
The 9th Antian Network Security Winter Training Camp will kick off on January 24 and will unveil the network security science popularization workstation

author:Bright Net

The Cyberspace Threat Countermeasures and Defense Technology Seminar and the 9th Antian Cybersecurity Winter Training Camp will be held online from January 24 to 25. At that time, the event will be broadcast live through Guangming Network, NetEase, Security Cow, Digital Consulting, Security 419, Roar, Lei Feng Network, etc., and the official account of Bilibili Antian Technology and the official video number of Antian will also be broadcast live.

The 9th Antian Network Security Winter Training Camp will kick off on January 24 and will unveil the network security science popularization workstation

Focusing on actual operation, we will build a network security research platform

Since 2014, Under the guidance of the national authorities, Antian has held eight consecutive network security winter training camps under the guidance of "facing the actual threat and forming a value landing". According to the annual network security situation and training theme, a four-character camp language was set for each seminar, and the previous eight sessions were: "Winter is coming", "The north wind is rising", "Shuo snow is flying", "Ice peaks are standing", "Red Flag Is Rolling", "Iron Flow Battle", "Cold Night Expedition" and "Long Wisps to Be Exhibited". Since 2016, in order to make the topics and contents more focused, Antian has themed the seminar and decided to conduct each winter training camp around a core theme, namely: "support of intelligence, practice of tower defense", "effective protection, value output", "enemy situation is the premise, network security actual combat", "tactical situational awareness accusation active defense; coordinated response to hunting threat operation actual combat", "threat framework: cognition and practice" and "threat framework: fine-grained confrontation".

Antian Network Security Winter Training Camp is a meeting for Antey to report annual threat confrontation and R&D innovation progress to customers, experts and the industry, providing an important channel for industry experts to discuss threat evolution trends, capacity building directions and industrial cooperation, and after years of tempering, it has developed into a brand benchmark with a distinct northern atmosphere in the domestic network security industry, and also built a learning and exchange platform for network security practitioners and enthusiasts.

Focus on the three major plates and present multi-scenario research results

The Ninth Cyber Security Winter Training Camp, with "Chaotic Clouds Flying" as the camp language and "Resource Cost and Security Computing Power" as the theme, was initiated by the Cyberspace Administration of the Heilongjiang Provincial Party Committee, jointly sponsored by the Heilongjiang Provincial Science and Technology Department, the Provincial Public Security Department, the Provincial State Secrets Bureau and other departments and bureaus, guided by a number of national network security professional institutions, and undertaken by Antian United Local Government, China Network Security Industry Alliance and other relevant institutions, and relevant academicians and experts will deliver online speeches. Antian will also share the latest progress in threat analysis research, product research and development, defense system construction and security operations, and invite a number of well-known experts in the industry to share their experience and latest achievements.

This year's winter training camp has three major sections: security computing power, closed-loop operation, threat analysis and comprehensive security. The Safe Computing Power section covers topics such as analyzing the resource cost of security capacity building, discussing the dependence of security mechanisms on computing power, introducing how Antian responds to the computing power crisis, and releasing new progress on Antian's dedicated hardware. The Closed Loop Operations section shares how Anten and its industry colleagues can support customers in completing closed-loop operational responses in unified workloads, traditional endpoints, honeypot capture and intelligence production, WAF and business security, devSecOps, and more. The Threat Analysis and Comprehensive Security section includes Anten's analysis of APT attacks, mining activities, etc., as well as the latest achievements of industry experts in kernel security and other aspects.

Cross-platform diversified sharing of technology frontiers

Affected by the epidemic, the eighth network security winter training camp last year began to take the form of online live broadcast, and the first day of live broadcast set a record of 550,000 cumulative viewers. The 9th Cyber Security Winter Training Camp will continue to be broadcast live online. This year, there will not only be guangming network, netease, security cow, several world consulting, security 419, roar, Lei Feng network and other synchronous live broadcast, bilibili antian technology official account and antian official video number will also be broadcast live. At the same time, at the winter training camp activities, Antian will also jointly launch the "Network Security Science Popularization Workstation" with Guangming Network, and strive to create a new platform for the majority of netizens to obtain network security knowledge. (Reporter Li Mengzhu)

Videos related to previous winter training camps have been shared to the video number and Station B

Source: Guangming Network

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