
People are "sick" in the way, and the lights are amiable

author:Beiqing Net
People are "sick" in the way, and the lights are amiable

◎ Ren Xiaoying

Until today, I understand that in fact, we have always been seriously loved by them

In the old days, illness was a thing that could be preached, so that family members could come to serve, friends could come to visit, and there was fruit and warm porridge in bed. Now, getting sick is a secret thing, afraid of family worries, afraid of colleagues panicking, contradictions whether to go to the hospital fever clinic, whether to do a nucleic acid test...

On Sunday, the weather was very cold, the body temperature was a little high at night, 37.4 degrees, my husband came back, touched my head, and he was a little entangled: "Your temperature is a little higher, I can't go to work tomorrow?" ”

One night groggy did not sleep well, always dreaming of his late father, hearing his distant footsteps, bending into the courtyard to blow his nose, coughing twice before entering the house, watching TV and drinking beer together.

I woke up and couldn't remember my father's face, even if I stared at his portrait on my phone for a while.

Memory is a way to meet each other, one day I forgot him, I guess I also began to be confused like my mother.

My husband's standard action is to help me collect the mobile phone in my hand, remove the cat's lump of flesh from my neck, and push the jade bracelet on my wrist down, so that I can sleep comfortably and warm my heart.

In the middle of the night, my son's body temperature was actually higher than mine, and his mentality was better than mine, while comforting me and saying that it was okay, he told me: "If it is still high tomorrow, you will help me shave my head." ”

Cover up again, after all, it is a child, he is still nervous.

To be honest, I can tolerate artists with such hair, but I have always been obsessed with the shape of my son's head. The barber only repaired the four weeks, and the middle cut was the same as no cut, and what was even more intolerable was that I actually found that the hairs on the top of my son's head were still cold and hot! For several nights I dreamed that I would sneak into my son's room and take a pusher over his head and give it two strokes, which was really cool.

However, my son took the initiative to say that he wanted to cut his hair, and he was quietly reading in his house, and there was no sound of muttering and playing games with his friends in the past, but I felt abnormal.

Waking up early, in the confusion, my lover took the temperature of both of us, said that my son and I were not on fire, and I immediately went to sleep again.

When I woke up again, I heard the sound of my in-laws arguing. The husband wore a pair of shorts and quietly walked to the restaurant, listened for a while, got back into the bed in a cold state, smiled and said, "Guess why they quarreled?" I said, "I don't know, I've blocked content for so many years, and I've only used this voice as a joke." ”

The husband learned the tone of two people.

Mom said: "I heard Ying Er say that today is the Old People's Day, I make breakfast, your father served rice, he only served his own and did not give me a meal, I am angry." ”

Dad said: "Your mother is full of food, she is obviously closer to the rice cooker than me, why do you have to let me serve her rice, they are all old people, she is sick!" ”

Quarrelsome couples can live to old age, which is really an old thing.

When I was sick, my whole world was at home. My husband put a little alkali in the porridge, sticky and delicious; my mother-in-law asked for warmth and treated me like a daughter; my mother boiled guiyuan egg brown sugar water for my husband to bring back; my father-in-law staggered to the vegetable market to buy wild crucian carp...

In the process of getting along day and night, you will examine whether you really know your son, whether you understand your parents, and whether you care about your lover as much as he does about yourself.

Because of the long time spent with the elderly recently, they quarrel, we will fight, we give way, the old man suddenly has a sense of existence, and the proud smile on his face is more than usual.

Suddenly they were all old, and I began to grow old and love to reminisce.

It's like going back to when I was a child, in my memories, my dilapidated home, the bustling streets, and the endless snow. Parents who can't express emotions, the feelings of our elders who we ignore, have not been understood until today: in fact, we have always been seriously loved by them.

Tonight at the dinner table, there were two people left with my husband and me, and I said, "Why is this leg deficient in calcium today, and as soon as I stand up, I will be numb. ”

My husband replied, "I wash the dishes"

The weather is getting colder every day, the cat and dog kennel sleeps at home, and I curl up on the couch reading a book. The jingling rhythm of washing dishes from the kitchen is very pleasant.

The neon lights outside the window flickered, like the taillights of a car shuttling through. I don't know if it was the eyes that looked at the flowers or had already been spent, the night, so gentle...