
Really powerful people have strong self-control, how to self-control, please master the three cognition first, people are the product of consciousness, your fate is their own choice of the second, control consciousness, I am destined by my own day Third, positive feedback, self-control of the continuous engine

author:Tang Ruoxinxue
Really powerful people have strong self-control, how to self-control, please master the three cognition first, people are the product of consciousness, your fate is their own choice of the second, control consciousness, I am destined by my own day Third, positive feedback, self-control of the continuous engine

Text/Tang Ruo

Tang Ruoxin learns original works, and those who violate them will be investigated

In life, you will find that really powerful people, they have a strong commonality, do not think wildly, but have a strong self-control.

This kind of self-control is the root of life becoming stronger, and it is also the root of the self becoming stronger. If we want to become powerful, learn self-control and get rid of wild thoughts, so that you can understand the fate of the self.

If we want to get rid of our wild thoughts and have strong self-control, we should master three deep cognitions.

Really powerful people have strong self-control, how to self-control, please master the three cognition first, people are the product of consciousness, your fate is their own choice of the second, control consciousness, I am destined by my own day Third, positive feedback, self-control of the continuous engine

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="8" > first, people are the product of consciousness, and your destiny is chosen by yourself </h1>

We may all have heard a saying, one thought of heaven, one thought of hell. Wang Yangming's emphasis on mind is that there is nothing outside the mind, in fact, how everyone's life destiny is generated by our own consciousness.

Consciousness determines the way we behave and determines our personal growth. If we want to be in control of ourselves, we need to have a deep understanding that we as individuals are the product of consciousness.

What kind of consciousness you have, what kind of destiny you will have. Psychologist Adler once told you that your fate is chosen by yourself.

Everyone's fate is closely related to their own consciousness, carefully examine your life, you will find that why you have come to the present, is closely related to your inner consciousness, behind the choice is actually the manifestation of all our subconscious. If we want to become self-controlled, we must be well versed in this higher level of cognition.

Really powerful people have strong self-control, how to self-control, please master the three cognition first, people are the product of consciousness, your fate is their own choice of the second, control consciousness, I am destined by my own day Third, positive feedback, self-control of the continuous engine

When you understand that fate is chosen by yourself, you may understand that studying what kind of consciousness you have will find out what kind of fate you have.

Often at this time, we can understand and master our own destiny, and we can grasp the underlying essence of our destiny. A good life is to see that the subconscious mind is shaping and influencing us, so that you can slowly get rid of the influence of the subconscious mind on the self.

The subconscious mind is often divided into the positive subconscious and the negative subconscious. The positive subconscious will inject continuous energy into our lives, while the negative subconscious mind will deprive us of our own vitality and make us more and more narrow-minded.

If we want to do a good job of self-control, we must first learn to pay attention to our own consciousness, when you understand the impact of consciousness on people, you may understand how you got to where you are now.

For more articles on self-growth and self-improvement, you can follow my column, from the mentality, thinking, habits, relationships, cognition and other dimensions to help you rebuild your inner strong self in a complex jungle world.

Really powerful people have strong self-control, how to self-control, please master the three cognition first, people are the product of consciousness, your fate is their own choice of the second, control consciousness, I am destined by my own day Third, positive feedback, self-control of the continuous engine

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="47" > second, control consciousness, I am destined by my own heaven </h1>

If you want to take control of your own destiny, you have to make active choices. Taoists have always emphasized a sentence, my life is up to me.

In a certain way, if we want to control life and destiny, we must enter positive consciousness and positive thoughts.

In fact, the energy of each thought is different, and the effects on our bodies are also different. There is a Doctor in the United States who once studied people in different emotional energies, and the results are very different.

If a person belongs to negative emotions and negative energy for a long time, then our energy is also relatively low.

In a low-energy state, not only is it not helpful for our self-growth, but it cannot help us grow on our own, but on the contrary, it will consume our willpower and make us lose control of our own destiny like Lin Daiyu.

Really powerful people have strong self-control, how to self-control, please master the three cognition first, people are the product of consciousness, your fate is their own choice of the second, control consciousness, I am destined by my own day Third, positive feedback, self-control of the continuous engine

Positive consciousness, on the other hand, tends to have high energy, can often break through our inner limitations, and can help us become enlightened and see more of the sights and gifts of life.

So if we want to become self-controlled, we must learn to grasp our own consciousness and be aware of our own consciousness, and what consciousness you have entered at this time.

When you understand the importance that consciousness brings to you, you may understand that strong people will choose to take the initiative to control consciousness, even if they fall into negative emotions, they will also actively guide themselves to jump out, and use positive consciousness to guide themselves, so as to get out of the trough and embrace a better landscape.

"Demon Boy Nezha" tells that even if the magic child Nezha is placed in the body, because of the inner awakening and cognition, he also actively chooses to protect Cangsheng and Society, and finally wins the salvation of himself.

In fact, we need to be aware of our own thoughts, and to shape our lives with positive thoughts will bring more good luck.

Really powerful people have strong self-control, how to self-control, please master the three cognition first, people are the product of consciousness, your fate is their own choice of the second, control consciousness, I am destined by my own day Third, positive feedback, self-control of the continuous engine

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="49" > third, positive feedback, self-controlled continuous engine </h1>

A person's self-control comes from our perception of self-awareness, and even more from our choice of consciousness. When we are able to do these two steps, it often means that you are already strong enough inside.

At this time, if you want to control yourself and make yourself more and more powerful, remember to be positive feedback. In life, you will find that people who are truly self-controlled, they are not born with self-control, and the reason why they can control themselves is very much related to the feedback we receive.

Psychologists once told stories of marshmallow experiments in which a group of children were told that if they were willing to wait half an hour, they would have an extra marshmallow. And the child just happens to be because of a marshmallow reward so he actively waits.

Similarly, if we want to be self-controlling, we must also know how to give positive feedback and positive rewards, and know how to affirm ourselves.

Really powerful people have strong self-control, how to self-control, please master the three cognition first, people are the product of consciousness, your fate is their own choice of the second, control consciousness, I am destined by my own day Third, positive feedback, self-control of the continuous engine

When you realize the transformation that positive thoughts bring to your life, you will be more willing to choose positive thoughts, and slowly your brain will undergo long-term training, and you will turn positive beliefs and consciousness into your habits.

Learning positive feedback is a very important way for us to build self-control. Know that the world needs positive feedback for everything it does, and the persistence without positive feedback is often not long-lasting.

Just as unrequited love cannot make two people determine a good relationship, only two-way feelings have this foundation. If we want to exercise self-control, we must know how to positively reward ourselves, and by actively rewarding ourselves to see the transformation of ourselves, you will usher in greater good luck.

Truly powerful self-control is always interlocked, and if we want to exercise self-control, we need to control the cognition of these three advanced subconsciouses, which is what determines our strength.

Today's topic: How do you think you can self-control, welcome to discuss and communicate.

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