
masculine! masculine! It's this kind of thing again! Shenyang issued an emergency reminder

author:Bright Net

Shenyang Disease Control Emergency Reminder

In the early morning of January 16, 2022, Ningming County, Chongzuo City, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, found a case of new coronavirus initial screening positive in the routine nucleic acid test in The village of Libian Village, Aidian Town, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, a female, 51 years old, currently residing in Heping Avenue, Heping Street, Aidian Town, Ningming County, at noon on January 16, Chongzuo Cd-RON re-examined positive, and was diagnosed by the expert group as an asymptomatic infected person with new crown pneumonia (further notified as a confirmed case by the Guangxi Health Commission on January 17), and has now been transferred to the designated emergency treatment center in Pingxiang City for isolation and treatment.

At about 22:00 on January 16, 2022, the office of the headquarters for the prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia epidemic in Meizhou City, Guangdong Province, issued a notice saying that on January 16, Wuhua County, Meizhou City, found an asymptomatic covid-19 infection during the investigation of close contacts of the confirmed case in Zhuhai City. The whole genome of the virus was sequenced by the Guangdong Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention to infect the Aomi Kerong variant, which belongs to the same transmission chain as the epidemic situation in Zhuhai.

From 0:00 on January 17, 2022 to 15:00 on January 18, 2022, there were 2 new confirmed cases of local COVID-19 and 1 positive nucleic acid test in Beijing, of which 2 confirmed cases were in Haidian District and 1 case was positive for nucleic acid test in Chaoyang District.

At present, Ningming County of Chongzuo City, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Wuhua County of Meizhou City, Guangdong Province, Pingfang Township of Chaoyang District of Beijing Municipality, and Malianwa Street of Haidian District of Beijing have been listed as key control areas by our city; Chongzuo City of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and Meizhou City of Guangdong Province have been listed as key areas by our city; in addition, Shangdi Street of Haidian District of Beijing has been listed as a key control area by our city since January 15, Haidian District and Chaoyang District of Beijing Have been listed as key areas of our city on January 15; Ganjingzi District of Dalian City has canceled key control. Manage by region of focus.

At present, the international epidemic situation has always been at a high level, due to the frequent occurrence of local epidemics caused by the import of overseas epidemics, the emergence of new strains of Aomi Kerong has led to an extremely severe and complex situation in prevention and control, and all countries have paid close attention to the development of the epidemic situation, and must strictly strengthen the closed-loop management of inbound personnel and goods and relevant practitioners, implement various measures for epidemic prevention and control, achieve the same prevention of the character environment, make full use of the important role of nucleic acid testing in epidemic prevention and control, early and timely detection of the epidemic and rapid and effective blocking of the epidemic transmission channels, and external prevention of imports 3. Internal non-proliferation. In order to ensure the safety and health of the people, the Shenyang Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention urgently reminds the general public and friends:

1. Since January 1, 2022, there is a history of living in Ningming County, Chongzuo City, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, a history of living in Wuhua County, Meizhou City, Guangdong Province since January 11, 2022, a history of living in Pingfang Township, Chaoyang District, Beijing and a history of living in Malianwa Street, Haidian District, since January 2, 2022, and a history of living in Shangdi Street, Haidian District, Beijing since December 30, 2021, please take the initiative to report to the community (village) and work unit where the residence is located, and all centralized isolation medical observation will be implemented. The isolation period is 14 days after the arrival (return) of the shen, during which two nucleic acid tests are carried out.

2. Since January 1, 2022, there is a history of residence in Chongzuo City (except Ningming County) in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, a history of living in Meizhou City, Guangdong Province (except Wuhua County) since January 11, 2022, and a history of living in Haidian District of Beijing (except Shangdi Street and Malianwa Street), Chaoyang District (except Pingfang Township), and Changping District since December 30, 2021, please take the initiative to report to the community (village) and work unit where you live, and go to the nearby nucleic acid sampling point for a nucleic acid test as soon as possible , and according to the requirements of 14 days of health monitoring; in the process of going to nucleic acid sampling, personal protection should be done, avoid taking public transportation such as subways and buses, maintain a distance of one meter, and truthfully inform the travel history. Since January 9, 2022, shen personnel who have a history of living in Ganjingzi District of Dalian City will undergo one nucleic acid test and 14 days of health monitoring as required.

3. Foreign (returning) Shen personnel in the province need to hold a negative nucleic acid test certificate within 48 hours, take the initiative to report to the community (village), unit and hotel after arriving in Shen, and accept the nucleic acid test at the first time. After the recent return of citizens with a history of living in epidemic-related areas, please take the initiative to report to the community and actively cooperate with relevant departments to carry out nucleic acid testing, and at the same time do a good job of daily independent health monitoring, avoid participating in gathering activities and going to crowded places, if they do not report and do not implement relevant prevention and control measures, affecting the epidemic prevention and control work, they will be investigated for corresponding legal responsibilities according to law.

