
cattle! University doctors achieve dual occurrence of Nature and Science

author:Bright Net

On January 12, Nature published a research paper from the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China. This paper is another major breakthrough in the field of quantum technology after the school won the first Science in 2019! The first author of the two top papers is the same person - Yang Chao, a 2016 doctoral student in materials science and engineering in the School of Electronic Science and Engineering.

At the end of 2019, Yang Chao published the school's first Science paper as the first author, which solved the problem of quantum metal state that has been unsolved for thirty years, and won many awards such as the "Top Ten Scientific and Technological Progress of Chinese Universities" in 2019 and the Special Prize for Excellent Papers at the First Sichuan-Chongqing Science and Technology Academic Conference.

Yang Chao also went to Stanford University, Brown University, University of Washington and other universities for academic exchanges and public academic reports. At that time, some students were looking forward to the school's second Nature magazine - Yang Chao, who was constantly seeking, did it, and in 2022, he ushered in his second top publication.

This Nature paper successfully broke through the limitations of the Fermid subsystem and induced a singular metallic state in the boson subsystem for the first time. (China Youth Daily, Zeta)

cattle! University doctors achieve dual occurrence of Nature and Science
cattle! University doctors achieve dual occurrence of Nature and Science
cattle! University doctors achieve dual occurrence of Nature and Science
cattle! University doctors achieve dual occurrence of Nature and Science
cattle! University doctors achieve dual occurrence of Nature and Science
cattle! University doctors achieve dual occurrence of Nature and Science
cattle! University doctors achieve dual occurrence of Nature and Science

Source: Daily Economic News