
Oppose the import of food from the Fukushima nuclear disaster area The Taiwan Human Rights Association shouted: Taiwan is not a recycling bin

author:Overseas network


According to Taiwan's "Lianhe Pao" on January 18, the issue of food imports in Japan's Fukushima nuclear-disaster area is endlessly disputed in Taiwan, and the Taiwan Human Rights Association issued a statement pointing out that the health of the Taiwan people should be superior to the political interests of political parties, and opposes the import of Japanese Fukushima food in the black box by the DPP authorities.

The association said that after the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident in Japan, the radiation pollution problem has not been effectively improved, and the Japanese government's attitude is even more beggar-thy-neighbor, deciding to dilute nuclear wastewater into the sea from 2023, which has triggered international criticism.

The association pointed out that in particular, the drainage of Nuclear Sewage in Fukushima contains more radioactive and more radioactive materials than that of general nuclear power plants, which will bring extremely serious disasters to the ecology of the earth and human health.

In addition, observing the way the Japanese government deals with nuclear energy pollution, it can be seen that the safety interests of neighboring countries and regions are not taken into account as a priority, so Taiwan must not rashly rely on japan's official safety assurances for Fukushima foods.

The association said that there is no authoritative scientific evidence and research that can endorse and completely eliminate the risk of nuclear contamination of Japanese Fukushima food, and the DPP authorities and all political parties should take the health of the Taiwan people as the highest consideration, and if there are safety concerns, they should insist on banning the import of Taiwan. The DPP authorities must not contradict themselves, on the one hand opposing nuclear power generation, and on the other hand informing the public that food in nuclear-contaminated areas can be consumed.

The association said that the Taiwan authorities changed "nuclear food" to "lucky food" but covered their ears and could not change the threat of nuclear contaminated food to people's health, and would only make Taiwan a recycling bin for radioactive food.

The association called on Tsai Ing-wen to straighten her waist, protect Taiwan's rights and interests, and check the health of the people, and called on the Tsai authorities to listen to the will of the people, fully communicate with the people and respect the will of the people, and not to succumb to Japan's political pressure and make decisions that will harm the health of the people. (Taiwan Network Juanzi)