4. Do not leave Shen unless necessary, and do not go to areas that report local confirmed cases of new crown pneumonia and asymptomatic infected people. Insist on scanning codes in public places, continue to strengthen personal health protection, maintain safe social distancing, standardize the wearing of masks (especially when taking public transportation and activities in closed public places), wash hands frequently, ventilate frequently, do not gather together, do not gather, advocate a healthy lifestyle, and do not carry out gathering activities unnecessarily.

5. Safely receive express delivery. During the epidemic prevention and control period, citizens and friends should do a good job of personal protection when receiving express delivery, especially overseas logistics express, wear masks and disposable gloves, and recommend carrying a disinfectant spray can or paper towel with 75% alcohol or chlorine disinfectant (such as 84 disinfectant); after pickup, the express package should be sprayed and disinfected immediately, it is recommended to unseal it on the spot, do a good job of hand disinfection after unpacking and then take out the items, and properly handle the express packaging, try not to take the express packaging home When returning home after all is completed, you need to wash your hands under running water with soap or hand sanitizer or use hand sanitizer to clean and disinfect your hands, and do not wipe sweat with your hands or touch your eyes, nose and mouth before disinfection.

6. Take the initiative to vaccinate. Vaccination is the most economical and effective measure to prevent infectious diseases, and is of great significance for protecting susceptible people and effectively curbing the spread of diseases. In view of the severe current epidemic situation, children aged 3-11 who do not have contraindications to vaccination (accompanied by their guardians throughout the process, carry their vaccination certificates and ID cards or household registration books) and citizens and friends who meet the conditions for enhanced immunization, have not completed the full immunization process, and have not been vaccinated, take the initiative to complete vaccination at the nearby vaccination point as soon as possible and establish a national immunization barrier as soon as possible.

Beijing notification: the inside page of the document is positive for nucleic acid!

At about 6:00 a.m. on January 18, 2022, Beijing Shunyi Disease Control detected positive nucleic acid on the inside page of a company document in the Airport Building of Nanfaxin Town in the same batch of goods of positive international mail in haidian-positive cases.

The disease control department of Shunyi District quickly and strictly carried out relevant circulation adjustment, control, testing, and elimination. In order to ensure the safety and health of residents, the temporary control of the Airport Building in Nanfaxin Town has been carried out at about 9:00 a.m., and the staff in the building conduct nucleic acid testing on the spot, and environmental samples are collected for testing.

At present, it has been determined that 3 people have been closely contacted, 4 people have been closely contacted, and 26 high-risk personnel have been implemented, and corresponding control measures have been implemented; the nucleic acid test results of those who have come into contact with the document are negative. As of 14:00, 1070 people and 50 environmental samples in the building have been collected, and it is expected that the test results will be feedback at 20 o'clock, and the temporary control of the port building will be lifted after the negative nucleic acid test results of the personnel and the environment, and the final elimination.

Please do not panic, actively cooperate with the relevant epidemic prevention work, and the relevant follow-up situation will be reported in a timely manner.

masculine! masculine! It's this kind of thing again! Shenyang issued an emergency reminder

A cleaner, positive!

On January 18, Shenzhen found a confirmed case of new crown pneumonia in the routine testing of high-risk positions of international crew members stationed in the closed-loop management of hotels, and since the outbreak of the epidemic on January 7, a total of 18 cases have been reported.

On the afternoon of January 18, the Information Office of the Shenzhen Municipal Government held the twelfth press conference on the epidemic this year, and Lin Hancheng, the second-level inspector of the Shenzhen Municipal Health Commission, briefed on the progress of prevention and control.

masculine! masculine! It's this kind of thing again! Shenyang issued an emergency reminder

After the hotel cleaner finishes 14 days of closed loop work

Positive detected during isolation observation

Case 18

Female, 32 years old, cleaning staff of the hotel with international cabin crew. The past 14 days in a closed-loop management state, january 1 to 14 nucleic acid test "one check a day", the results are negative; January 14 shift to the isolation hotel centralized medical observation, nucleic acid test "two days a test", January 15 nucleic acid test is negative, January 17 initial screening positive, January 18 by the Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention review is also positive, has been transferred to the city's Third People's Hospital Emergency Hospital emergency hospital isolation treatment, diagnosed as a confirmed case of new crown pneumonia (ordinary type).

The case was in a closed-loop management state during the work period, the close contact personnel were his colleagues in closed-loop management, its gene sequencing and flow tracing work was underway, and the relevant places had implemented control and completed terminal disinfection.

Source: Shenyang Evening News