
The forces of the CSA were completely withdrawn from Kazakhstan

According to a report by russia's TASS news agency on January 19, according to the orders of Russian Defense Minister Shoigu, General Serdyukov, commander of the Chi'an organization peacekeeping force and commander of the Russian Airborne Army, led all the remaining officers and men of the peacekeeping force to evacuate Kazakhstan by 4 planes. Subsequently, the Kazakh Ministry of Defense confirmed that all CSA peacekeeping forces had withdrawn from Kazakhstan on the same day.

The forces of the CSA were completely withdrawn from Kazakhstan

Kazakh soldiers bid farewell to Russian General Serdyukov at Almaty airport (russian defense ministry video screenshot)

Tass reported on January 19 that the last batch of Russian peacekeepers had left the Kazakh capital Nur-Sultan and Almaty on four different planes. General Andrei Serdyukov, commander of the CIAN peacekeeping forces and commander of the Russian Airborne Forces, left in Almaty on a Russian Tu-154 passenger plane, and the other troops completed their evacuation in Il-76 transport aircraft. Subsequently, Huseinov, director of the Department of International Cooperation of the Ministry of Defense of Kazakhstan, announced that all foreign troops had withdrawn.

On 6 January, at the request of President Tokayev of Kazakhstan, the Chairman of the Committee on Collective Security Organizations and Prime Minister Pashinyan of Armenia issued an order for Russia, Belarus, Armenia, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan to mobilize troops to Kazakhstan for peacekeeping missions. No more than 12 hours elapsed from the issuance of the order to the departure of the first Russian Airs-Space Force An-124 transport aircraft.

The forces of the CSA were completely withdrawn from Kazakhstan

General Serdyukov, commander of the CIAN organization and commander of the Russian Airborne Army, delivered a speech at Almaty International Airport before leaving (video screenshot of the Russian Ministry of Defense)

On 11 January, Tokayev spoke highly of the implementation of the peacekeeping mission of the CSOS troops, announcing in his speech on the same day that the CSA troops would begin to withdraw one after another in two days, and the total withdrawal would not exceed 10 days. On the 13th, the Russian army began to withdraw from Kazakhstan one after another, and on the same day, Russian Defense Minister Shoigu mentioned in his report to Putin that the withdrawal of all the troops of the security organization will be completed on the 19th.

Beginning on the 13th, the Russian army mobilized Il-76 and An-124 transport aircraft to withdraw the troops of the security organization from Kazakhstan one after another. Among them, Armenian, Belarusian, and Tajikistan troops were evacuated by Russian military transport aircraft, and Kyrgyzstan troops returned to their own garrisons by land in their own BTR-80 armored personnel carriers, Chinese-made "Dajiang" off-road vehicles, and Dongfeng military trucks.

The forces of the CSA were completely withdrawn from Kazakhstan

Russian An-124 transport aircraft previously withdrew Russian peacekeeping troops (Russian Defense Ministry video screenshot)

When the last Russian Il-76 transport aircraft left Kazakhstan on January 19, peacekeepers operated in Kazakhstan for a total of 13 days. During the peak period of peacekeeping missions, the military transport aviation unit of the Russian Air and Space Force completed an average of more than 20 flights per day, and a total of more than 2,000 peacekeepers and 250 vehicles and weapons of various types were dropped into the territory of Kazakhstan.

As of the 19th, the Military and Police of Kazakhstan are still carrying out anti-terrorism tasks in the country, of which the streets of Almaty are still blocked, and the risk level has been raised and various control measures have been strengthened. In the city of Almaty, more than 2,000 suspects have been arrested, and the number of people arrested by the Kazakh military and police in the anti-terrorism operation throughout Kazakhstan has totaled more than 10,000.

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