
Tour Quanzhou Kaiyuan Temple

author:Like a dream butterfly

The ancient city of Quanzhou, because of the large number of carp, is also known as Carp City. Since ancient times, it has been an important port town, at least in the Song Dynasty, the geographical location has been very important, merchants from all over the world gathered, tea porcelain exported from Quanzhou, foreign goods from Quanzhou into the port, etc., so it set a lot of different elements.

There is an ancient temple in Quanzhou City, the full name of which is the Great Kaiyuan Wanshou Zen Temple. It was originally built in the second year of the Tang Dynasty, initially named Lotus Temple, and changed to Kaiyuan Temple in the 26th year of the New Century. In the Yuan Dynasty, it was enfeoffed as the Great Kaiyuan Wanshou Zen Temple, hence the name.

Tour Quanzhou Kaiyuan Temple

Kaiyuan Temple plaque

Kaiyuan Temple Daxiong Treasure Hall was built in the second year of the Tang Dynasty Arch, and later destroyed by the war, Ming Chongzhen ten years of reconstruction, the face of nine rooms, into the depth of nine frames, the hall of the stone pillars and truss beams at the junction of 24 statues of wood carved bucket arch shaped as a flying heavenly music trick, rare in Chinese wooden structures.

Tour Quanzhou Kaiyuan Temple

Stone pagoda of the Song Dynasty

Tour Quanzhou Kaiyuan Temple

The Great Treasure Hall

Tour Quanzhou Kaiyuan Temple

Plaque of the Great Treasure Hall

Tour Quanzhou Kaiyuan Temple

Five Buddhas

Tour Quanzhou Kaiyuan Temple

Flying Bucket Arch

There are 73 square lions and human-faced sphinx stone carvings at the waist of the main hall platform, which have the ancient Greek and Indian carving styles.

Tour Quanzhou Kaiyuan Temple


The back eaves corridor has a pair of Hindu hexagonal blazing rock columns.

Tour Quanzhou Kaiyuan Temple

Hexagonal glow green rock columns

Tour Quanzhou Kaiyuan Temple

There are a five-story octagonal imitation wooden stone pagoda on the left and right of the main hall, and the east pagoda is called the Zhenguo Pagoda, which was built in the second year of the Southern Song Dynasty Jiaxi to the tenth year of the Chun Dynasty, and took twelve years to complete. The pagoda is carved with 80 statues of Buddha, Bodhisattva, Arhat, Celestial Being, and High Monk, and 37 Buddhist scripture story pictures are carved at the waist of the Meru platform.

The name of the west pagoda is Renshou Pagoda, which is the same as the East Pagoda and was built during the Shaoding and Duanping years.

In the 32nd year of the Ming Dynasty, Quanzhou suddenly had a ten-magnitude earthquake, many people destroyed houses, the earthquake affected seven provinces such as Guangdong, Gansu and Zhejiang, and the eaves of the stone pagoda on the first floor were shaken down, and the rest were intact.

These two pagodas are the tallest surviving Stone Pagodas of the Song Dynasty on the mainland.

Tour Quanzhou Kaiyuan Temple

Song Dynasty Stone Pagoda (East Pagoda)

Tour Quanzhou Kaiyuan Temple


Tour Quanzhou Kaiyuan Temple


On the right side of the scripture building behind the Great Treasure Hall, there is a large incinerator.

Tour Quanzhou Kaiyuan Temple

Incinerator (I don't know what to use for incineration)