
Sleepless depressed

author:Zhang Zijian
Sleepless depressed


Text/Zhang Zijian

Unable to fall asleep

But Nong old let the beating heart

Blood is supplied to living nerves


There is always darkness during the day that obscures your eyes

Only at this time

Only then can you see the light of the fire

Drive away the cold

Don't want to die

Grit your teeth and tell yourself

Put down pure flesh

But can not let go of the child

and those ancestors who are dead

Whose dog barked again

The street lights outside the window are haunting

Another night

The sun is out

Time to sleep

In a dream

So that you won't hear those people and dogs barking


Sleepless depressed

Classification of modern poems (content from the Internet)


There are several ways to classify poetry, which can be divided into different categories according to different principles and criteria. It is basically divided into: classical poetry and modern poetry. Among them, modern poetry is divided into modern style poetry and modern rhythm poetry.

Modern stylistics

This is divided according to the hierarchy of rhythmic harmony of poetic language, whether it is general harmony or very harmony (the highest harmony).

(1) Modern style poetry: As far as the literary genre is concerned, modern style poetry is a language art that reproduces the lyrical speech of life with the general harmony of the chinese language vernacular as the carrier. The representative work is the mainland contemporary poet Yu Jinshui's "Sister".

(2) Modern Grammatical Poetry: As far as literary genres are concerned, modern Grammatical poetry is a language art that reproduces the lyrical speech of life with the highest harmony of chinese language vernacular literature as the carrier. The requirements of modern grammatical poetry are the same as those of classical grammatical poetry, such as fixed words, fixed sentences, fixed sections, fixed flat servants, fixed rhymes, etc.

(Seen in the water intake "Poetry")

Narrative and lyricism

This is divided according to the way the content of the work is expressed.

(1) Narrative poetry: There are relatively complete storylines and character images in the poems, which are usually expressed in the way the poet sings passionately. Epic poems, story poems, poetic novels, etc. all fall into this category. Epics such as the ancient Greek Homer's "Iliad" and "Odyssey"; story poems such as the mainland poet Li Ji's "Wang Gui and Li Xiangxiang"; poetic novels such as the English poet Byron's "Don Juan", the Russian poet Pushkin's "Evgeny Onegin".

(2) Lyric poetry: Mainly reflects social life by directly expressing the poet's thoughts and feelings, and does not require the description of a complete storyline and character image. For example, love songs, carols, lamentations, elegy, pastoral songs, and satirical poems. There are many such works, and they are not listed.

Of course, narrative and lyricism are not absolutely separated. Narrative poetry also has a certain lyricism, but its lyrical requirements are closely integrated with the narrative. Lyric poetry also often has a narrative of certain pieces of life, but it cannot be spread out and should be subject to the needs of lyricism.

Free prose

This is categorized according to the phonological rhythm and structural form of the language of the work.

(1) Gelug poetry: It is a poem written according to a certain format and rules. It has strict rules on the number of lines of poetry, the number of words (or syllables) of verses, the tone of rhyme, word pairs, sentence arrangements, etc., such as "rhythmic poems", "absolute sentences" and "words" and "songs" in ancient mainland poetry, and "sonnets" in Europe.

(2) Free poetry: It is a new development of poetry in modern Europe and the United States. It is not limited by the grammar, no fixed format, pays attention to the natural, intrinsic rhythm, rhymes roughly similar or not rhymes, the number of words, lines, sentences, and tones are relatively free, and the language is more popular. The American poet Whitman (1819-1892) was the founder of European and American free poetry, and the Blades of Grass is his main collection of poems. This style of poetry has also been popular since may fourth in the mainland.

(3) Prose poetry: It is a literary genre that has the characteristics of both prose and poetry. The works have poetic moods and passions, often philosophical, pay attention to the natural sense of rhythm and musical beauty, short in length, like prose, not divided, not rhyming, such as Lu Xun's "Weeds".

(4) Rhyming foot poems: a kind of literary genre, as the name suggests, generally refers to the end of each line of poetry must rhyme, and the poem reads catchy like a ballad. The rhyme poem here refers to the modern rhyme foot poem, which belongs to a new type of poetry, similar to the Popular Fang Dao Wen Shan Liu Su Yan Rhyme Foot Poem. Debuted after 2000.

Modern poetry Contemporary poetry

Categorized according to the stages of poetic development.

(1) Modern Chinese Poetry: Poetry before the first half of the twentieth century is called modern Chinese poetry

(2) Chinese Contemporary Poetry: Poetry after the second half of the twentieth century is called Chinese contemporary poetry

Sleepless depressed