
Just didn't wait

author:Collector Alliance

This novel is called "There's a Commissary by the Clouds."

One, a beautiful chapter

We slowly understand that some goodbyes are the last side.

Written to those who have left us, to those who accompany us, to the mountains and seas in everyone's heart.

Author: Zhang Jiajia

Just didn't wait

The summer vacation is almost over, and the summer vacation tuition is almost over.

Liu Shisan, carrying a leg of lamb, stood on the stone bridge, alone, and the sun gradually sank to the west.

He sat slowly low, his legs falling down the edge of the bridge, the clear river so shallow, his little shadow floating on the pebbles. He had long been accustomed to waiting.

What was waiting in this town, he never knew, just didn't wait.

Just didn't wait

Who is waiting for him today, he himself knows.

The little girl, who had been robbed by her for a summer vacation, did not come today.

It is still sad to be used to waiting, and it is still sad that you can't wait. That kind of sadness is called disappointment in the books. It wasn't until he grew up that he understood that there was even greater sadness, called despair.

Just didn't wait

Twilight slowly relented, and a women's bicycle sped down the Tanabe road. Liu Shi Thirteen stepped very hard, he wanted to ride faster, if he was faster, maybe he could catch up with something.

Dragging the leg of lamb with both hands, like carrying a green dragon crescent knife, Liu Thirteen walked into a room that had been renovated many times and faced a bar counter. Teacher Luo is purring at the bar to eat instant noodles, the CD is connected to the computer speaker, and the bleak song is played.

Teacher Luo looked up and saw Liu Shisan, his eyes turned to the leg of lamb, swallowed a mouthful of noodles with difficulty, and looked shocked: "Fuck you, who let you send the leg of lamb, how can I afford it?" Liu Thirteen did not speak.

Teacher Luo looked at his noodles and said, "I owe you a box of instant noodles, how about I check out next week?" Liu Thirteen did not speak.

Teacher Luo pushed the face and said despondently, "Divide your two mouths." ”

Liu Shi Thirteen said, "What about Cheng Shuang? ”

Teacher Luo said, "Her mother came today and picked her up. ”

Liu Shi Thirteen hesitated for a moment and said, "Is she sick?" ”

Teacher Luo looked at him and said, "Do you know something?" Liu Thirteen did not speak.

Teacher Luo squatted down, looked at Liu Shisan, held his arm, and said softly: "Last night I started a fever, and I informed her mother." She could only stay for two months, and the air in the landscape and water was clean, which might help. It was resigned to fate, at least this summer vacation was very happy, right? ”

Liu Shi Thirteen avoided her eyes, bowed his head, and said, "That looks like it won't come again." ”

Teacher Luo said, "When you are well, you will come." ”

Liu Shisan did not look up, because the tears suddenly fell, and the little boy's sadness fell to the ground one by one.

He didn't wipe his tears, picked up the leg of lamb, put it down against the bar, and handed Teacher Luo a note: "Teacher Luo, can you give it to her for me?" This is the recipe for braised lamb, which I interviewed my grandmother and wrote in great detail. Grandma said that lamb replenishes qi. ”

After saying that, Liu Thirteen turned around and left, because his tears kept flowing. Teacher Luo shouted at him, and also handed him a note, saying, "Cheng Shuang gave it to you." ”

Just didn't wait
Just didn't wait

Grilling fire – Episode 8