
wary! Don't try the "boyfriend/girlfriend of the day" experience service

author:Qitaihe Procuratorate


Rise among young people

"One Day Lover" experience service

Just spend the money

Can hire a "boyfriend/girlfriend for a day"

Eat, play, and chat

On some short video platforms

This kind of video is highly recommended

wary! Don't try the "boyfriend/girlfriend of the day" experience service

One-day lover, clearly marked price

wary! Don't try the "boyfriend/girlfriend of the day" experience service

"One Day Lover" is a new type of companionship experience, from online chat, shopping and taking photos, to holding hands to eat and even "overnight", all of which are clearly marked.

Spend a few tens of dollars to hear the gentle call of the rental lover on the phone, and spend hundreds of dollars to have a day exclusive to your intimate lover. Eat, hold hands, hug, all love patterns can be clearly marked price: warm male type, hegemonic type, milk dog type, all kinds of boyfriends for you to choose, and can provide package day, package week, package month and other services. Some "one-day lovers" are also associated with the most popular "blind box" nowadays, which can arouse the curiosity of some single women.

wary! Don't try the "boyfriend/girlfriend of the day" experience service

The "One Day Lovers" service is not easy to search for directly. Online, many entries for "one-day lovers" services have been disguised. Some stores operate services such as sleepover, text chat, virtual lovers, sentiment analysis, wake-up chat, etc., with monthly sales of more than 3,000; offline, some physical stores called "deacons board game experience" that provide customers with board games or video game teaching assistant services "male deacons" actually play the role of "one-day lovers".

wary! Don't try the "boyfriend/girlfriend of the day" experience service
wary! Don't try the "boyfriend/girlfriend of the day" experience service

Gray areas, legal risks

wary! Don't try the "boyfriend/girlfriend of the day" experience service

The emotional experience of "one-day lover" accurately hits the social needs of contemporary youth. However, this virtual relationship experience service has many legal problems.

wary! Don't try the "boyfriend/girlfriend of the day" experience service

Problem 1: The identity of "lovers" is difficult to guarantee

Media undercover interviews found that although some "one-day lover" shops stipulate that applicants are not allowed to use online pictures to impersonate their real photos, they often "turn a blind eye". This has led to information asymmetry between the two parties to the lease, and customers who purchase services are very likely to encounter "cheating" with poor quality, unclear identity and even poor character, infringing on the rights and interests of consumers.

wary! Don't try the "boyfriend/girlfriend of the day" experience service
wary! Don't try the "boyfriend/girlfriend of the day" experience service

Question 2: There are doubts about the validity of the contract between the parties

Before the "one-day lover" experience, the two parties to the lease establish an agreement similar to a labor contract, the renter pays remuneration, and the boyfriend or girlfriend provides chat, companionship and other services. However, there are great legal risks in the legal validity of lease contracts.

According to the law of our country, a person cannot be a rental object. If the two parties agree that one party will assume a special role conditionally and for a period of time, it will constitute a consumer service contract relationship or an employment contract relationship, but the content cannot contain matters and sexual transactions that are contrary to public order and good customs, otherwise the contract will be invalid at worst, or it will constitute prostitution and will be punished by the administration of public security.

wary! Don't try the "boyfriend/girlfriend of the day" experience service
wary! Don't try the "boyfriend/girlfriend of the day" experience service

Problem three: The scale of private relationship services is difficult to control

There is a phenomenon of "talking about ambiguous content" and even "staying overnight" in the "one-day lover" service, which is very easy to become a new breeding ground for illegal crimes such as pornography trading. Once such love services are exploited by criminals, the sex trade will disguise itself as a daily lover and pass the market, escaping legal supervision and sanctions. In addition, in the process of simulating intimate love behavior, there is a lack of supervision and management of a third party, which is very prone to sexual crimes and economic fraud, and the rights and interests of women and minors are difficult to protect.

The first paragraph of article 66 of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Public Security Administration Punishments stipulates: Whoever engages in prostitution or prostitutes shall be detained for not less than 10 days but not more than 15 days and may also be fined not more than 5,000 yuan; if the circumstances are less serious, he shall be detained for not more than 5 days or fined not more than 500 yuan.

However, there are two "key points" in the determination of the above facts, one is the occurrence of monetary transactions, and the other is the occurrence of improper sexual relations. Although there are obvious money transactions in "one-day lovers", as long as there is no evidence that they have a relationship, they cannot be included in the management. "One-day lovers" are on the edge of the law, there is a huge gray space and regulatory blind spots, and it is easy to breed illegal and criminal acts.

wary! Don't try the "boyfriend/girlfriend of the day" experience service

Regulation must be strengthened

wary! Don't try the "boyfriend/girlfriend of the day" experience service

In order to avoid the "one-day lover" from becoming an ambiguous trap, the rental experience becomes a hotbed of the sex trade, affecting social order and public order and good customs, and the legal supervision of such services must be strengthened.

On the one hand, platforms and service providers must abide by laws and regulations, and cannot "carry private goods" in the name of tenants and touch legal and moral red lines. The platform party shall fulfill its reasonable review obligations and resolutely crack down on illegal crimes such as pornography, pornography-related transactions, juvenile crimes, fraud, and privacy violations. Service providers and platforms also need to strictly control service content and qualifications to avoid providing a hotbed for illegal crimes.

On the other hand, the emergence of the demand for virtual romantic relationship experience also reminds us to attach importance to and strengthen the correct guidance of young people's concept of marriage and love. Young people should try to break out of social barriers and establish healthy and authentic intimate relationships.

Precautions in advance are better than relief after the fact

The majority of young people should polish their eyes

Don't indulge in fake relationships

So as not to lose money due to a momentary curiosity

wary! Don't try the "boyfriend/girlfriend of the day" experience service

Source: Suzhou Pufa