
wary! Five giant ships of the US military gathered at the doorstep of China's home to launch the "strongest demonstration" against China

author:DS North Wind

As we all know, in recent years, the United States has become more and more serious in its containment of China. Especially in the past 2021, the US military not only conducted frequent joint military exercises around China, but also deployed a number of warships around China. In addition, US reconnaissance planes have also frequently traveled to the South China Sea and the Taiwan Strait for reconnaissance.

wary! Five giant ships of the US military gathered at the doorstep of China's home to launch the "strongest demonstration" against China

According to the military trend of the United States in 2021, some experts predicted that before and after the Beijing Winter Olympics, the situation around China is bound to be more frequent.

Sure enough, as the time for the Beijing Winter Olympics approaches, the US military has already assembled 5 aircraft carriers and quasi-aircraft carriers on the doorstep of China, and the United States has launched the "strongest demonstration" against China.

According to previous reports, the US aircraft carrier strike group "Carl Vinson" quickly maneuvered into the South China Sea after leaving the port, and converged with the "Essex" amphibious alert group in the South China Sea.

wary! Five giant ships of the US military gathered at the doorstep of China's home to launch the "strongest demonstration" against China

Subsequently, the two U.S. fleets launched a joint exercise in the South China Sea, and according to the information released by the U.S. Navy, the aircraft carrier and amphibious assault ship carried out carrier-based aircraft take-off and landing training during the exercise.

After the exercise, the US aircraft carrier strike group has moved out of the South China Sea. But at the same time, the "American" amphibious guard group docked at the Japanese port of Sasebo had already begun its activities in the direction of the East China Sea.

According to previous sources, on January 16, the amphibious guard group had arrived in the waters near Okinawa. Okinawa is very close to the mainland Diaoyu Islands and Taiwan Islands, and the nearest distance is only 270 kilometers.

wary! Five giant ships of the US military gathered at the doorstep of China's home to launch the "strongest demonstration" against China

Although the US aircraft carrier strike group has left the South China Sea, the US military has deployed two amphibious guard groups around China, which is obviously ill-intentioned.

In addition, the USS Lincoln aircraft carrier strike group also departed from its home port for the Asia-Pacific region earlier this month. Although there was an accident at the beginning of the journey, the US military obviously had high hopes for the aircraft carrier strike group.

It is reported that the "Lincoln" is the second aircraft carrier of the US military to carry the F-35C carrier-based aircraft. According to the speed of the US aircraft carrier battle group, if the aircraft carrier does not participate in the joint exercise in the middle, it may reach China's vicinity during the Winter Olympics.

wary! Five giant ships of the US military gathered at the doorstep of China's home to launch the "strongest demonstration" against China

Prior to this, the USS Reagan, which the USS Reagan deployed in the Asia-Pacific region last year, is still docked at the port of Yokosuka in Japan. Although the carrier is currently under maintenance, it cannot participate in any combat missions.

However, with the concentration of 3 aircraft carriers + 2 quasi-aircraft carriers around China, its military activities are bound to become more frequent, and the threat to China will naturally increase.

Not only that, the US Navy recently released news that the "Nevada" nuclear submarine has also arrived at the Guam base. And the submarine came with a full load of nuclear bombs.

wary! Five giant ships of the US military gathered at the doorstep of China's home to launch the "strongest demonstration" against China

The U.S. military claimed that the nuclear submarine went to Guam to demonstrate the presence of the U.S. military in the Indo-Pacific region and strengthen stability in the Indo-Pacific region. But in fact, the outside world is very clear that the target of the US nuclear submarine is China.

Although it is unlikely that a direct conflict between China and the United States will break out at present, the US military's deployment of a large number of giant ships around China in a short period of time is enough to explain its wolf ambitions.

Moreover, just recently, the top level of the US military has also related the situation between Russia and Ukraine to China, saying that the United States must not make concessions to Russia, otherwise China will "gain inches" on the Taiwan issue.

wary! Five giant ships of the US military gathered at the doorstep of China's home to launch the "strongest demonstration" against China

It should be known that the nature of the Taiwan Strait issue and the Ukrainian issue is completely different, and the United States has linked the two in an obvious attempt to confuse the public opinion.

In order to hinder China's development, the United States has constantly talked about Taiwan and tried to "use Taiwan to control China." However, in recent years, China has become more powerful, and the US conspiracy is doomed to failure.

Still, we need to be more vigilant against the United States. According to expert analysis, if the United States plans to carry out frequent military activities around China during the Winter Olympics, the situation around China will be more dangerous than the 2016 South China Sea crisis.

wary! Five giant ships of the US military gathered at the doorstep of China's home to launch the "strongest demonstration" against China

Therefore, we must maintain a high degree of vigilance and at the same time raise the level of combat readiness of our army through actual combat exercises, so as to better protect national security. At the same time, we also advise the United States to stop provoking China, otherwise once it touches the bottom line, china is bound to carry out a very strong counterattack, and at that time, the United States will probably regret it and hope that the United States will do well.

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