Xiangjiang River and the heart of China shine together and will never change. China News Service reporter Zhang Wei photographed

Keyword one: stable

Stability is a prerequisite for development. Over the past year, Hong Kong has comprehensively and deeply implemented the National Security Law, systematically revised and improved Hong Kong's electoral system in accordance with the relevant decisions of the Npc Standing Committee and the relevant legislation of the NPC Standing Committee, successfully held the election of the Election Commission of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and the election of the Seventh Legislative Council, and made solid strides in promoting democratic development in line with Hong Kong's actual conditions. The situation in Hong Kong from chaos to governance has been continuously consolidated, and the situation has continued to develop for the better.

In the new year, "stability" is still the premise and guarantee for Hong Kong's development. Ensuring that "one country, two systems" is stable and far-reaching and maintaining Hong Kong's long-term prosperity and stability is the greatest common denominator in Hong Kong's fundamental interests.

At the beginning of the new year, 90 members of the new Legislative Council of the HKSAR have solemnly taken the oath of office. The new Legislative Council, which emerged under the principle of "patriots governing Hong Kong," will certainly change the chaotic situation of the past, return to its basic position, and give full play to its due role in the practice of "one country, two systems" and in Hong Kong's governance. Leung Kwan Yan, who has just been re-elected as the chairman of the Legislative Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, said that the composition of the new Legislative Council has established a new order of "patriots governing Hong Kong", allowing legislators to be ready on the right track and jointly create a new situation of good governance and good governance.

Looking forward to 2022, Carrie Lam, chief executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, said that the SAR government will grasp the hard-won good situation and make good use of the support of the central government to actively develop the economy and improve people's livelihood. The HKSAR Government will continue to do a good job in epidemic prevention work, make every effort to promote a series of measures proposed in the Policy Address, actively seek land and build houses, and jointly hold a series of activities with all sectors of society to celebrate the 25th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to the motherland with the public.

Keyword two: Ann

For the vast number of Hong Kong citizens who have experienced the ravages of the "black riots" in 2019, "an" comes from "blessings", and "an" is the greatest welfare.

Community facilities were vandalized, shopping malls and shops were smashed and set on fire, innocent citizens were beaten and maimed... Recalling his life a year before the implementation of the Hong Kong National Security Law, Hong Kong taxi driver Hui Zhuoxin frankly said, "I was miserable and did not sleep a day of sleep." ”

At the moment of the first attack, the central authorities resolutely promulgated the Hong Kong National Security Law, safeguarded national security, restored the administrative order and dignity of the rule of law in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, and provided legal protection for Hong Kong's long-term peace and stability.

In the new year, people's minds are still the common aspirations of the vast number of Hong Kong people. Only in a safe, stable and tranquil environment can Hong Kong's society and economy develop and citizens' lives live and work in peace and contentment. The Secretary for Security of the HKSAR Government, Mr Tang Ping-keung, said that the HKSAR Government's Security Bureau and its subordinate disciplined forces will continue to be prepared at all times, in line with national strategies, to continuously improve law enforcement and coordination capabilities, prevent national security risks and cope with public security challenges.

Nowadays, walking the streets of Hong Kong, many shops have been removed from their front doors during the "amendment storm", and Hong Kong has returned to normalcy and is full of vitality after the storm.

Key word three: cure

The new year is the beginning of Hong Kong's move towards good governance and good governance. Standing at a new historical starting point, can Hong Kong always grasp the general direction of the practice of "one country, two systems"? Can you stick to the feelings of the people? Can you crack the deep contradictions? Can we consolidate and enhance our competitiveness in an increasingly competitive international environment? Can we achieve better development at a new historical starting point? These major issues test every Ruler of Hong Kong.

The task of developing the economy and improving people's livelihood is very arduous. In particular, this requires the SAR administrators to have deeds, dare to take responsibility, and love the people for the people, face up to the deep-seated contradictions and problems accumulated in Hong Kong society for a long time, break through various barriers of interests that restrict Hong Kong's economic development and the improvement of people's livelihood, effectively solve prominent problems such as housing, employment, and medical care, and continuously improve the ability and level of governance of the SAR.

Public opinion in Hong Kong pointed out that the improved election system of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region will be broadly representative, politically inclusive, balanced and competitive, laying a foundation for The realization of good governance and good governance in Hong Kong. According to a poll published by the Hong Kong Bauhinia Research Institute after the election of the Seventh Legislative Council, 70% of Hong Kong citizens believe that the new Legislative Council can better represent the overall interests of Hong Kong society, and more than 70% of the citizens have confidence in the new Legislative Council members to perform their duties according to law and promote good governance and good governance.

