
Miscellaneous: High-scoring movie "Strange Feast"

author:Poisonous mouth belly black small fresh

Xiaobian just finished watching this movie in less than ten minutes to write a reflection, quickly say that Xiaobian does not love you very much! be! So let's get down to the point and talk about the old but high-rated thriller and comedy movie "Strange Feast", which was released in 1976.

Miscellaneous: High-scoring movie "Strange Feast"
Miscellaneous: High-scoring movie "Strange Feast"

To be honest, xiaobian watched this movie confused, but this may be the charm of this movie, as a comedy does not have to delve so deeply into the plot, but the plot of this drama is arranged very wonderfully, it can be said that everywhere is full of suspense, and the climax of the film is in the ending of the five detectives guessed the ending, five people guessed five criminals, but the final ending tells us that they guessed wrong, or only guessed part of it.

Miscellaneous: High-scoring movie "Strange Feast"
Miscellaneous: High-scoring movie "Strange Feast"

Xiaobian feels that this ending is an ending that makes people have countless speculations, maybe the last faceless kitchen lady is Mr. Shuang's daughter Rita, she killed everyone to make the detectives think that this is just an innings, so it can be justified in inheriting the inheritance. Maybe from the beginning to the end of the housekeeper, the kitchen lady, the double are all a person pretending, but please forgive the small editor IQ is not online, can not guess what the relationship is.

Miscellaneous: High-scoring movie "Strange Feast"

So as an audience member, can you tell the editor what the real ending is? Xiaobian left a question for everyone, who are the five ironic detectives?