
How did I find a job I really enjoyed?

author:We all have sickness in our hearts
How did I find a job I really enjoyed?

Reader question follow-up: I asked questions before the graduate school, I wanted to help myself make a decision, but in fact, I knew that the best way at that time was to resign from the graduate school, but I lacked motivation and could not stick to it, and I did not know what I liked, and then I failed to study for graduate school, I had no strong motivation and no strong internal drive, and there was a feeling of being abandoned in the half year.

Then I gave up the path of being a teacher, and was introduced by a friend to the factory to do a job that was a little related to my profession, and the result was very unexpected, I liked it very much, and I was preparing to go abroad.

I really can't get a better school in China than my undergraduate, so I am ready to change my mind, and I also think about what I want to learn and what I want to do in the future, so I am very happy that I have worked hard to explore, and my future life is full of uncertainty, I like it.

How did I find a job I really enjoyed?

General Reply:

Sorry I don't remember which of your previous questions, anyway your follow-up is more important, as you concluded: hard to explore, tried, then the previous six months is not wasted.

Many people actually don't know what they like to do, so they will conservatively follow a relatively correct path to try, such as graduate school, examination, entering a large factory, and doing higher-paying careers, but also like you, because the heart is not really wanted, so the motivation is insufficient, it is difficult to stick to it, but it is more confused.

But even if the results are not satisfactory, I don't think this is waste and waste, at least in the process of clarifying what I don't like, what is not suitable, to fake the truth, but also to "de-fake" first.

And what you find out what you like, is not only by stopping to think, it needs to be discovered in action, which is also the most valuable place for me to think you, there is no rejection of the opportunity, there is no abandonment of action, change the vivid line of people, there will be new discoveries.

Sincerely wish you found what you like to do, with a new direction, I believe that your follow-up will also inspire many readers willing to try and explore, another expression of "life is full of uncertainty" is "life is full of possibilities".

I wish you the best of luck with your trip abroad! #Confused ##工作 #

General Guo, master of psychology from Beijing Normal University, national second-level psychological counselor, popular author of Han Han [ONE], author of the book works "For Yourself You Are Still a Stranger" and "The World Prefers Self-Healing and Self-Pleasure".

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