Li Jian, executive vice chairman of the "Heung Kong Juxian" Professionals Association, said that he believes that Hong Kong will be able to get out of the long-standing "political quagmire", concentrate on solving deep-seated contradictions and problems, develop the economy and improve people's livelihood.

Keyword four: celebrate

1 July 2022 is the 25th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to the motherland. The HKSAR Government is actively preparing a series of rich and diversified activities with the theme of "Forge Ahead for 25 Years and Join Hands on a New Journey".

More than 100 activities will include a number of large-scale exhibitions, among which the opening exhibition of the Hong Kong Palace Museum of Culture has attracted the attention of the public; the walking performances of disciplined forces and youth groups of the HKSAR Government, cultural and artistic activities such as the Hong Kong Fine Wine and Food Parade will also follow; and a number of international forums, conferences and seminars will be held by the HKSAR Government.

"A series of colorful activities can inject positive energy into Hong Kong society and strengthen the feelings of Hong Kong citizens." Ma Haowen, executive chairman of the Hong Kong Association for the Promotion of Culture from All Walks of Life, said that the joy of Hong Kong citizens celebrating the 25th anniversary of their return to the motherland will run through 2022, which will allow citizens to unite and work together to "start again" under "one country, two systems" and show the world the new atmosphere of Hong Kong's prosperity.

Keyword five: fusion

"Hong Kong has ushered in the best of times." Leung Hoi Ming, a Hong Kong economist and president of the Silk Road Wisdom Valley Research Institute, said that in 2022, Hong Kong will be able to further play the role of "Hong Kong's strengths and national needs", and share more of the opportunities and dividends brought about by the country's stable development by deeply participating in the construction of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and integrating into the overall situation of national development, bringing more positive promotion to Hong Kong's development.

The Qianhai Plan, released in September last year, set the stage for Hong Kong. The HKSAR Government has seized the opportunity and actively promoted it. At present, the Qianhai area has gathered a large number of Hong Kong enterprises, and the continuous optimization of support measures has also attracted many young Hong Kong entrepreneurs to settle in the "Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Youth Dream Factory" and other local innovation and entrepreneurship bases, and incubated many successful enterprises. The HKSAR Government has launched the Greater Bay Area Youth Employment Scheme to encourage and support Hong Kong university graduates to seize opportunities to develop their careers in mainland cities in the Greater Bay Area, including Qianhai.

"I believe that on the new journey of realizing the country's second centenary goal, the broad masses of Hong Kong citizens will certainly be able to carry forward the glorious tradition of patriotism and love for Hong Kong, join hands with the people of all ethnic groups throughout the country, work together to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and hand over brilliant answers in the vivid practice of 'one country, two systems.'" Chen Kairong, chairman of the Hong Kong YMCA, said that in the new year, Hong Kong citizens, especially young people, should speed up their integration into the overall situation of national development, make use of national development to create brilliant achievements, contribute to the country with their own strengths, and jointly draw a blueprint for national rejuvenation.

Keyword six: prevention

In the face of the sudden and capricious COVID-19 epidemic, at the beginning of 2022, the SAR Government has been waiting for the battle to take a proactive approach to carry out the fight against the epidemic to the end.

At the end of the year, Hong Kong has reproduced local cases after more than 80 days. The SAR responded quickly, taking a series of emergency measures such as a complete ban on dine-in after 6 p.m., the cancellation of all large-scale activities or non-essential gatherings, and the suspension of face-to-face classes in primary schools and kindergartens, with the sole purpose of cutting off the chain of transmission of the new crown virus in the community in the shortest possible time. According to reports, the SAR government will also launch the fifth round of "epidemic prevention and anti-epidemic fund" to support industries affected by the epidemic.

Chan Ying-hsin, a member of the Legislative Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, said that in the face of the epidemic, Hong Kong needs to learn from the mainland's epidemic prevention experience. "Our country has always adhered to the principle of 'people first and life first', which makes me very proud. The country's anti-epidemic achievements have effectively demonstrated the superiority of our national system and national governance system. The motherland will always be the strongest backing for Hong Kong to defeat the epidemic. Chen Yingxin said.

For hong kong's more than 7 million citizens, defeating the epidemic will be one of their best wishes in 2022.

Forge ahead for 25 years, hand in hand on a new journey. 2022 will be a crucial year for Hong Kong to restart. Under the Lion Rock, in the same boat, Hong Kong will usher in a better tomorrow with a new attitude and a newer weather. (Xinhua News Agency reporters Huang Qiantian, Niu Qi, Li Kai)

Source: Xinhua News Agency

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