
Come and drink this cup

author:Walter Kan Zhengzhou

When Lao Wa was still a small tile and was still in junior high school, I once saw in the newspaper the music industry's critical articles on Hong Kong and Taiwan pop songs represented by "He Rijun Comes Again".

Although we are teenagers, we will mutter in our hearts: If we sing a few songs and listen to a few songs, the character and moral conduct of our teenagers will undergo major changes, and the bourgeoisie will be liberalized. Then these good songs, it's not songs, that's the shell gun, that's the carbine, that's the machine gun.

Machine guns hit rabbits, and rabbits wear leather hats.

Come and drink this cup

Later, I read Li Bai's famous poem "Will Enter the Wine" that has been passed down through the ages, and read that "life must be full of joy, do not make the golden bottle empty to the moon." Read "Five flowers and horses and thousands of gold, Hu'er will exchange for fine wine, and dispel all the ancient sorrows with Er". At that time, I felt that it had the same mood as Miss Teresa's "mesmerizing sound".

Miss Teresa Teresa is murmuring, persuading her intimate lover to "come and come, drink this cup and then say it", and the poetry immortal Li Bai has a kind of drunkenness in this day and night, which is not stingy with the dashing nature of tomorrow and the drunkenness.

Zhengzhou's words are that if you don't drink it, a drop will be white, and if you want to drink, you will drink it thoroughly.

Come and drink this cup

The "decent gentleman" will say that this is a decadent negative mentality of not thinking of making progress. People who live authentically and understand will say that this is called living in the present moment.

Live in the moment, cherish the happiness in front of you, cherish the people closest to you, and cherish every happy time when you get together.

"Hey, one more drink, let's dry." After parting this evening, He Rijun will come again. In the sweet and gentle singing voice of Miss Teresa Teng, Lao Wa tapped the keyboard and wrote this idle essay with no clear theme. It can also be regarded as a kind of written record of his state of mind at this time.

Miss Teresa's singing voice is a true natural sound.

Come and drink this cup

In 2021, we in Zhengzhou are generally having a hard time. And the various difficulties and ups and downs we encounter, we will hide deep in our hearts and do not need to say it as catharsis, more words will be lost, there is no need for that. We will look forward to the new 2022 with hope, hoping that we living in 2022 will be able to do everything smoothly with each other and get out of the predicament as soon as possible and go to a smooth road.

Take a sharp turn and tell two little stories.

Friends are doing business in other places, and daily friendships need to invite people to dinner. A friend moved a box of Eight Generations of Wuliangye to the restaurant and found a few friends who could drink as accompaniment.

The invited person came to the scene to sit down, saw that the arrangement was Wuliangye, and immediately showed a look of displeasure, saying that he had a toothache and that he would not be able to drink wine tonight.

Come and drink this cup

When my friend looked at this situation, he understood that it was a bad dish. The person who was invited was not happy because he did not take Maotai. But this is the daily friendship bureau, and there is no specific request for trust, a box of Moutai small price of twenty thousand, it is really painful to buy. My friend hesitantly said that I still have a box of platinum blue man sauce on the car, that is, the grade is a little low, or move over to taste.

The person who was invited covered his cheeks and said, "Yes, it is okay, then try it."

As a result, a box of Han sauce dried up, and the guests and hosts returned with fun.

Come and drink this cup

I said to my friend that I can summarize this matter as follows:

First of all, the goods do not understand wine. Leaving aside the classification of the fragrant sauce, in the classification of the wine body, Wuliangye can be compared to Audi A8, Platinum Han Sauce can be compared to Audi A4, and there is an Audi A6-like wine in the middle. Which wine is equivalent to Audi A6, Maohan sauce.

In addition, this shows that soy sauce wine has completely domesticated the drinking taste of some people. Non-sauce and no drinking have become a realistic consumption scene.

Finally, isn't there a number in the heart of the goods? Why don't you want to drink thatch if you don't have anything, it's really a shameless ugly face.

Come and drink this cup

Another thing happened in a certain unit.

A certain cadre usually has a taciturn personality and a style of indisputable style with the world. But this brother has a killer skill, that is, once he drinks a lot of wine, he immediately has a great change of personality, and what he is best at is to stand at the door of the unit and scold a hand. From the greetings of the ancestors of the first leader to the relatives of the first hand, the words are bright and hot, and new words are endless. The colleagues were stunned and did not dare to persuade them, but they were secretly happy in their hearts, thinking that they had scolded everyone's voice.

After waking up drunk, the cadre found a leader to sincerely apologize and cry. When the leader can only helplessly accept the apology, otherwise it will appear that he is not very tolerant.

A few months later, the cadre drank again and continued to stand at the door of the unit and scold a hand. This scene of cursing the street is repeated and not exhausted.

Come and drink this cup

The friend who told me about this was counted, saying that this buddy had already scolded at least three of the leaders, and the scolding was really enjoyable, hahahahaha.

The laughter of friends is very refreshing.

Do you think there will be an advertisement for a certain sauce wine at this time? Oh, not really.

Just this, goodbye, next time.