
When 7 princes turn into 7 dwarfs

When 7 princes turn into 7 dwarfs

Red Shoes and the Seven Dwarfs is an animated film written and directed by director Song Haohong, with the protagonist Snow White voiced by super-killer Colo Moritz. The story is set on a fairy tale island full of magic witches, monsters, princesses, and princes

When 7 princes turn into 7 dwarfs

Seven handsome and brave princes defeated the dragon and rescued the fairy princess who looked like a witch, and the warriors beat the princess unceremoniously.

When 7 princes turn into 7 dwarfs

The angry princess cursed the warriors, turning them into dwarfs, who in the eyes of others were all huge green dwarfs, and the only way to lift the curse was to get a kiss from the most beautiful woman in the world. (That's right, snow white)

When 7 princes turn into 7 dwarfs

A year later, in a certain country, the dying queen who could magically walked to the red apple tree and cast a spell, trying to turn the apple into a pair of red shoes that could make youth stay forever, and the effect lasted only for a while, and the queen left disappointed.

When 7 princes turn into 7 dwarfs

Snow White secretly ran in to find the diary left by the king, the diary tells that many years ago, when Snow White's birthday, the soldiers brought a woman suspected of being a witch, the king fell in love at first sight, married the woman, that is, the current queen, the queen brought a mirror, and successively turned the people around the king away, the king worried about the safety of the white snow sent the snow away, the diary recorded that if one day the snow saw this diary, let her go to find 7 warriors, and reminded the snow not to go near the apple tree, This version of Snow White is still quite blessed.

When 7 princes turn into 7 dwarfs

Driven by curiosity, Snow Touched the Apple, a red light, Snow turned into a big beauty, and the Queen was furious to catch Snow White

When 7 princes turn into 7 dwarfs

The princess successfully escaped riding a magic broomstick, the apple tree without apples withered in an instant, and the angry queen found the magic mirror to find the snow. The magic mirror suggested that the queen recruit a hunter to deal with the white snow, at this moment the 7 warriors who turned into 7 dwarfs were thinking about how to lift the curse, just happened to encounter the snow flying overhead, the hungry white snow ran into the dwarf's house to find food, the dwarves mistakenly thought it was a witch, broke the door and prepared to catch the snow, when pushing the door in, the 6 dwarfs were dumped by the appearance of the white snow, and then the snow was smashed by the 7th dwarf who took the detour.

When 7 princes turn into 7 dwarfs

Waking up, Snow unbelievably finds herself skinny into lightning, and Snow hides herself as a princess and calls herself Red Shoes. When the Seven Dwarfs introduce themselves, Snow Discovers that their names are the names of the Seven Warriors she was looking for. The seven dwarfs promise to help Snow find their father, while also hoping that Snow will lift their curse.

On the other side, the mediocre prince of the next kingdom has a headache without the princess attending his birthday party, the mermaid princess has no time to do hot wax to remove leg hair, Sleeping Beauty has to go to a doctor to treat insomnia, and the long-haired prince writes books. The prince was particularly unkind and felt unwelcome, at this time the queen came to the door to seduce the prince and let the prince invite Bai Xue.

When 7 princes turn into 7 dwarfs

Readers are recommended to continue watching the follow-up plot.

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